序号 | 词汇 | 释义 | |
1 | achievement | n. 成就,成绩;达到,完成 | |
2 | advertisement/advertizement | n. (=ad) 广告 | |
3 | agreement | n. 协定,协议;(意见或看法)一致;同意 | |
4 | apartment | n. 公寓套房 | |
5 | appointment | n. 约定;预约;任命 | |
6 | arrangement | n. 安排;商定,约定;整理,排列 | |
7 | comment | n. 评论 vt. & vi. 评论 | |
8 | commitment | n. 投入;承诺,许诺 | |
9 | department | n. 部门;系 | |
10 | development | n. 发展,成长;开发,研制;进展情况 | |
11 | document | n. 文件;文档 vt. 记录,记载 | |
12 | element | n. 要素;成分;(化学)元素 | |
13 | entertainment | n. 娱乐,娱乐活动 | |
14 | environment | n. 环境 | |
15 | equipment | n. 器材,设备 | |
16 | experiment | n. 实验;尝试 vi. 做试验;尝试 | |
17 | government | n. 政府;统治;政体 | |
18 | instrument | n. 乐器;仪器 | |
19 | investment | n. 投资;投资额,投资物;投入 | |
20 | moment | n. 片刻;时机;时光 | |
21 | movement | n. 运动;移动;活动 | |
22 | tournament | n. 锦标赛 | |
23 | treatment | n. 对待;处理;治疗 |
++ 小知识++
achievement [əˈtʃiːvmənt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩
ad [æd] (缩) =advertisement n.广告
adjustment [əˈdʒʌstmənt] n. 调整,适应
agreement [əˈɡriːmənt] n. 同意,一致
amusement [əˈmjuːzmənt] n. 娱乐
announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt] n. 通告,通知
apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt] n. (美)楼中单元房,一套房间;房间
appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt] n. 约会
argument [ˈɑːɡjʊmənt] n. 争论,辩论
arrangement [əˈreɪndʒmənt]n. 安排,布置
assessment [əˈsesmənt] n. 看法,评价
basement [ˈbeɪsmənt] n. 地下室
comment [ˈkɔment] n. 评论
commitment [kəˈmɪtmənt] n. 承诺,允诺,承担
department (缩Dept.) [dɪˈpɑːtmənt] n. 部门;(机关的)司,处;(大学的)系
department-store [dɪˈpɑːtmənt-stɔː(r)] n. 百货商场
development [dɪˈveləpmənt] n. 发展,发达,发育,开发
disagreement [dɪsəˈɡriːmənt] n. 意见不一致;相违;争论
disappointment [dɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt] n. 失望;沮丧
document [ˈdɔkjʊmənt] n. 文件;文献
encouragement [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt] n. 鼓励
entertainment [entəˈteɪnmənt] n. 娱乐
environment [ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt] n.环境
equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] n. 装备,设备
experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] n. 实验
garment [ˈɡɑːmənt] n. (一件)衣服
government [ˈɡʌvənmənt] n. 政府
instrument [ˈɪnstrʊmənt] n. 乐器;工具,器械
judgement ['dʒʌdʒmənt] n. 裁判
mental [ˈment(ə)l] a. 精神的;脑力的
mentally [ˈmentəlɪ] ad. 精神上;智力上
moment [ˈməʊmənt] n. 片刻,瞬间
monument [ˈmɔnjʊmənt] n. 纪念碑,纪念物
movement [ˈmuːvmənt] n. 运动,活动
refreshments [rɪˈfreʃmənt] n. 点心,便餐;(会议后的)简单茶点招待
requirement [rɪˈkwaɪəmənt] n. 需要;要求;必要的条件
settlement [ˈsetəlmənt] n. 新拓居地;(美)部落,村落
statement [ˈsteɪtmənt]n.声明,陈诉,说法
tournament [ˈtʊənəmənt; (US) ˈtɜːrn-] n. 锦标赛,联赛
treatment [ˈtriːtmənt] n. 治疗,疗法
unemployment [ʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt] n.失业,失业状态
quality, condition
To augment something is to increase its value or effectiveness by adding something to it.
An embodiment of something, such as a quality or idea, is a visible representation or concrete expression of it.
A monumental event is very great, impressive, or extremely important in some way.
If you are temperamental, you tend to become easily upset and experience unpredictable mood swings.
A complement to something else finishes it or brings it into a fuller state.
When someone implements something, such as a plan, they carry it out or perform it.
When you supplement, you add on some extra to something to make up for a lack in it.
A fragment of something is a broken-off piece of it.
The government of a country is the people that rule over or run it, are in charge, and make its laws.
Your environment is the world around you.
An assortment is a number of different items or various things that form a group.
If you are complimentary to someone, you say nice things to them, such as how smart they are or how beautiful they look.
When you experiment, you do a scientific test to figure something out.
An assessment is a quiz or a test that is designed to find out how much someone knows or can do.
The fundamental parts of something are its most important and necessary parts.
A commitment to something, such as a cause or belief, is a promise or agreement to stay true to it.
A statement is something that someone says or writes, often to give out information.
the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising
the thing arranged or agreed to
confusion resulting from failure to understand
education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge
a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires
the act of sharing in the activities of a group
a gay feeling
👇 声明!👇