欧盟的ec 261条约,我2023年6月经历了。
EU air passenger rights apply:
If your flight is within the EU and is operated either by an EU or a non-EU airline
If your flight arrives in the EU from outside the EU and is operated by an EU airline
If your flight departs from the EU to a non-EU country operated by an EU or a non-EU airline
If you have not already received benefits (compensation, re-routing, assistance from the airline) for flight related problems for this journey under the relevant law of a non-EU country.
Travelling from the UK to an EU country
From 1 January 2021, EU rules on air passenger rights do not apply to cases of denied boarding, cancellations or delays to flights from the UK to the EU if your flight was operated by a UK carrier or another non-EU carrier, even if you booked your flight before this date. However, EU rules continue to apply from 1 January 2021 if your flight from the UK to the EU was operated by an EU carrier, unless you have already received compensation or benefits under UK law.
EU means the 27 EU countries, EU rules also apply to flights to and from Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
在上海的机场时,我就开始研究这个瑞士航空符不符合资格。因为我知道瑞士不是欧盟,所以这个界定,我当时特地查找了下。研究下来,瑞士航空是EU航空,瑞士本身包含在了EU 261条例里。所以我符合ec261的赔偿条件。但是如果我坐土豪航空从中东直飞葡萄牙厌恶,那么就不符合。如果反方向,从欧盟飞到欧盟外,那么土豪、土耳其航空、首都航空,如果延误严重或者取消航班,那么都适用的。
这时候我搜索理赔信息,当然是看到了那种帮乘客维权、拿中介费的广告,于是点开airhelp.com。发现提交流程非常简易,我应该可以拿1200欧,他们提成35%,如果赔付成功,我可以拿到780欧。我7月23日在air help填写的理赔申请,8月23日收到信息说瑞航同意赔付;8月28日,780欧打入了我的账户。就是如此轻松简单。