Circos 图是一种用于展示复杂数据关系的可视化工具,最初由 Krzywinski 等人开发,主要用于基因组数据的可视化。 它通过将数据以环形的方式展示,使得复杂的基因组结构和基因间的关系更加直观易懂。
主要应用于生物信息学,用于展示基因组结构、基因表达数据、染色体相互作用等。 也可以用于其他领域,如网络分析、数据关系展示等,帮助研究人员更好地理解和分析复杂的数据集。
将基因组的不同部分以环形的方式展示,每个环代表一个染色体或基因组区域。 通过颜色、大小等视觉元素,可以直观地展示基因组的结构特征和基因间的相互作用。
可以整合多种类型的数据,如基因组序列数据、基因表达数据、表观遗传学数据等。 支持在同一个图中展示多个数据层,方便研究人员进行综合分析。
提供多种可视化选项,如基因组轨道、基因表达时间点、基因间的连接线等。 可以根据需要自定义颜色、大小、形状等视觉元素,以突出展示重点信息。
####Step1: to get chromosome info(chr names + length)
####第一步:获得染色体长度和名称信息作为circos plot圆盘极坐标
Toxo.fasta_all <- readDNAStringSet("/Users/sidaye/Documents/R/AP2_all_analysis/Input/Toxo_ME49v62/ToxoDB-62_TgondiiME49_Genome.fasta")
#rule out contigs/scaffolds and keep the chromosome
Toxo.fasta <- Toxo.fasta_all[c(1:14),]
Chr.len <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(Toxo.fasta), ' | '), '[[',7))
Chr.len <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(Chr.len, '='), '[[',2))
Chr.name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(Toxo.fasta), ' | '), '[[',1))
Chr.name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(Chr.name, '_'), '[[',2))
Genome.len <- data.frame(Chr.name = Chr.name,
Length = Chr.len)
head(Genome.len) ###Datafrome contains info
## Chr.name Length
## 1 chrIa 1859933
## 2 chrIb 1955354
## 3 chrII 2347032
## 4 chrIII 2532871
## 5 chrIV 2686605
## 6 chrV 3331915
####Step2. Make reference datafrome for the corresponding relationship between name of chromosome and length of chromosome
ref <- Genome.len
####3. Prepare the dataframe(bed file) for transcript track for genomicrectangular plot to show the transcript of whole genome
####第三步:得到需要画的最外层圆轮的转录本/CDS区域的坐标储存在bed file
##use the gtf file instead of gff file
gtf_genome <- read.table("/Users/sidaye/Documents/R/AP2_all_analysis/Input/Toxo_ME49v62/ToxoDB-62_TgondiiME49.gtf", sep = '\t')
transcript_gtf <- gtf_genome %>% dplyr::filter(V3 == 'transcript')
CDS_gtf<- gtf_genome %>% dplyr::filter(V3 == 'CDS')
##transform gtf file into bed file
function_gtf_to_bed <- function(x){
x <- x%>% dplyr::select(V1, V4, V5, V9, V3, V7)
x <- x %>% dplyr::rename(V1=V1, V2=V4, V3=V5, V4=V9, V5=V3, V6=V7)
x$V5 <- '0'
transcript_bed <- function_gtf_to_bed(transcript_gtf)
transcript_names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(transcript_bed$V4, ' '), '[[',2))
transcript_names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(transcript_names, ';'),'[[',1))
transcript_bed$V4 <- transcript_names
#write.table(transcript_bed, '/Users/sidaye/Documents/R/AP2_all_analysis/Output/transcript_loci_Toxo_v62.bed', col.names = F, quote = F, row.names = F, sep = '\t')
CDS_bed <- function_gtf_to_bed(CDS_gtf)
CDS_names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(CDS_bed$V4, ' '), '[[',4))
CDS_names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(CDS_names, ';'), '[[',1))
CDS_bed$V4 <- CDS_names
original_chr_names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(Toxo.fasta), ' | '), '[[',1))
original_chr_names <- original_chr_names[1:14]
print(original_chr_names) ####这里是获取染色体的名称,需要注意染色体名称,因为后面到画图时染色体名称对应极坐标的x-axis
## [1] "TGME49_chrIa" "TGME49_chrIb" "TGME49_chrII" "TGME49_chrIII"
## [5] "TGME49_chrIV" "TGME49_chrV" "TGME49_chrVI" "TGME49_chrVIIa"
## [9] "TGME49_chrVIIb" "TGME49_chrVIII" "TGME49_chrIX" "TGME49_chrX"
## [13] "TGME49_chrXI" "TGME49_chrXII"
####Step4. To change the chromosomes names
function_change_chr_names <- function(x){
for (i in 1:length(original_chr_names)){
x$V1 <- gsub(original_chr_names[i], Chr.name[i], x$V1)
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
## 1 TGME49_chrII 17422 22256 TGME49_220840-t26_1 0 -
## 2 TGME49_chrII 23771 24986 TGME49_220850-t26_1 0 -
## 3 TGME49_chrII 23771 30138 TGME49_220860-t26_1 0 +
## 4 TGME49_chrII 30196 34402 TGME49_220870-t26_1 0 -
## 5 TGME49_chrII 34473 38391 TGME49_220880-t26_1 0 +
## 6 TGME49_chrII 37902 41699 TGME49_220890-t26_1 0 -
transcript_bed_new <- function_change_chr_names(transcript_bed)
transcript_bed_new <- transcript_bed_new%>%dplyr::filter(grepl('chr', V1)) #filter rows that contain a certain string 'chr'
#####可以明显看到这里chromosome name 改过来了,例如TGME49_chrII 改成了chrII, chrII会作为后面画图的每一个染色体的x-axis名称
head(transcript_bed_new )
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
## 1 TGME49_chrII 17422 22256 TGME49_220840-t26_1 0 -
## 2 TGME49_chrII 23771 24986 TGME49_220850-t26_1 0 -
## 3 TGME49_chrII 23771 30138 TGME49_220860-t26_1 0 +
## 4 TGME49_chrII 30196 34402 TGME49_220870-t26_1 0 -
## 5 TGME49_chrII 34473 38391 TGME49_220880-t26_1 0 +
## 6 TGME49_chrII 37902 41699 TGME49_220890-t26_1 0 -
CDS_bed_new <- function_change_chr_names(CDS_bed)
CDS_bed_new <- CDS_bed_new%>%dplyr::filter(grepl('chr', V1))
####5. Prepare the dataframe for the peaking time of all the AP2s and genomic loci of each AP2
####5.第五步:这里需要准备dot plots(显示每一个AP2基因的转录本表达peak time)的表格
AP2s_transcript_loci <- read.csv("/Users/sidaye/Documents/R/AP2_all_analysis/Input/ME49_AP2_genomicposition.csv")
AP2s_list_source_id <- AP2s_transcript_loci$source_id
AP2s_transcript_loci <- transcript_bed_new[(transcript_bed_new$V4 %in% AP2s_list_source_id),]
head(AP2s_transcript_loci) ######显示需要画的所有AP2基因的坐标轴
## [1] 21232
####6. Prepare the dataframe for y-axis of dots
####6. 第六步:这里根据每一一副图希望描述的特征和对象不同来进行修改,也就是储存基因特征的表格,这个表格是最终画图的表格
AP2s_transcript_loci$V4 <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(AP2s_transcript_loci$V4, "-"), "[[", 1))
AP2_loci <- data.frame(AP2 = AP2s_transcript_loci$V4,
start = AP2s_transcript_loci$V2,
end = AP2s_transcript_loci$V3,
chr = AP2s_transcript_loci$V1)
AP2_loci2 <- AP2_loci[c(53, 18:21, 63:67, 32:33, 42:44, 54:62, 22:24, 25:31, 45:52, 7:17, 1:6, 34:41),]
AP2_Peak <- data.frame(chr = AP2s_transcript_loci$V4,
start = AP2s_transcript_loci$V2,
end = AP2s_transcript_loci$V3,
time = rep(0, 67))
AP2_Peak2<-AP2_Peak[c(53, 18:21, 63:67, 32:33, 42:44, 54:62, 22:24, 25:31, 45:52, 7:17, 1:6, 34:41),]
#AP2_Peak2$time <- runif(67, min=0, max=4)
## chr start end time
## 53 TGME49_208020 517009 529250 0
## 18 TGME49_252370 516506 523610 0
## 19 TGME49_253380 904923 917480 0
## 20 TGME49_299150 2145570 2154749 0
## 21 TGME49_299020 2241912 2249335 0
## 63 TGME49_320700 130940 133193 0
AP2_microarray <- read.xlsx("/Users/sidaye/Documents/R/AP2_all_analysis/Input/microarray_cyclic_timing2.xlsx")
AP2_microarray$GeneID<- gsub('-','_', AP2_microarray$GeneID)
AP2_microarray <- AP2_microarray[AP2_microarray$GeneID %in% AP2_Peak2$chr, ]
colnames(AP2_microarray)[1] <- "chr"
#####since the order of AP2 in AP2_Peak2 has already been adjusted to corresponding to the order of chromosom, so it should be fixed in order to make nested zooming figure
AP2_Peak_all <- left_join(AP2_Peak2, AP2_microarray, by="chr")
AP2_Peak_constitutive <- AP2_Peak_all %>% dplyr::filter(constitutive == 1)
AP2_Peak_constitutive_list <- AP2_Peak_constitutive$chr
AP2_Peak_cyclic <- AP2_Peak_all %>% dplyr::filter(cyclic == 1)
AP2_Peak_noexpressed <- AP2_Peak_all[is.na(AP2_Peak_all$expressed),]
AP2_Peak_noexpressed_list <-AP2_Peak_noexpressed$chr
###########for those genes is constitutive, even though it has a peak time, just to make it as a line across the all cell cycle
AP2_Peak2$time <- AP2_Peak_all$peak.time
##########label all the constitutive genes as peaking time "1.11111"
AP2_Peak2 <- AP2_Peak2 %>% dplyr::mutate(time=ifelse(chr %in% AP2_Peak_constitutive_list, 1.11111, time))
######Because the cell cycle is cyclic, so those AP2s have peaking time at 0 or 6 should indicate at both 0 and 6 (C1->G)
AP2_Peak_cyclic <- AP2_Peak2[AP2_Peak2$chr%in%AP2_Peak_cyclic$chr,]
AP2_Peak_GtoC <- AP2_Peak_cyclic %>% dplyr::filter(time == 0)
AP2_Peak_GtoC$time <- rep(6,nrow(AP2_Peak_GtoC))
AP2_Peak_CtoG <- AP2_Peak_cyclic %>% dplyr::filter(time == 6)
AP2_Peak_CtoG$time <- rep(0,nrow(AP2_Peak_CtoG))
AP2_Peak3 <- rbind(AP2_Peak2,AP2_Peak_GtoC,AP2_Peak_CtoG)
head(AP2_Peak3) ####准备好的最终画图表格格式
## chr start end time
## 53 TGME49_208020 517009 529250 1.11111
## 18 TGME49_252370 516506 523610 1.11111
## 19 TGME49_253380 904923 917480 5.50000
## 20 TGME49_299150 2145570 2154749 NA
## 21 TGME49_299020 2241912 2249335 NA
## 63 TGME49_320700 130940 133193 NA
####7.prepare the corresponding dataframe for nested zooming connection in the plot
####第七步.因为我们需要花nested zoom in circos plot,需要做一个另外的table提供nested zoom in的坐标信息
####前三列是最外层一轮的坐标,后三列是里面nested circos plot的坐标,因为nested circos plot外层和里层极坐标不一样
correspondance<- data.frame(chr = AP2s_transcript_loci$V1,
start = AP2s_transcript_loci$V2,
end = AP2s_transcript_loci$V3,
AP2 = AP2s_transcript_loci$V4,
start.1 = AP2s_transcript_loci$V2,
end.1 = AP2s_transcript_loci$V3)
correspondance2 <- correspondance[c(53, 18:21, 63:67, 32:33, 42:44, 54:62, 22:24, 25:31, 45:52, 7:17, 1:6, 34:41),]
## chr start end AP2 start.1 end.1
## 53 chrIb 517009 529250 TGME49_208020 517009 529250
## 18 chrIII 516506 523610 TGME49_252370 516506 523610
## 19 chrIII 904923 917480 TGME49_253380 904923 917480
## 20 chrIII 2145570 2154749 TGME49_299150 2145570 2154749
## 21 chrIII 2241912 2249335 TGME49_299020 2241912 2249335
## 63 chrIV 130940 133193 TGME49_320700 130940 133193
########################################################Starting to plot circos
########################################################Starting to plot circos
########################################################Starting to plot circos
#clear all the previous circos plot
#set color for text in the circos plot
col_text <- "black"
#set up 12 random colors
# chrIa chrIb chrII chrIII chrIV chrV chrVI chrVIIa chrVIIb chrVIII chrIX
#"#AD2D0533" "#FFC78833" "#1018E833" "#C0670E33" "#6EFFC833" "#95387433" "#E4BF8D33" "#0992C633" "#7E30CB33" "#A1884333" "#3FC7F433"
# chrX chrXI chrXII
#"#34E28D33" "#363ED033" "#78ECDE33"
#chr_bg_color = rand_color(14, transparency = 0.8)
chr_bg_color =c("#AD2D0533" , "#FFC78833", "#1018E833", "#C0670E33", "#6EFFC833", "#95387433", "#E4BF8D33", "#0992C633", "#7E30CB33", "#A1884333","#3FC7F433", "#34E28D33", "#363ED033", "#78ECDE33")
names(chr_bg_color) = ref$Chr.name
#Sectors in `f1()` and `f2()` should be in the same order, or else the connection lines may overlap
f1 = function() {
circos.par("track.height"=0.8,gap.degree=2,start.degree = 90,clock.wise = T,
#create circos object, 14=number of chromosome
#cex,Specify the size of the title text with a numeric value of length 1
#set the chromosome name as track1, set the bg.col as white
#change font by cex
circos.track(ylim=c(0,1),panel.fun=function(x,y) {
facing="outside",niceFacing=TRUE,font =2)
#set gap between tracks
set_track_gap(mm_h(1)) # 0.5cm
#set_track_gap(mm_h(2)) # 2mm
#set track2 and add scale to the track
circos.track(ylim=c(0,1),panel.fun=function(x,y) {
#ref check the largest length of the chromosome
#brk <- c(0.0, 1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0)*10^6
#line width=lwd
#circos.track(track.index = get.current.track.index(), panel.fun = function(x, y) {
#col=col_text,labels.col=col_text,lwd=0.8, labels.facing="clockwise")
##track3 shows the positions for all genes transcript
transcript_bed_new, track.height = 0.05, stack = F, bg.border = NA, ylim = c(0,1),
panel.fun = function(region, value, ...) {
circos.genomicRect(region, value, col = 'black', border = NA, ...)
} )
circos.yaxis.scale <- as.numeric(c(0, 3, 4.7, 5, 6))
#sector.index for constitutive genes
sector.index.constitutive <-which(AP2_Peak3$chr%in%AP2_Peak_constitutive_list)
sector.index.noexpressed <- which(AP2_Peak3$chr%in%AP2_Peak_noexpressed_list)
###################To change all the GeneID in input dataframe into AP2 names
AP2_geneID2name <- read.xlsx("/Users/sidaye/Documents/R/AP2_all_analysis/Input/AP2_geneID2name.xlsx")
colnames(AP2_geneID2name)[1] <- "chr"
AP2_Peak_all2 <- left_join(AP2_Peak_all,AP2_geneID2name, by="chr")
AP2_Peak_all2$Ap2Name2 <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(AP2_Peak_all2$Ap2Name, 'P2'), '[[',2))
#gap.after is a vector means the gap between each neighboring sectors
#Total track.height =1
#Input dataframe has standardized format:chr, start, end, time
f2 = function() {
#this track shows the position of each AP2s on the genome and the nested zooming track for the peaking time during CDC
circos.par(cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0), gap.after = c(rep(1, nrow(AP2_loci)-1), 10))
#To create new sectors for the second part
circos.genomicInitialize(AP2_loci2, plotType = NULL)
AP2_Peak3_new <- AP2_Peak3
AP2_Peak3_new <- AP2_Peak3_new %>% dplyr::mutate(x.center=round((start+end)/2))
sector_indices <- get.all.sector.index()
for (i in 1:67){
circos.text(AP2_Peak3_new$x.center[i], 0.5, AP2_Peak_all2$Ap2Name2[i],
sector.index = sector_indices[i],
track.index = get.current.track.index(),
col=ifelse(i %in% sector.index.constitutive,"#d42729" ,ifelse(i %in% sector.index.noexpressed ,"grey16" ,"#0080ff")),
font = 2,
#track.height here change the height of dot block
circos.genomicTrack(AP2_Peak3, ylim = c(0, 6),track.height=0.4,
#the panel.fun argument is used to specify a function that will be called for each sector of a circular plot
panel.fun = function(region, value, ...) {
#here, the sector.index is the name of each AP2 genes
sector_indices <- get.all.sector.index()
rec_colors <- c("#f8c09b", "#e7db9f", "#bfc9a8", "#dea9f9")
circos.rect(CELL_META$cell.xlim[1],0,CELL_META$cell.xlim[2],3, col=rec_colors[1], border = NA)
circos.rect(CELL_META$cell.xlim[1],3,CELL_META$cell.xlim[2],4.7, col=rec_colors[2], border = NA)
circos.rect(CELL_META$cell.xlim[1],4.7,CELL_META$cell.xlim[2],5, col=rec_colors[3], border = NA)
circos.rect(CELL_META$cell.xlim[1],5,CELL_META$cell.xlim[2],6, col=rec_colors[4], border = NA)
for(h in circos.yaxis.scale) {
#CELL_META is an easy way to get meta data in the current cell
#The cell.xlim element specifies the range of x-axis values that are visible within the cell.
circos.lines(CELL_META$cell.xlim, c(h, h), lty = 4, col = "grey16")
circos.genomicPoints(region, value,
col = ifelse(value[[1]] == 0|value[[1]] == 6, "#0080ff",ifelse(value[[1]] ==1.11111, "white", "#0080ff")),
pch = 16,
cex = ifelse(value[[1]] == 0|value[[1]] == 6, 1.8,ifelse(value[[1]] ==1.11111, 0.01, 1.8))
}, bg.col = "white", track.margin = c(0.02, 0))
#for (i in sector.index.constitutive){
#circos.lines(c(AP2_Peak3_new$x.center[i], AP2_Peak3_new$x.center[i]), CELL_META$cell.ylim,
#sector.index = sector_indices[i],
#track.index = get.current.track.index(),
#lty = 1,
#col ="#d42729")
circos.yaxis(side = "left", at = circos.yaxis.scale,
sector.index = get.all.sector.index()[1], labels = FALSE)
#circos.nested shows the zooming connecting parts, the order of sector should be the same as the df "AP2_loci2" and "AP2_Peak3"
circos.nested(f1, f2, correspondance2, connection_col = chr_bg_color[correspondance2[[1]]])
#15inches X 15inches
#legend("right", inset=.02, title="Category",
# c("Constitutive","Not expressed","Cyclic"), fill=c('#d42729', 'grey16', '#377EB8'), horiz=F, cex=0.8)
## No sector has been created
## No track has been created
#rand_color : generate random colors in circlize
#circos.par: Parameters for the circular layout
通过展示染色体的排列和基因的位置,帮助理解基因组的整体结构。 例如,展示不同物种或不同个体的基因组结构,比较它们之间的相似性和差异性。
展示基因在不同时间点的表达模式,分析基因表达的动态变化。 例如,展示 AP2 基因在细胞周期不同阶段的表达时间,研究其在细胞周期调控中的作用。
通过连接线展示基因间的相互作用关系,帮助理解基因调控网络。 例如,展示染色体之间的相互作用、基因之间的调控关系等。