when it comes to
When it comes to assessing cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients, the integration of biomarkers such as HbA1c, lipid profiles, and inflammatory markers provides a more comprehensive evaluation.
When it comes to determining the appropriate treatment for metastatic breast cancer, the choice between endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted agents depends on factors such as receptor status, prior therapies, and overall patient health.
metastasize vi.
metastasis n.
· prior to 在…之前
When it comes to evaluating post-surgical complications, identifying the early signs of infection, such as erythema and fever, is critical for timely intervention and preventing systemic sepsis.
· complication n.并发症
side effect 副作用
adverse effect/reaction 不良反应
indication/contraindication 适应症/禁忌症
· erythema n.红斑
· sepsis n.脓毒症,败血症