论文推荐 | 巴西FEI大学中心:智慧农业数字孪生-节水灌溉管理系统

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论文“Development of a Digital Twin for smart farming: Irrigation management system for water saving”于2023年2月发表于Journal of Cleaner Production期刊,这篇文章由Matteo Perno, Lars Hvam, Anders Haug共同完成。





Rafael Gomes Alves, Rodrigo Filev Maia, Fábio Lima. Development of a Digital Twin for smart farming: Irrigation management system for water saving,Journal of Cleaner Production,Volume 388,2023,135920,ISSN 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.135920.


Development of a Digital Twin for smart farming: Irrigation management system for water saving

Rafael Gomes Alves a, Rodrigo Filev Maia b, Fábio Lima a

a Centro Universitário FEI, Industrial Engineering Department, Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, 3972, São Bernardo do Campo, 09850-901, São Paulo, Brazil

b Deakin University, Centre for Regional and Rural Futures, 458 Research Station Rd, Hanwood, 2680, New Shouth Wales, Australia


World agriculture faces the challenge of increasing its agricultural production by 50 % from 2012 to 2050, while reducing water consumption, as agriculture accounts for 69 % of all fresh water used on the planet. The use of technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, digital twins, among others, in the agricultural environment is increasing. Digital twin applied to agriculture is in its early stages of development. A digital twin is one in which data flows automatically and in both directions between a physical object and a virtual object. Withing this context, this paper presents a digital twin of a smart irrigation system in an application scenario. A digital twin for an irrigation system is one in which the physical components of the system, such as its sensors and actuators, are connected with their virtual representations. The system is composed of a FIWARE-based internet of things platform and a discrete event simulation model in Siemens Plant Simulation software. The internet of things platform is used to collect, aggregate and process soil, weather and crop data to calculate daily irrigation prescriptions. The simulation model is used to simulate the behavior of an irrigation system defined in an application scenario. The communication between the platform and the simulation model happens in real-time and is intermediate by an OPC UA server. A application scenario is considered to evaluate the behavior of the system and to evaluate, in future research, different irrigation strategies. The benefits of the systems proposed are twofold. First, evaluate the behavior of the Internet of Things (IoT) platform and an irrigation system before implementing both in the field. Second, enable the evaluation of different irrigation strategies in parallel with current farm practices. Within the system proposed, farmers can evaluate the behavior of the system before implementing in their farms and allowing the system to operate automatically. It is possible to infer that the system can improve farm operations and reduce water usage by allowing farmers to gather soil, weather and crop information and evaluate multiple irrigation strategies.


Internet of things, Digital twin, Smart farming, Digital manufacturing



灌溉系统的数字孪生是指系统的物理组件(如传感器和执行器)与其虚拟表示相连接。该系统由基于FIWARE的物联网平台和西门子Plant Simulation软件中的离散事件仿真模型组成。物联网平台用于收集、汇总和处理土壤、天气和作物数据,以计算每日灌溉需求。仿真模型则用于模拟应用场景中定义的灌溉系统的行为。平台与仿真模型之间的通信是实时的,且通过OPC UA服务器进行中介。



物联网,数字孪生, 智慧农业,数字制造

Fig. 2. SWAMP layered architecture described by Kamienski et al. (2019)

Fig. 6. System architecture diagram


  1. 农业挑战: 世界农业面临从2012年到2050年增加50%农业产量的挑战,同时需减少水资源消耗,因为农业占全球淡水使用量的69%。

  2. 技术应用: 物联网、人工智能、数字孪生等技术在农业环境中的应用日益增加。数字孪生在农业中的应用尚处于起步阶段,它允许物理对象和虚拟对象之间的数据自动双向流动。

  3. 智能灌溉系统:本文提出一个智能灌溉系统的数字孪生模型,该模型连接物理组件(如传感器和执行器)与它们的虚拟表示。


  1. 系统设计: 系统由基于FIWARE的物联网平台和Siemens Plant Simulation软件中的离散事件模拟模型组成。物联网平台用于收集、聚合和处理土壤、天气和作物数据,以计算每日灌溉处方。模拟模型用于模拟应用情景中定义的灌溉系统行为。

  2. 通信机制: 平台与模拟模型之间的通信通过OPC UA服务器实时进行。系统允许在实施前评估物联网平台和灌溉系统的行为,并允许评估不同的灌溉策略。

  3. 灌溉推荐: 灌溉推荐组件基于分析模型和模糊算法计算灌溉处方。系统通过Grafana组件实时监控系统行为。


  1. 应用情景:设计了一个农场情景,包含两个管理区域,每个区域有三个喷头和一个土壤探测器,由同一水泵灌溉。

  2. 系统概览: 系统由三个物理对象组成:土壤探测器、气象站和灌溉系统。这些对象通过网关将数据发送到物联网平台的数字表示。

  3. 信息模型:定义了实体来代表物理对象和数字信息,如土壤探测器、气象站和灌溉系统。


  1. 数据收集: 物联网平台收集和存储土壤、天气和作物信息。

  2. 数据处理: 计算灌溉处方并通过OPC UA服务器发送到模拟模型。

  3. 灌溉评估: 模拟模型评估灌溉处方并将其结果发送回物联网平台。

  4. 系统操作:系统在2天的实验中运行,灌溉推荐通过物联网平台自动发送到模拟灌溉系统。


  1. 系统优势: 系统能够在实施前评估物联网平台和灌溉系统的行为,并允许评估不同的灌溉策略。

  2. 未来研究: 建议在真实农场环境中评估物联网平台的行为,验证平台与设备之间的通信以及用于计算灌溉处方的模型。

  3. 技术挑战: 部署系统时需考虑硬件成本、软件成本、能源优化、环境变化、部署可扩展性、平台简化、实时部署、数据可靠性、数据存储和容错等问题。



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