
教育   2024-09-30 21:59   四川  

You’re feeling anxious.

You’re reeling from an anxious moment.

You’re frustrated with yourself that you still get anxious.

You’re scared and unsure of the future. You’re worried about worrying and fed up about being fed up.

I’ve been anxious for most of my life. I still get anxious.

Previously, I had no handle on those nerves. Now, when I get anxious, it serves as an indicator light to shifting attention so that anxiety becomes of use, as opposed to something to resist.

No longer does anxiety create a spiralling out of control and despair like it once did.

Unless I’m literally being eaten alive by a wild animal.

Then the anxiety, understandably, lingers.

Take a moment to drop your shoulders and smile.

Not because you need to be ‘fixed,’ or ‘cured.’ Not because you need to ‘overcome’ anything.

I am here to show you your humanity. I am here to help you realise that you are an amazing human, rippling with innate confidence, intelligence, creativity and potential.

How to not have anxiety then?

Variables like poor diet can contribute to — and exasperate — any anxiety. In this discussion, I focus on mind, because handling it and the way we think about anxiety can override all else.

A healthy mindset is at the core of our well-being.

How I think of the way I think determines well-being.

I know this because if my mindset is off, and I drink coffee, I will be anxious. But if my mindset is in the ‘right place,’ I can be at ease in the same environment, even if I’d had a coffee.

There are two things that I remind myself of to get a handle on any stress that arises.

Absorb the following, so it becomes part of you.

1. Understand that your needless fear comes from your thinking, not from people, your future, your surroundings, or the things you think are causing you stress.

“All you have to know is everything is created from thought, you don’t have to know anything else.”

~Sydney Banks

Realise this has been this way through your entire life.

This is also true for any other kind of emotional response.

See that all the stories and thoughts you have about yourself are just that.

Thoughts. Noise. Judgements. Assumptions.

We live in the experience of our thinking.

Thoughts directly influence how we feel, not people, or our surroundings.

This is huge. If you’re comprehending this for the first time, your life will change forever.

If our thoughts are unpleasant, we will feel negative feelings.

If our thoughts are pleasant or neutral, and we allow our innate intelligence to rise above rumination, we will feel alive.

2. Move to creativity.

“What we are looking for is what is looking.” ― St. Francis of Assisi

Realise that anxiety is a sign that the pendulum has swung too far into reactivity, away from creativity.

We are either creating or reacting.

Real joy exists in a creative state.

When we are in our heads; when we believe the lies of our negative thoughts, and we hold on tight and ruminate, we are reacting.

Reactivity is anxiety.

Reactivity is allowing our mind to spin.

Slow down and breath for a second.

There is nothing you will gain through thinking your way through a problem.

It’s time to move to creativity.

Creativity is about where we place our attention.

We can either direct our attention to our thoughts, or outwardly — to everything other than thought.

Our attention is best used outwardly.

When we are creative, we are looking outward. We are seeing, feeling, serving, helping, making, building, and nurturing what is around us.

An innate intelligence serves us when we look towards our periphery. It reveals useful ideas and inclinations.

When we create, we forget to react. We look into the eyes of the monster we thought was scaring us and see that it was never a monster at all.

Make this way your life.

Tend to what is in front of you.

One thing at a time.

Ask, what’s next? And tend to that.

Take joy in what you can see and feel around you.

Slow down and be present with what is outside of you.

See things for what they are.

Neutral. Beautiful.

Maintain focus, not on trying not to think, but in nurturing, supporting, immersing yourself in — and giving to the world around you.

Instead of trying to be a certain way, which is self-conscious, focus on what is around you.

When you focus outwardly, your thoughts and the need to ‘be yourself’ will all fall into place by themselves.

And you will feel better instantly.

People will sense this shift in you.

Because you are yourself again.

Originally published on medium.

Thank you for reading. I hope that this article makes you feel more motivated! If it’s the case, hit the clap button and follow me for more articles like this!

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Feel useful,star it👇
