活动预告 | “巴以前线对话”#2:如何援助加沙?

2024-09-04 16:38   荷兰  

活动背景 Intro

8月28日,世界粮食计划署(WFP)宣布暂停在加沙的人员流动。因为就在前一天晚上,WFP 两辆装甲车护送救援物资后,在返程中遭遇直接枪击。WFP 方面表示,加沙地带的人道主义空间正在迅速缩小,暴力事件的增加削弱了其提供救援的能力。
9月5日,我们将举行“巴以前线对话”系列的第二场活动,特邀驻加沙人道援助协调员杰克逊·德孔西尼(Jackson de Concini)作为主讲嘉宾。他将分享自己在冲突前线的亲身经历,探讨加沙地区当前的人道主义工作的困境与出路
The 2023 Gaza war has been one of the, if not the, most difficult crises for humanitarian access in the 21st century. In its effort to enter supplies and staff into the territory, the humanitarian community has witnessed unparalleled challenges with limited, although vital, successes. This talk will give an overview of the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the most significant humanitarian access challenges, and some of the ongoing negotiations for improvement.

This event on Sept. 5 is part of a PeaceLab activity series on the Israel-Palestine conflict called "Frontline Talk". This series will invite activists, scholars and cultural workers to discuss the political dilemma and prospects of the Israel-Palestine problem, the lives and aspirations of the Palestinian and Israeli public, as well as the myriad social issues impacted by the conflict, including cultural preservation, environmental sustainability, gender equality, and community development.

嘉宾简介 Guest&Host

主讲人 Speaker

◼ 杰克逊·德孔西尼,国际医疗组织 MedGlobal 紧急医疗队驻加沙成员,人道主义紧急响应联盟(HERC)现任秘书长。2023年11月以来,HERC 向加沙输送超过1080万美元的救援物资,其成员机构在联合国通行支持小组下负责加沙预通行机制的运作,成功谈判通过260万件关键人道物资的通行许可。德孔西尼毕业于达特茅斯学院政府与中东研究专业,曾编辑出版亚伊尔·希施费尔德关于巴以外交工作的回忆录《巴以和平进程:一位参与者的回忆》。

Jackson de Concini works for the Emergency Medical Team MedGlobal in Gaza. He focuses on humanitarian access coordination with the Israeli authority COGAT (Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories). Jackson is also the current Secretary General of the Humanitarian Emergency Response Coalition (HERC). In addition to delivering over 10.8 million USD in humanitarian supplies, the HERC member organizations operate the Gaza Pre-Clearance Mechanism under the UN Access Support Unit (ASU). The mechanism has successfully negotiated COGAT pre-clearance of over 2.6 million critical humanitarian items since November 2023. 

Before this war, Jackson edited and prefaced “The Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process: A Personal Insider's Account.”  The book is Dr. Yair Hirschfeld's memoir about his work on track-two diplomatic exercises between Israelis and Palestinians. For the memoir, Jackson worked under Dr. Hirschfeld to observe the current state and potential future of these negotiations. Jackson studied Government & Middle Eastern Studies major at Dartmouth College. There, he was the co-editor-in-chief for the Dartmouth Law Journal.

主持人 Host

◼ 吕晓宇,青年作家、学者,英国牛津大学博士,曾供职于联合国。现任北京大学国际关系学院助理教授,研究方向是国际冲突与和平。长期进行评论和非虚构写作,作品见于《单读》、《小说界》、洛杉矶书评中国频道、《三联生活周刊》、澎湃新闻、《卫报》、《外交家》等。出版有《利马之梦:晓宇的拉美笔记》、《水下之人》。

Dr. Xiaoyu Lu is an Assistant Professor at the School of International Studies in Peking University and was a Research Fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University. He received MSc and DPhil degrees in Politics at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, and previously worked at the United Nations Development Programme. His research focuses on international conflict, development and political anthropology.

参与方式 Sign-up

时间 Time

◼ 北京时间9月5日(周四)19:00-20:30

Sept. 5, Thur., 19:00-20:30 Beijing Time

平台 Platform

◼ ZOOM 会议 ID:821 2681 3809

请扫码注册 Scan the code to register.

语言 Language

◼ English(配有中文同传)

注意事项 Note

◼ 请尊重嘉宾及主办单位对本场活动音像内容拥有的版权,不要私自对活动进行录音、录像及传播。

Please respect the audio-video copyright of the speaker and the organizer, and don't record without permission.



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文案 | 小白

海报设计 | Yancy

编辑 | Hadi


