
文摘   2024-05-29 21:15   英国  

Postdoctoral Position @ HK CityU
香港城市大学 建筑学及土木工程学系 郑星课题组 诚聘1~2名博士后

1. About CityU and ACE


City University of Hong Kong (CityU) is one of the world's leading universities, known for innovation, creativity and research. Uniquely located at the heart of Asia's World City, CityU aims to pursue excellence, promote innovation and nurture creativity for Hong Kong, the region and the world. Worldwide recognition ranking #54 (QS 2023), and #4 among universities under age 50 (QS 2021).

The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE) at the City University of Hong Kong is unique in Hong Kong, as we offer a broad spectrum of construction-related programmes, from architecture to civil engineering, building services engineering (or architecture engineering) and surveying, within a single department.

香港城市大学是一所世界知名的国际化公立研究型综合大学。2023年QS世界大学排名第 54名,香港地区排名第4。2024年泰晤士高等教育世界大学全球最国际化大学排名第1。港城大建筑学及土木工程学系(ACE)是全港唯一同时拥有建筑学,测量学,土木工程,建设管理,建筑设备,城市设计与区域规划专业的院系。本系拥有大气边界风洞、环境舱等试验设备、港城大配备有Burgundy超级计算平台。

2. About PI 


D. Zheng is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (CityU). Prior to joining CityU, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Module Coordinator at the Future Cities Lab Global in Singapore-ETH Centre. He was honored with the Outstanding Graduate Award upon completing his bachelor's degree in Architecture at Chongqing University in China. He earned a Master's degree in Architecture from Southeast University in China, and later attained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. Possessing a dual background in Architecture and Building Science, his research primarily explores the interaction between urban climates and building thermal performance, with the overall aim of providing a sustainable, low-carbon, and energy-efficient built environment and other enclosures. Dr. Zheng has published over 40 journal and conference papers, including 22 journal papers indexed by SCI journals. He serves as a youth Editorial Board Member of journal Building Simulation (SCI Q1, IF=5.5), Early Career Editorial Board Member of Architectural Intelligence, and reviewer of more than 30 international SCI journals, such as Building and Environment, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Sustainable Cities and Society, Atmospheric Environment, Energy and Buildings, etc. 

郑星博士于2023年末加入香港城市大学建筑学及土木工程学系任博士生导师/助理教授。他作为优秀毕业生在重庆大学取得建筑学学士学位。随后,他在东南大学取得建筑学硕士学位,在荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学取得哲学博士学位。他长期致力于城市局地气候、低碳可持续建筑、性能驱动型建筑与城市设计等相关领域的研究。他是国际风工程协会会员、中国建筑学会会员,曾任香港科技大学土木与环境工程学系博士后、苏黎世联邦理工学院未来城市实验室博士后和项目协调人、新加坡国立大学建筑系客座评图委员。他被授权国家发明专利2项、累计发表期刊和会议论文40余篇,其中SCI Q1期刊论文22篇,大部分为第一或通讯作者。他担任SCI Q1期刊Building simulation(影响因子5.5)青年编委、客座编辑、国际期刊Architectural Intelligence青年编委30余种SCI期刊审稿人。


3. Schemes and salary

1). Regular postdoctoral researcher, monthly salary 20000~30000 HKD, depends on the experience. 常规博士后:月薪2-3万港币。

2). Hong Kong Scholars Program: The employment period is two years, with a total amount of RMB 360,000 + HKD 440,000. 香江学者(适用于内地学者):聘期两年,共计36万元人民币+44万港币。

3). RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (outstanding candidate): monthly salary 35000 HKD. 港府博士后(特别优秀者):月薪3万5千港币。


4. Research areas


Include but not limited to
1). Urban climates and environmental wind engineering

2). Outdoor and indoor airflow control
3). Low carbon and sustainable building technology

4). Performance-driven architecture and urban design

5. Requirements


1). PhD holder or PhD candidate from a prestigious University or prestigious research group;
2). Demonstrate a strong track record or exhibit strong potential for scientific research. Be able to provide 2 to 5 representative publications as evidence;

3). Capable of assisting supervising research graduate students;

4). Ideally, have ONE of the following skills or experiences:

a) A theoretical foundation in building performance simulation, including familiarity with tools such as Energyplus, DesignBuilder, in-house code, Rhino-Grasshopper Ladybug/Honeybee/Butterfly, etc.

b) A theoretical knowledge in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) or Fast Fluid Dynamics (FFD) simulation, with experience using tools like PALM4U, Ansys Fluent, OpenFOAM, WRF, or in-house code.

c) Experience with Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) wind-tunnel experiments or urban climate observations.

d) Expertise in urban big data processing, including handling and analyzing large datasets related to urban environments using Artificial Intelligence.

e) Experiences in writing research grant proposals.
We consider candidates from architectural engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, giscience, civil engineering, architecture, landscape, urban planing, applied physics, geographical science, etc.

6. Contact


Please send the following materials to the email address: Please specify the subject "Postdoc application + scheme + name":

1). A complete personal resume, including major educational and research experiences, key research skills, 2~5 representative publications.

2). A motivation letter or proposal.

3). Any other materials that can demonstrate personal experiences, qualities, and abilities. Referee letters can be submitted later.

[Onlyshortlisted candidates will be contacted]
