SAPA 2024 年度夏日野餐会精彩回顾

健康   2024-09-03 00:00   美国  


8月25日,美中药协(SAPA)在新泽西州Raritan河畔的Johnson Park举办了2024年度夏日野餐会。本次活动吸引了超过130位SAPA会员、志愿者及其家属和朋友的积极参与。此次聚会不仅为与会者提供了轻松社交的机会,也为促进会员间的专业交流搭建了平台。在阳光灿烂、微风和煦的下午,大家一边愉快地享受户外活动和美食,一边探讨行业发展前景及当前的挑战。此次野餐会为即将到来的2024年SAPA年会 (9/27-9/28) 营造了良好的氛围,与会者满怀期待,共同展望未来在医药和生命科学领域的更多合作与进步。

On August 25th, the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SAPA) hosted its annual summer picnic at Johnson Park, New Jersey. The event gathered over 130 members, volunteers, and their families, offering a relaxed social setting while fostering professional exchanges. Attendees enjoyed outdoor activities and gourmet food under the sunny, breezy afternoon, discussing industry developments and challenges. The picnic set the stage for the upcoming 2024 SAPA Annual Conference (9/27-9/28), with participants looking forward to future collaborations in the pharmaceutical and life sciences fields.

Opening Remarks

The SAPA summer picnic began with a speech by SAPA President Dr. Jack Wu, welcoming all attendees. Event organizers Dr. Zhou Yu and Dr. Jerry Li thanked the volunteers and attendees for their participation, emphasizing the importance of this annual tradition. Dr. Wu also previewed the upcoming SAPA Annual Conference on September 27-28, encouraging everyone to review the details.

Two candidates for the 2025-2026 SAPA Presidency, Dr. Wei Ding and Dr. Jerry Li, discussed the organization’s role in career development for Chinese professionals in the U.S. Dr. Li stressed the importance of volunteer involvement and encouraged them to consider future leadership roles. SAPA President-elect Dr. David Cragin concluded by praising the volunteers as the backbone of SAPA and expressed his anticipation for the upcoming Annual Conference.

Jack Wu, SAPA President

Zhou Yu, 2024 SAPA Picnic Co-Chair

Jerry Li, 2024-2025 SAPA President-Elect Candidate

Wei Ding, 2024-2025 SAPA President-Elect Candidate

David Cragin, SAPA President-Elect

Highlights of Happy Moments

At the Picnic, SAPA members mingled, enjoying a variety of food, including barbecue, Chinese dishes, lamb skewers, and snacks. Conversations flowed under the park's shade, while children and dogs played on the lawns. The SAPA summer picnic focused on fun and relaxation, with shared enjoyment among all attendees.

Culinary Delights

Pics of food and attendees

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Event Conclusion

The 2024 SAPA summer picnic was a success, drawing many participants and strengthening the SAPA community. For those who couldn’t attend, we hope to see you next time! A big thank you to all members, volunteers, and friends for making it memorable. Wishing everyone a wonderful rest of the summer and looking forward to reconnecting at future events.


美中医药开发协会(Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association,简称SAPA) 成立于1993年,总部设在美国东部的药谷-新泽西州。SAPA自成立以来发展迅速,目前在美国和中国共有七个分会及6000多名会员,是美国最活跃的全国性华人专业协会之一。SAPA的会员主要来自美国大中型制药公司及生物技术公司。会员的专业技术领域涵盖整个医药产业研发和生产的每一个环节。在如此庞大的会员数量和高级科技人才的支持下,SAPA多年来不断地推动业界在传统制药、生物制药及仿制药方面的深度交流。作为在美注册的非营利机构,SAPA长期以来得到美国及跨国公司的慷慨赞助和支持。SAPA将一如既往地为制药行业提供科技研讨、职业发展、知识培训、商业合作和创业投资的广阔平台。


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文字编辑:Danni Zhang

微信编辑:Siyu Jiang, Shengjie Xu, Qianru Liu, Chuxuan Wang

摄影:Ellen Chen, Yangfan Xiao

责任编辑:Jiaying Liu, Xiaowei Sun

美中医药开发协会 (SAPA)总部设在美国新泽西。是制药和生物技术专家为主的非盈利协会。