# This file is part of the Cardinal Optimizer, all rights reserved.
import coptpy as cp
from coptpy import COPT
import math
import itertools
# Optimization data for multicommodity problem
DEST = ['FRA', 'DET', 'LAN', 'WIN', 'STL', 'FRE', 'LAF']
PROD = ['bands', 'coils', 'plate']
supply_list = [400, 800, 200,
700, 1600, 300,
800, 1800, 300]
supply = dict(zip(itertools.product(ORIG, PROD), supply_list))
demand_list = [300, 500, 100,
300, 750, 100,
100, 400, 0,
75, 250, 50,
650, 950, 200,
225, 850, 100,
250, 500, 250]
demand = dict(zip(itertools.product(DEST, PROD), demand_list))
limit_list = [625.0] * len(ORIG) * len(DEST)
limit = dict(zip(itertools.product(ORIG, DEST), limit_list))
cost_list = [30, 39, 41,
10, 14, 15,
8, 11, 12,
10, 14, 16,
11, 16, 17,
71, 82, 86,
6, 8, 8,
22, 27, 29,
7, 9, 9,
10, 12, 13,
7, 9, 9,
21, 26, 28,
82, 95, 99,
13, 17, 18,
19, 24, 26,
11, 14, 14,
12, 17, 17,
10, 13, 13,
25, 28, 31,
83, 99, 104,
15, 20, 20]
cost = dict(zip(itertools.product(ORIG, DEST, PROD), cost_list))
# Optimization parameters for Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition
itercnt = 0
priceconvex = 1.0
price = {(i, j): 0 for i in ORIG for j in DEST}
propcost = []
propshipl = []
vweight = []
# Create COPT environment
env = cp.Envr()
# Create the MASTER and SUB problem
mMaster = env.createModel()
mSub = env.createModel()
# Disable log information
mMaster.setParam(COPT.Param.Logging, 0)
mSub.setParam(COPT.Param.Logging, 0)
# Add variable to the MASTER problem
vexcess = mMaster.addVar(name='excess')
#在名为 mMaster 的线性规划模型中添加了一个变量 vexcess,这个变量通常代表MASTER问题中的余量或者剩余量。name='excess' 是变量的名称标识。
# Add constraints to the MASTER problem
cmulti = mMaster.addConstrs((-vexcess <= limit[i, j] for i in ORIG for j in DEST), \
#向 mMaster 中添加了多个约束 cmulti。每个约束的形式是 -vexcess <= limit[i, j],其中 limit[i, j] 可能是一个参数或者变量,表示限制条件。这些约束适用于所有的原产地 i 和目的地 j 组合。nameprefix='multi' 指定了约束的名称前缀。
# Add initial 'convex' constraint to the MASTER problem
cconvex = mMaster.addConstr(cp.LinExpr(0.0) == 1.0, 'convex')
#向 mMaster 中添加了一个名为 cconvex 的约束,其形式是 cp.LinExpr(0.0) == 1.0,意味着创建了一个恒等于1的线性表达式。这种类型的约束在一些优化算法中可能用于控制问题的凸性或者可行性。
# Add variables to the SUB problem
vtrans = mSub.addVars(ORIG, DEST, PROD, nameprefix='trans')
#在名为 mSub 的线性规划模型中添加了多个变量 vtrans。这些变量代表从每个原产地 i 到每个目的地 j 的每种产品 k 的运输量。nameprefix='trans' 是变量名的前缀。
# Add constraints to the SUB problem
mSub.addConstrs((vtrans.sum(i, '*', k) == supply[i, k] for i in ORIG for k in PROD), \
mSub.addConstrs((vtrans.sum('*', j, k) == demand[j, k] for j in DEST for k in PROD), \
#两行代码分别添加了供应约束和需求约束到 mSub 模型中。第一行确保每个原产地 i 的每种产品 k 的总运输量等于该原产地的供应量 supply[i, k]。第二行确保每个目的地 j 的每种产品 k 的总运输量等于该目的地的需求量 demand[j, k]。
# Set objective function for MASTER problem
mMaster.setObjective(vexcess, COPT.MINIMIZE)
#代码设置了 mMaster 模型的优化目标函数。在这个例子中,目标函数是最小化 vexcess,即优化过程将试图尽量减少 vexcess 这个变量的值。
# Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition
print(" *** Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition *** ")
# Phase I
print('Phase I: ')
while True:
# Display the iteration number
print('Iteration {}: '.format(itercnt))
# Set objective function 'Artificial Reduced Cost' for the SUB problem
mSub.setObjective(cp.quicksum(-price[i, j] * vtrans[i, j, k] for i in ORIG for j in DEST for k in PROD) \
- priceconvex, \
# Solve the SUB problem
# Check if problem is feasible
if mSub.objval >= -1e-6:
print('No feasible solution...')
itercnt += 1
# Get the solution of 'trans' variables in the SUB problem
transval = mSub.getInfo(COPT.Info.Value, vtrans)
# Calculate parameters for the MASTER problem
propship = {(i, j): transval.sum(i, j, '*') for i in ORIG for j in DEST}
# Update constraints 'multi' in the MASTER problem
weightcol = cp.Column()
weightcol.addTerms(cmulti, propship)
weightcol.addTerm(cconvex, 1.0)
# Add variables 'weight' to the MASTER problem
# Solve the MASTER problem
# Update 'price'
if mMaster.objval <= 1e-6:
price = mMaster.getInfo(COPT.Info.Dual, cmulti)
priceconvex = cconvex.pi
# Phase II
print('Phase II: ')
# Fix variable 'excess'
vexcess_x = vexcess.x
vexcess.lb = vexcess_x
vexcess.ub = vexcess_x
# Set objective function 'Total Cost' for the MASTER problem
mMaster.setObjective(cp.quicksum(propcost[i] * vweight[i] for i in range(itercnt)), \
# Solve the MASTER problem
# Update 'price' and 'priceconvex'
price = mMaster.getInfo(COPT.Info.Dual, cmulti)
priceconvex = cconvex.pi
# Set the objection function 'Reduced Cost' for the SUB problem
mSub.setObjective(cp.quicksum((cost[i, j, k] - price[i, j]) * vtrans[i, j, k] \
for i in ORIG for j in DEST for k in PROD) - priceconvex, \
while True:
print('Iteration {}: '.format(itercnt))
# Solve the SUB problem
if mSub.objval >= -1e-6:
print('Optimal solution...')
itercnt += 1
# Get the solution of 'trans' variables in the SUB problem
transval = mSub.getInfo(COPT.Info.Value, vtrans)
# Calculate parameters for the MASTER problem
propship = {(i, j): transval.sum(i, j, '*') for i in ORIG for j in DEST}
# Update constraints 'multi' in the MASTER problem
weightcol = cp.Column()
weightcol.addTerms(cmulti, propship)
weightcol.addTerm(cconvex, 1.0)
# Add variables 'weight' to the MASTER problem
vweight.append(mMaster.addVar(obj=propcost[itercnt - 1], column=weightcol))
# Solve the MASTER problem
# Update 'price' and 'priceconvex'
price = mMaster.getInfo(COPT.Info.Dual, cmulti)
priceconvex = cconvex.pi
# Set the objection function 'Reduced Cost' for the SUB problem
mSub.setObjective(cp.quicksum((cost[i, j, k] - price[i, j]) * vtrans[i, j, k] \
for i in ORIG for j in DEST for k in PROD) - priceconvex, \
# Phase III
print('Phase III: ')
optship = {(i, j): 0 for i in ORIG for j in DEST}
for i in ORIG:
for j in DEST:
optship[i, j] = sum(propshipl[k][i, j] * vweight[k].x for k in range(itercnt))
# Set objective function 'Opt Cost' for SUB problem
mSub.setObjective(vtrans.prod(cost), COPT.MINIMIZE)
# Add new constraints to the SUB problem
mSub.addConstrs((vtrans.sum(i, j, '*') == optship[i, j] for i in ORIG for j in DEST))
# Solve the SUB problem
print(" *** End Loop *** \n")
# Report solution
print(" *** Summary Report *** ")
print('Objective value: {}'.format(mSub.objval))
print('Variable solution: ')
for i in ORIG:
for j in DEST:
for k in PROD:
if math.fabs(vtrans[i, j, k].x) >= 1e-6:
print(' {0:s} = {1:.6f}'.format(vtrans[i, j, k].name, vtrans[i, j, k].x))
Cardinal Optimizer v7.1.3. Build date Apr 29 2024
Copyright Cardinal Operations 2024. All Rights Reserved
Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition ***
Phase I:
Iteration 0:
Iteration 1:
Iteration 2:
Iteration 3:
Iteration 4:
Phase II:
Iteration 5:
Iteration 6:
Iteration 7:
Iteration 8:
Iteration 9:
Iteration 10:
Iteration 11:
Iteration 12:
Iteration 13:
Iteration 14:
Iteration 15:
Iteration 16:
Iteration 17:
Iteration 18:
Iteration 19:
Iteration 20:
Iteration 21:
Iteration 22:
Iteration 23:
Iteration 24:
Iteration 25:
Optimal solution...
Phase III:
End Loop ***
Summary Report ***
Objective value: 199500.0
Variable solution:
400.000000 =
25.000000 =
200.000000 =
625.000000 =
150.000000 =
225.000000 =
50.000000 =
225.000000 =
300.000000 =
100.000000 =
400.000000 =
173.461464 =
50.000000 =
250.000000 =
300.000000 =
201.538536 =
100.000000 =
225.000000 =
75.000000 =
500.000000 =
50.000000 =
75.000000 =
450.000000 =
100.000000 =
75.000000 =
76.538536 =
625.000000 =
225.000000 =
23.461464 =
250.000000 =
125.000000 =
250.000000 =
I, Phase II, Phase III):
Phase I:
0 到 Iteration 4),通过解决MASTER问题和更新相关参数来逐步优化。每次迭代都尝试改进目标函数值,直到满足终止条件或达到一定的迭代次数。
Phase II:
Phase II 继续优化,进行了更多次的迭代(Iteration 5 到 Iteration 25),通过调整变量和约束条件来进一步优化目标函数。最终在Iteration 25 找到了一个最优解。
Phase III:
Phase III 是优化过程的最后阶段。在这个阶段,程序确认找到了一个最优解,并且已经不需要进一步的迭代。因此,打印了 "*** End Loop ***" 表示优化过程结束。
Summary Report:
(Objective value): 199500.0,表示经过优化后的成本或效益。
(Variable solution): 列出了每个关键变量的最优值。例如,trans(GARY, STL, bands) 的运输量为400.0,trans(GARY, FRE, coils) 的运输量为625.0等等。