
文摘   教育   2024-02-29 16:49   湖北  



Due to the high volume of demand for the below noted programs and to ensure our students have the best experience here with us here on campus, we have made the decision to close applications for the following programs to new applicants for the Term 2, 2024 intake effective immediately.

Impacted programs:

Master of Information Technology (8543)

Graduate Certificate of Information Technology (7546)

Graduate Certificate in Computing (7543)

Master of Information Technology/Master of Commerce (8544)

Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (5546/5543)



  • 信息技术硕士(8543)

  • 信息技术研究生证书(7546)

  • 计算机研究生证书(7543)

  • 信息技术硕士/商业硕士(8544)

  • 信息技术研究生文凭 (5546/5543)

Deadlines for the impacted programs will be revised to the following dates:

Apply Online deadline: Closed to new applicants with immediate effect

Accept Online deadline (offshore students): 11:59pm AEDT on Sunday, 28 April 2024

Accept Online deadline (onshore students): 11:59pm AEDT on Sunday, 26 May 2024


在线申请截止日期: 2024年2月27日起不再接受新申请人

在线接受录取截止日期(海外学生): 澳大利亚东部时间2024年4月28日(星期日)下午11:59

在线接受截止日期(境内学生): 澳大利亚东部时间2024年5月26日(星期日)下午11:59

Overview of updates

We understand the disruption this causes and we will work with you to communicate to all applicants impacted by this change in the following ways: 



1、No new applications will be considered for the UNSW Master of Information Technology (8542), Graduate Certificate of Information Technology (7546), Graduate Certificate in Computing (7543), Master of Information Technology/Master of Commerce (8544) or Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (5546/5543) for Term 2, 2024 intake. UNSW Apply Online will no longer show this intake as a valid option. Please do not submit any previously saved application.

新南威尔士大学信息技术硕士 (8542)、信息技术研究生证书 (7546)、计算机研究生证书 (7543)、信息技术硕士/商业硕士 (8544) 或信息技术研究生文凭 (5546/5543) 2024 年第 2 学期招生将不再考虑新的申请。新南威尔士大学在线申将不再显示该录取为有效选项。请不要提交任何之前保存的申请。

2、Active applications that are yet to be assessed or have not received an outcome yet will be contacted to advise them that no new applicants will be considered for this intake. In the coming weeks, refunds of application fees will be processed automatically by UNSW Admissions for applicants that do not have an eligible subsequent study preference to a program not impacted by this change noted on their application

(NOTE: Applications that have had the application fees waived are not eligible for refund).



3、Applicants who have received Full Offer & Conditional Offer holders will have until the standard accept online deadlines to provide any outstanding documentation and accept their offer and will not be impacted by these revisions, as long as the offers are accepted within the deadlines.


4、Students who have already accepted their offer (including conditional packaged offers completing UEEC at UNSW College) will not be impacted by these revisions.

These measures have been taken to ensure that we remain committed to manageable class sizes and a positive overall student experience.

已经接受录取的学生(包括在新南威尔士大学学院完成 UEEC 课程的有条件打包录取)不会受到这些调整的影响。


Other options 其他选择

Should your student wish to pursue further studies at UNSW in the upcoming Term 2, 2024, you can submit a new application for another program outside of the programs impacted by this change.

Alternatively, if your student wishes to be assessed against a future intake for one of these impacted programs, they should do so as soon as possible, noting that courses are filling fast for Term 3, 2024.



如有其他问题,欢迎联系Yes Education团队。


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