
文摘   2024-08-06 17:30   湖北  


The University of Melbourne 







1、墨尔本大学副校长Professor Michael Wesley, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Global, Culture and Engagement)对于国际学生限额的Cap政策的评论文章

2、8月14日至29日线上Global Education Agent Training Webinars

3、最新国际学生本硕打包学位课程 Graduate Degree Packages (GDPs) 

International students are now eligible for Graduate Degree Packages (GDPs), a combined offer for both an undergraduate degree and a place in a specialised professional graduate program. This opportunity will equip students in their discipline to make an impact in their career.


Bupa OSHC 费率更新

6月30日起,单人保险费上涨2%,双人和家庭上涨6-6.5 %,通过大学订购的Bupa将保持目前的较低费率,直至2024年8月11日

Bupa OSHC rates have changed from 30 June with an increase of 2% for singles and 6-6.5 % for couples and families. Bupa Success policies ordered through the University will remain at the current lower rate up to 11 August 2024.
The Online Acceptance Agreement portal will be closed on Monday 12 August while the OSHC rates are being updated, and the new rates will appear in the online acceptance agreements and be applied once it reopens. Please note that the University can only order OSHC policies when an offer is accepted.

2025年Residential Colleges住宿开放申请

Residential Colleges applications open for 2025

See our website for details on how your students can apply and submit a College application for next year. Find out more


University Accommodation applications opening for 2025

Explore our trusted accommodation options in the heart of our Parkville campus. Students are encouraged to book early due to strong demand for University-owned accommodation. Applications will open in August. Find out more




Effective immediately, for the Semester 1 2025 intake, the University will only accept Ontario Secondary School Diploma transcripts from applicants who have completed their Diplomas at public schools and international private schools listed below.

  • Public schools

  • International schools

All transcripts will be verified directly with the school or board by our Quality Assurance team prior to receiving an offer (if eligible).

Bachelor of Design课程升读Master学位的保障途径

从2025年起,所有墨尔本大学Bachelor of Design学生将被保证进入与其本科专业对应的硕士课程,而无需提交作品集或个人陈述。学生必须在设计学士学位中达到65%的加权平均分(WAM)才能升入硕士学位。并且需要在毕业后12个月内申请入学,才能保证入学资格。

From 2025, all University of Melbourne Bachelor of Design students will be guaranteed entry into the Masters program corresponding with their undergraduate major without the need to submit a portfolio or personal statement.

To be eligible for a guaranteed pathway, students must achieve a weighted average mark (WAM) of 65% in their Bachelor of Design to progress to the Masters degree. The majors and their corresponding Masters include:

  • Bachelor of Design (Architecture) into Master of Architecture (200 points)

  • Bachelor of Design (Construction Management) into Master of Construction Management (200 points)

  • Bachelor of Design (Landscape Architecture) into Master of Landscape Architecture (200 points) 

  • Bachelor of Design (Construction Management) into Master of Construction Management (200 points) 

  • Bachelor of Design (Property) into Master of Property (200 points) 

  • Bachelor of Design (Urban Planning) into Master of Urban Planning (200 points)

Students need to apply for an intake within 12 months of graduation to be guaranteed a place. Find out more



  • Master of Arts and Cultural Management

  • Master of Global Media Communication

  • Master of Marketing Communications

  • Master of Public Policy and Management

  • Master of Applied Linguistics

  • Master of International Journalism

  • Master of International Relations

  • Master of Cultural Materials Conservation 

  • Master of Social Policy

  • Master of Art Curatorship 

  • Executive Master of Arts


  • Master of Finance 

  • Master of Finance (Enhanced) 

  • Master of International Business 

  • Master of Management 

  • Master of Management (Marketing) 

  • Master of Management (Accounting)

  • Master of Management (Finance) 

  • Master of Management (Human Resources) 

  • Master of Management (Accounting and Finance) 

  • Master of Computer Science 

  • Master of Information Systems 

  • Master of Information Technology 

  • Master of Software Engineering 

  • Master of Laws and all other graduate coursework law degrees (except the Juris Doctor

请注意,以上未列出的所有其他课程的截止日期仍与官网 'how to apply'页面上公布的相同。我们鼓励您继续参考学校官网(https://study.unimelb.edu.au/)包括关键申请日期。

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