
文摘   2024-08-02 17:30   英国  


Willem Leterme (w.leterme@iaew.rwth-aachen.de)



工作职责包括在欧盟资助的Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action项目inter-oPEn中开展研究,主要研究未来可再生能源驱动的AC/DC电力系统设计与运行。项目将开发新工具来分析和设计高压多端直流网络。应聘者将与学术和工业伙伴紧密合作,参与学术和工业交流。


Job information 

The successful candidate will be employed under a regular employment contract.
The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date and offered for a fixed term to 3 years.
The fixed-term employment is possible as it constitutes one of the fixed-term options of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Fixed-term Scientific Contracts).
This is a full-time position.
The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree in this position.
The salary is based on the German public service salary scale (TV-L).
The position corresponds to a pay grade of EG 13 TV-L.

Our Profile

At the chair for High Voltage Technology (HVT), we conduct research on the essential components of the future electrical power system that enable the transition to a climate-neutral society. We investigate individual
technology components, relying on state-of-the-art laboratories for high-voltage experiments, and verify how they can be applied in the electrical power system using detailed simulation models and real-time hardware-in-the-loop experiments. Current key focus areas of the chair are primary technology such as DC switchgear, insulation systems, technologies for high-power transmission corridors and high-voltage direct current
technology and grids.

The research group “DC systems” of the chair investigates high-voltage direct current systems as key enabling technology for large-scale integration of renewable energy sources such as offshore wind. Within the “DC systems” research group, we focus on new protection and control methods for HVDC links, multi-terminal HVDC systems, up to large-scale (offshore) HVDC grids, as well as on upgrades needed for the existing AC system due to the integration of HVDC systems. To do so, we combine fundamental knowledge of power systems with highly automated state-of-the-art power system simulation and real-time hardware-in-the-loop environments. Research is being performed from fundamental level, inventing new methodologies, up to application in the real-life power system in close collaboration with major industry players.

Your Profile

You own a university degree (master's degree or equivalent) with the main field in electrical engineering or a related field of study (e.g., in Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Power Systems
Engineering). You are highly motivated to develop cutting-edge approaches that enable the design and operation of the future renewable-driven AC/DC power system. You have a strong interest in electrical power
engineering, where expertise in following areas is considered an advantage: discrete and continuous control of multiple-input multiple-output systems, power systems, power electronic converters, simulations of power
system transients, e.g., using PSCAD or MATLAB/Simulink and programming languages such as Python. You should be fluent in English – both in written and spoken form. Basic knowledge of German is considered an
advantage and you are willing to improve it.

You enjoy independently working on a dedicated project, involving the analysis of large problems, finding and rigorous implementation of creative solutions. You are able to organize and carry out work by yourself, but you are also a team-player that enjoys collaborating with colleagues. You enjoy reporting the outcomes of your work to peers, both in writing and in presentation. You are keen to gain in-depth technical expertise and to improve yourself as a professional researcher.

Special requirements for the project funding scheme apply:

  • On the date of start (likely to be June 2024), you must not have lived in Germany for more than 12 of the previous 36 months, must have less than four years full-time equivalent research experience, and must not have a doctoral degree

  • There is the opportunity for technical and personal skills training and participation in international research events

  • You will participate in international secondments to other organisations.

  • The position is part of a large EU-funded doctoral network. A commission of the project partners and RWTH Aachen University will assess the candidates.

Your Tasks

You will perform research towards a doctoral degree within the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action project inter-oPEn (“Interoperability of the Power Electronics dominated grid by openness”). The inter-oPEn
project will train the next generation of researchers that will have the skills to design and operation of future renewable-driven AC/DC power systems, including high-voltage, multi-terminal and multi-vendor DC (MTDC)
networks. The project consists of a total of 8 academic partners and 13 industrial associated partners, which cooperate to achieve the common goal of a multi-vendor and interoperable PE-dominated power systems,
including MTDC networks.

The inter-oPEn project will – among other PE-related research – develop fundamentally new analysis and design tools for the future high-voltage, multi-terminal DC (MTDC) networks. The successful candidate at HVT
within RWTH will use state-of-the-art control analysis and data-driven methods to design DC-side protection and control while meeting future technology requirements for future operation of AC and DC grids. The design methodology aims to integrate the efficiency of analytic methods with the accuracy of detailed simulations through an automated simulation environment to investigate edge cases. This methodology will serve as input to provide recommendations for an overall control hierarchy that enables vendor-neutral specifications as well as meeting constraints of future power systems. The project will be performed in close collaboration with the inter-oPEn academic and industrial partners, involving an academic and industrial secondment.

You will become part of the DC research group at the chair of High-Voltage Technology of the IAEW institute at RWTH Aachen. By doing so, you will have the room to develop your expertise and network within the crucial subject area of high-voltage DC systems and interact with ambitious colleagues with the goal to contribute to a carbon-free society.

Candidates are asked to provide the following documentation:

  • Complete CV, including two references

  • Copies of academic transcripts and degree certificates (Bachelor and Master or equivalent) in English

  • Letter of motivation, including the list of different Inter-Open vacancies (in other partner institutions) where the candidate is applying

  • Earliest starting date

About us

RWTH is a certified family-friendly University. We support our employees in maintaining a good work-life balance with a wide range of health, advising, and prevention services, for example university sports. Employees who are covered by collective bargaining agreements and civil servants have access to an extensive range of further training courses and the opportunity to purchase a job ticket.
RWTH is an equal opportunities employer. We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, particularly from groups that are underrepresented at the University. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability or age. RWTH is strongly committed to encouraging women in their careers. Female applicants are given preference if they are equally suitable, competent, and professionally qualified, unless a fellow candidate is favored for a specific reason.
As RWTH is committed to equality of opportunity, we ask you not to include a photo in your application.
You can find information on the personal data we collect from applicants in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at http://www.rwth-aachen.de/dsgvo-information-bewerbung.


EG 13 TV-L
