荒漠植物群落中植株大小不整齐性(a, b)及利用双层“影响域”模型模拟植物种群动态(c)
Figure 1.Conceptual diagram of the two-layer ZOI model.
Figure 2.Log response ratio of shoot, root, and shoot+root interactions (lnRRshoot, lnRRroot, and lnRRshoot+root, respectively) and size inequality (coefficient of variation of biomass) under completely-asymmetric shoot competition (bshoot = ∞) and completely-symmetric root competition (broot = 0) along a non-resource stress gradient. NF refers to simulations without facilitation, Fshoot, Froot, and Fshoot+root quantify facilitation contributed by shoot, root, and both parts, respectively. Each data point represents the mean over three replicates.
Figure 3. Log response ratio of shoot, root, and shoot+root interactions (lnRRshoot, lnRRroot, and lnRRshoot+root, respectively) and size inequality (coefficient of variation of biomass) under completely-asymmetric shoot competition (bshoot = ∞) and size-symmetric root competition (broot = 1) along a non-resource stress gradient. NF refers to simulations in the absence of facilitation, Fshoot, Froot, and Fshoot+root quantify facilitation contributed by shoot, root, and both parts, respectively. Each data point represents the mean over three replicates.
该项研究依托宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地生态系统国家定位观测研究站开展,研究结果于2024年11月4日在线发表于国际期刊《Plant and Soil》,论文第一作者为贾昕教授,通信作者为中国农业大学张炜平副教授。研究得到多项国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金和第三次新疆综合科学考察项目的资助。
Jia X(贾昕), Zhang W-P(张炜平) (2024) Shoot facilitation contributes more than root facilitation to plant size inequality under environmental stress: theoretical insights from a two-layer zone-of-influence model. - Plant Soil. 10.1007/s11104-024-07056-0.
Jia X(贾昕), Dai XF, Shen ZX, Zhang JY, Wang GX (2011) Facilitation can maintain clustered spatial pattern of plant populations during density-dependent mortality: insights from a zone-of-influence model. - Oikos 120: 472-480.
Zhang WP(张炜平), Jia X(贾昕),Damgaard C, Morris C, Bai YY, Pan S, Wang GX (2013) The Interplay between above- and below-ground plant-plant interactions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layer zone-of-influence models. - Oikos 122: 1147-1156.
Zhang WP(张炜平), Jia X(贾昕), Wang GX (2017) Facilitation among plants can accelerate density-dependent mortality and steepen self-thinning lines in stressful environments. - Oikos 126: 1197-1207.
张炜平, 潘莎, 贾昕, 储诚进, 肖洒, 林玥, 白燕远, 王根轩, 2013. 植物间正相互作用对种群动态和群落结构的影响:基于个体模型的研究进展. 植物生态学报 37, 571-582.