【期刊速览】World Neurosurgery | Online 2024年8月速览(十)

学术   2024-10-16 19:06   上海  

1. The New Alternative Technique Outcomes: Atlas Lateral Mass Screw and C2-3 Transfacet Screw Fixation for Complex Atlantoaxial Instability in patients with Thin C2 Pedicle or High-Riding Vertebral Artery

新的替代技术结果: Atlas侧块螺钉和C2-3跨关节螺钉固定治疗C2椎弓根或高位骑行椎动脉患者的复杂寰枢椎不稳

The study aimed to evaluate the safety, feasibility, effect on fusion, and clinical efficacy of atlas lateral mass and C2-3 transfacet screw fixation technique, serves as an alternative method to traditional posterior atlantoaxial fixation. The atlas lateral mass and C2-3 transfacet screw fixation technique, an alternative to conventional posterior fixation, has been demonstrated tobe an efficacious method for providing adequate stabilization and fusion in patients with atlantoaxial instability, even in the cases of thin C2 pedicle, high-riding vertebral artery, previous failed surgeries or reoperation.

REF: Cine HS, Avci I, Uysal E, et al. The New Alternative Technique Outcomes: Atlas Lateral Mass Screw and C2-3 Transfacet Screw Fixation for Complex Atlantoaxial Instability in patients with Thin C2 Pedicle or High-Riding Vertebral Artery. World Neurosurg. Published online August 26, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.100 PMID: 39197703

2. Ultrasonographic assessment of optic nerve sheath diameter as a screening tool for intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury

Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a condition burdened by high morbidity and mortality. Prevention of secondary insults is one of the main goals of management and intracranial pressure monitoring is a cornerstone in management of TBI. The relationship between intracranial pressure and optic nerve sheath is known from the literature. Optic nerve sheath ultrasonography could represent a method added to our armamentarium for monitoring intracranial pressure. We propose the use of ONSD ultrasound as a screening investigation for post-traumatic intracranial hypertension in the context of an emergency department, especially in contexts where there is limited availability of intracranial pressure monitors.

严重的创伤性脑损伤 (TBI) 是一种高发病率和死亡率的疾病。预防继发性损害是管理的主要目标之一,颅内压监测是TBI管理的基石。颅内压和视神经鞘之间的关系从文献中已知。视神经鞘超声检查可以代表我们的武器库中添加的一种监测颅内压的方法。我们建议在急诊科使用ONSD超声作为创伤后颅内高压的筛查研究,尤其是在颅内压监测器有限的情况下。

REF: Lioi F, Ramm-Pettersen J, Fratini A, Riva C, Colella N, Missori P. Ultrasonographic assessment of optic nerve sheath diameter as a screening tool for intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury. World Neurosurg. Published online August 27, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.111 PMID: 39209251

3. Smartphone Applications for Remote Monitoring of Patients after Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery: A Narrative Review of Emerging Technologies
经蝶窦垂体手术后患者远程监控的智能手机应用: 新兴技术的叙述性回顾

Almost all postoperative assessments for pituitary patients are performed in clinical settings under the supervision of medical providers. With the emergence of telemedicine, however, there are opportunities to monitor these patients remotely. The potential for use of such technologies is inconsistently described in the brain tumor literature, especially for patients with pituitary adenomas. Due to advancing capabilities of smartphone apps, the potential of telemedicine may extend beyond patient appointments. We show that by integrating novel advances in medical technologies from a variety of specialties, it is possible to develop smartphone-based protocols for remote monitoring of patients after pituitary surgery.


REF: Sarikonda A, Rafi R, Schuessler C, et al. Smartphone Applications for Remote Monitoring of Patients after Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery: A Narrative Review of Emerging Technologies. World Neurosurg. Published online August 28, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.123 PMID: 39214293

4. Enhancing Cadaver Labs for Endoscopic Spine Surgery: the glove as the “lesion”
增强用于内窥镜脊柱手术的尸体实验室: 手套作为 “病变”

We describe a novel yet simple training exercise for residents who are being introduced to endoscopic spine surgery. One of the lessons learned with this exercise that we will consider in future courses would be to place a radiodense "lesion" that could be visualized on fluoroscopy, and serve as a radiologic target to find. This can help guide the trainee in knowing where to search if the "lesion" is more difficult to find.

我们为正在接受内窥镜脊柱外科手术的居民描述了一种新颖而简单的培训练习。我们将在以后的课程中考虑通过此练习学到的经验教训之一是放置可以在荧光镜检查中可视化的不透射线 “病变”,并将其用作放射学目标。这可以帮助指导受训者知道在哪里搜索 “病变” 是否更难以找到。

REF: De Biase G, Akinduro OO, Pirris SM. Enhancing Cadaver Labs for Endoscopic Spine Surgery: the glove as the "lesion". World Neurosurg. Published online August 28, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.125 PMID: 39214294

5. Caregivers' Perspective and Burden of The End-of-Life Phase of Patients With Glioblastoma: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
胶质母细胞瘤患者临终阶段照顾者的观点和负担: 一项多中心回顾性研究

Glioblastoma represents the most common aggressive primary brain tumour in adults. Changes in cognition, personality and in behaviour of patient as well as side effects of treatments cause unique challenges for providing care and may impact caregiver burden in different ways. The end-of-life phases of glioblastoma patient may represent a critical factor that significantly affects not only the patient but also caregiver burden, caregiving tasks, and caregiver time. A urgent multidisciplinary support program is needed to face and improve caregivers burden.


REF: Gulino V, Brunasso L, Avallone C, et al. Caregivers' Perspective and Burden of The End-of-Life Phase of Patients With Glioblastoma: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. World Neurosurg. Published online August 28, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.114 PMID: 39214291

6. Mildred Codding (1902-1991): Neurosurgery Medical Illustrator at Harvard Medical School, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and Boston’s Children Hospital
Mildred Codding (1902-1991): 哈佛医学院、彼得·本特·布里格姆医院和波士顿儿童医院的神经外科医学插画家

This historical account reviews the life and times of Mildred Codding (1902-1991) in neurosurgery and medical illustration. This article provides glimpses into the personality and marked influence of Mildred Codding on neurosurgery and medical education and adds to the growing literature on her person.

此历史记录回顾了Mildred Codding (1902-1991) 在神经外科和医学插图中的生活和时代。本文提供了Mildred Codding的个性和对神经外科和医学教育的显着影响,并增加了有关她的人的文献。
REF: Detchou D, Tissot MIJ, Jenkins A, Barrie U. Mildred Codding (1902-1991): Neurosurgery Medical Illustrator at Harvard Medical School, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and Boston's Children Hospital. World Neurosurg. Published online August 27, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.107 PMID: 39209252

7. Intracranial Hemorrhagic Complications of Rhinosinusitis: A Systematic Literature Review and Case Illustration
鼻窦炎的颅内出血性并发症: 系统文献回顾和病例说明

Rhinosinusitis and intracranial hemorrhage are prevalent conditions within their respective medical specialties. While rhinosinusitis is predominantly an inflammatory disease confined to the paranasal sinuses, it can, in exceedingly rare circumstances, lead to intracranial hemorrhage with potentially fatal outcomes. Despite the gravity of this rare association, the literature remains sparse regarding its pathophysiological mechanisms, natural history, management principles, and clinical outcomes. Intracranial hemorrhagic complications, primarily EDH and SDH, are rare and potentially fatal consequences of rhinosinusitis. It should be cognizant of the potential existence of such a possibility during clinical practice.


REF: Fu Y, Fang X, Li Y, Li Z, Zhao X, Sha J. Intracranial Hemorrhagic Complications of Rhinosinusitis: A Systematic Literature Review and Case Illustration. World Neurosurg. Published online August 28, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.127 PMID: 39214292

8. The Role of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery in Microprolactinomas: A Retrospective Study
内镜下经蝶手术在泌乳素微瘤中的作用: 一项回顾性研究

Most patients with microprolactinomas have to take dopamine agonist for a lifetime. Many of them in our center have consulted endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery as an alternative therapy. According to our findings, endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery performed on patients with microprolactinomas at advanced pituitary tumor centers could be an option with high success rates and low complications. Moreover, improving MRI imaging techniques and/or multidisciplinary team discussion before surgery for microprolactinoma could improve tumor remission after surgery.


REF: Zhu Z, Li Z, Luo L, et al. The Role of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery in Microprolactinomas: A Retrospective Study. World Neurosurg. Published online August 29, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.124 PMID: 39216725

9. Historical roots of modern neurosurgical cadaveric research practices: dissection, preservation, and vascular injection techniques
现代神经外科尸体研究实践的历史根源: 解剖、保存和血管注射技术

Because of the complexity of the brain and its structures, anatomical knowledge is fundamental in neurosurgery. Anatomical dissection, body preservation, and vascular injection remain essential for training, teaching, and refining surgical techniques. This article explores the historical development of these practices and provides the contextual background of modern neurosurgical cadaveric brain models. These advancements laid the foundation for modern neurosurgical cadaveric studies, many remaining relevant today.


REF: On TJ, Xu Y, Meybodi AT, et al. Historical roots of modern neurosurgical cadaveric research practices: dissection, preservation, and vascular injection techniques. World Neurosurg. Published online August 29, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2024.08.120 PMID: 39216723








