
文摘   2024-09-08 08:40   上海  

1.  在使用VCS 调用verdi dump波形时,可以在.v里面使用  
$fsdbDumpfile("abc.fsdb",1000); // 后面的数字1000就表示1000M,表示限定这个fsdb最大1000M就不dump了$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(200,"abc.fsdb",5); //表示dump 5个最大200M的fsdb,最后得到的应该是5个 abc***.fsdb

2.  另外的通过hierarchical存多个fsdb

$fsdbDumpvars(1,top,"+fsdbfile+abc.fsdb"); //dump top这一层到abc.fsdb这个文件里$fsdbDumpvars(0,top.cpu,"+fsdbfile+cd.fsdb") ;  //dump top.cpu全部到cd.fsdb里面

3.  指定时间dump,,当你的pattern已经跑过一次之后,加入你只想从1ms才开始dump
initial  begin#1000_000;$fsdbDumpvars("aa.fsdb");end

4. 可以在先关闭dump,#delay 多少时间之后使用打开dump命令,来断断续续的dump.
$fsdbDumpon; // - 打开 FSDB dumping$fsdbDumpoff; // - 关闭 FSDB dumping

5.  Conventional Issues & Verdi’s Approach

Issues and Conventional Approach
• Today’s complex SOC designs usually require huge amounts of data
for verification which introduces some problems when dealing with big simulation dump files.
• A common problem with complex design dumping is that the dumped simulation file may exceed the OS limitation, or the simulation
process may exceed the OS memory limitation during dumping.
• The workarounds is to limit the signal number by dumping from a specified scope in hierarchy or start dumping after a certain time.

Verdi’s Approach
• Verdi provides various environment variables and system tasks to restrict the FSDB file size in different constraints, to get the best balance between data accuracy and performance
• Verdi also provides a parallel dumping mechanism to speed up the dumping performance in dual CPU machines.

5.1 Restrict the FSDB File Size (1/4)


• The default value is 64.

• When the user uses the nWave auto-update feature, the recommendation is to set this environment variable to a smaller value before running the simulation. For example:% 


5.2 Skip dumping VHDL complex data.

• Including array of array and record signals.


5.3 Skip dumping Verilog cell instances
• To skip the FSDB dumping for primitive cells, for example:

5.4 Restrict the FSDB File Size (2/4)

Use $fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfileto reduce the size and control the number of FSDB files.

• For example, if the maximum desired FSDB file size is 1G and at most 20 FSDB dump files can be created, add following task in source code:

$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(1000, "ALU.fsdb", 20, "my.log");

• Where 1000 (1G) is the size of each file and 20 is the number of dump files.

5.5 Use $fsdbDumpvars to reduce the number of scopes to be dumped.
• For example, to start dumping from scope top.u_foo.u_bar with depth=3 and dumping location and file name of ../log/test1.u_bar.3.fsdb, add following task into source code (or testbench):
initial begin$fsdbDumpfile ("../log/test1.u_bar.3.fsdb");$fsdbDumpvars (3, top.u_foo.u_bar);end

5.6 Restrict the FSDB File Size (3/4)
Use $fsdbSuppress to suppress the scopes that should not be dumped.• For example, if not going to dump scope “system.i_pram” and “system.i_cpu.i_CCU”, add following task into source code or testbench:
$fsdbSuppress(system.i_pram, system.i_cpu.i_CCU);$fsdbDumpvars;

5.7 Use $fsdbDumpMem/$fsdbDumpMDA to dump the relevant cells of the memory/MDA at specific time intervals.
• Dump the memory cells from mem[0] to mem[31] at the time the system task is called:

$fsdbDumpMem(mem, 0, 32);
• Dump the memory cells from mem[0] to mem[31] after 23 simulation time units when the trigger signal, WR_ENABLE, changes to 1:
$fsdbDumpMem(mem, 0, 32, , WR_ENABLE, 23);
• Evaluate the value of signal WR_ENABLE at #0, #500, #1000... 
If WR_ENABLE=1, dump all memory cells of mem after 20 time units:
$fsdbDumpMem(mem, , , 500, WR_ENABLE, 20);
5.8 Restrict the FSDB File Size (4/4)
Use $fsdbDumpon and $fsdbDumpoffto change the start and stop dumping time for the needed time interval.
• For example, to generate a FSDB file that will record all the scopes from 1000 time units to 70000 time units, add the following to the testbench:
initial begin$fsdbDumpvars;#1000 $fsdbDumpoff;#70000 $fsdbDumpon;end

5.9 Use environment variables to prevent dumping of glitches and event sequence information.
NOVAS_FSDB_ENV_MAX_GLITCH_NUM is used to specify glitch dumping:
• Default: does not record glitches
• 0: all glitches are stored.
• 1: the last glitch is stored.
• 2: the first and the last glitch are stored
NOVAS_FSDB_ENV_DUMP_SEQ_NUM set to ‘on’ is used to enable event sequence dumping.

5.10 Parallel Dumping for FSDB

Two functions are includedin the process when dumping FSDB:

• Running the simulation and

• Writing the FSDB.

Use parallel dumping mechanism to separate these two process in a multi-processor system.Two ways to run simulation in parallel mode:

• Add +fsdb_parallel option in command line when runningsimulation.

• Set environment variable FSDB_PARALLEL before runningsimulation.

• setenv FSDB_PARALLEL 1

5.11 Summary
Use environment variables and system tasks to get balance between accuracy and performance when dumping FSDB.
$fsdbDumpon and $fsdbDumpoff


Use command line option +fsdb_parallel or environment variable FSDB_PARALLEL to improve the dumping performance on dual CPU machines.

6.fsdbDumplimit - 限制FSDB 文件size  如何使用?

$fsdbDumpvars([<level>], <scope | signal>*)
fsdbDumpfile - 指定FSDB 文件名
$fsdbDumpfile(“<FSDB name>”)
fsdbDumpvars - Dump 指定的变量
fsdbDumpSingle - Dump 指定的信号
fsdbDumpvariable - Dump 指定的VHDL 变量
fsdbSwitchDumpFile - 将dumping 切换到另一个FSDB 文件
$fsdbSwitchDumpFile(“<new FSDB name>”)
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile - 限制文件大小并在数据量过大时自动创建新的FSDB 文件
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(<file size>, “<FSDB name>”,< number of file>)
fsdbDumpflush - Force to Dump Result to FSDB file
fsdbDumpMem - Dump 指定的memory 的内容
$fsdbDumpMem(<reg name>, [<start addr>, [<size>]])
$fsdbDumpon - 打开 FSDB dumping
$fsdbDumpoff - 关闭 FSDB dumping

7. Specify the option in an FSDB dumping command to enable dumping allsupported signals:


The Novas object files for FSDB dumping provide the following FSDB dumpingcommands for Verilog:

$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile$fsdbDumpfile$fsdbDumpflush$fsdbDumpon, $fsdbDumpoff $fsdbDumpvars$fsdbDumpvarsByFile$fsdbDumpvarsES$fsdbDumpFinish$fsdbDumpMDA$fsdbDumpSVA$fsdbLog$fsdbReplay$fsdbSuppress$fsdbSwitchDumpfile$fsdbDumpfile

To specify the FSDB file name created by the Novas object files for FSDBdumping. If not specified, the default FSDB file name is "novas.fsdb" . This command is valid only before $fsdbDumpvars is executed and is ignored if specified after $fsdbDumpvars . 

To restrict the largest dump file size to the user-defined size limitation, pleasespecify the limit size in megabyte format. This function will affect the FSDB filethat is specified in "FSDB_Name" . The FSDB dumper uses the sliding windowscheme to keep the last signal values in the FSDB file. It drops the old values if file size exceeds the user-specified limitation.

For $fsdbDumpvars ,$fsdbDumpMDA,$fsdbDumpvarsES,$fsdbDumpSVA and $fsdbDumpvarsByFile , user can use the option "+fsdbfile+filename.fsdb" tospecify the target FSDB file to dump. It is equal to using $fsdbDumpfile then $fsdbDumpvars.

When specified in the design:
$fsdbDumpfile("FSDB_Name" | FSDB_Name_var [ ,Limit_Size |,Limit_Size_var ]);

when specified on the simulator command line:

xcelium> call fsdbDumpfile \"rtl.fsdb\"xcelium> call fsdbDumpvars 0 TB //1st argument is 'level', 2nd argument is 'scope'//the 'level' values allow different depths of the hierarchy below the named scope//0: all signals in all scopes//1: all signals in current scope//2: all signals in the current scope and all scopes one level below//n: all signals in the current scope and all scopes n-1 level below

$fsdbDumpfile("FSDB_Name");$fsdbDumpfile("FSDB_Name", Limit_Size);
Specify the name of the FSDB file generated by the Novas object files forFSDB dumping.
Specify the FSDB file name in a variable
Specify the maximum FSDB file size in megabyte.
Specify the maximum FSDB file size in a variable.
Valid only if the command is specified inside the design.
The minimum file size of the FSDB file is 10M. If you set the size to lessthan 10M, it will be set to 10M instead.

8. fsdb dump操作命令记录

8.1 命令介绍:

$fsdbDumpon- 打开 FSDB dumping
$fsdbDumpoff - 关闭 FSDB dumping
$fsdbDumpfile("FSDB_NAME",Limit_Size) - 指定dump文件
FSDB_NAME 为user指定的文件名,如"my_sim.fsdb"
Limit_Size  为dump波形的最大size

$fsdbDumpvars(depth,instance,"option=") dump指定模块的信号
depth - 0 表示dump instance下所有层级的信号 1表示只dump instance这一层的信号, instance - 指定dump的hierarchy 如 dut.top.ddr_controller
option - dump时可以选择的一些选项,"+mda" 表示dump memory或者MDA(多维数据)的数据,"+packedmda"表示dump压缩的memory数据,"+functions" dump function和task里的信号,"+Reg_Only"只dump reg类型的数据,"+all" dump all,"+struct" dump struct数据

还可以直接指定dump的fsdb file


$fsdbDumpMDA(depth, instance, "options") dump指定模块中的多维数组


$fsdbDumpSVA(1,system.arbiter,"+fsdbfile=SVA.fsdb"),将该instance下所有assert全部dump到该fsdb中  可以用+fsdbfile=SVA.fsdb dump到新的fsdb文件中.

$fsdbSwitchDumpfile(“new_file_name”[, “+fsdbfile+src_file”])



+fsdbfile+src_file—指定要停止加载并关闭的波形文件, 这个参数不指定时,将默认使用当前正在加载的波形文件;

$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(file_size, “fsdb_name”, number_of_files[, “log_file_name”, “+fsdb+no_overwrite”])
当波形的大小达到限制后自动以一个新的波形文件起始加载波形;在所有的波形文件加载完成后,会创建一个virtual FSDB文件,文件后缀.vf。查看波形时只需要加载此文件就可以合并所有的波形文件。
file_name—波形文件的名字,在实际加载波形时,文件名为file_name_000.fsdb ile_name_001.fsdb…;
比如dump.list 内容 #用于注释)
0 test_top
#1 test_top
#0 test_top.dut
#0 test_top.dut.m1
#0 test_top.dut.m2
fsdbextract source.fsdb -bt 1500ns -et 2000ns -o output.fsdb
source.fsdb是原始波形文件,-bt 1500ns裁剪的开始时间点 -et  2000ns裁剪的结束时间点,output.fsdb是截取出来的波形文件名

8.2 实际操作:









