
文摘   教育   2024-02-28 18:06   湖北  





悉尼大学不能打包语言班的课程University degree cannot be packaged with DEC

悉尼大学可以配语言的方向University degree streams that can be packaged with DEC


下一个申请和付款截止日期为 DEC36 2024 年 3 月 15 日和 DEC10 2024 年 3 月 22 日,请参阅以下绿色突出显示部分,请遵守这些截止日期并提供正确的文件。

二、悉尼大学 2024 年配额列表 - 已更新 - 2024年2月

请参阅以下有 2024 年 CET 打包录取名额的学位列表。 这些配额由各学院/学校向大学招生团队发布。 当您收到有配额的学位的 CET 打包录取的时候,请务必尽早行动并准备好相关文件,以便最终完成注册。

请注意,红色标注的课程 2024 年的打包名额已满

Postgraduate Degrees:

  • Master of Media Practice/Graduate Diploma in Media Practice/ Graduate Certificate in Media Practice

  • Master of Digital Communication and Culture/ Graduate Diploma in Digital Communication and Culture / Graduate Certificate in Digital Communication and Culture

  • Master of Economics/Graduate Diploma in Economics/Graduate Certificate in Economics

  • Master of Laws/Graduate Diploma in Laws

  • Master of International Law/Graduate Diploma in International Laws

  • Master of Business Law/ Graduate Diploma in Business Laws

  • Master of Computer Science

  • Master of Computer Science (Advanced)

  • Master of Commerce

  • Master of Commerce (Extension)

  • Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Audio)

  • Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Illumination)

  • Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art/ Graduate Diploma in Interaction Desing and Electronics Arts

  • Master of Physiotherapy

  • Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

  • Master of Diagnostic Radiography

  • Master of Occupational Therapy

  • Doctor of Physiotherapy

  • Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

Graduate Certificate/Diploma

  • Graduate Certificate in Computer Science

  • Graduate Diploma in Computer Science

Undergraduate Degrees:

  • Bachelor of Design in Architecture

  • Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of Architecture

  • Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) and Bachelor of Design in Architecture

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)

  • Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Exercise and Sport Science)

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)

  • Bachelor of Oral Health

  • Bachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) / Master of Pharmacy Practice

  • Bachelor of Psychology Honours

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

三、 悉尼大学不能打包语言班的课程 University degree cannot be packaged with DEC

  • Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)

  • Bachelor of Arts/Master of Nursing

  • Bachelor of Science/Master of Nursing

  • Bachelor of Science (Health)/Master of Nursing

  • Master of Nursing

  • Doctor of Medicine

  • Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and all combined MBBS

  • Juris Doctor

  • Master of Speech Language Pathology

  • Master of Occupational Therapy

  • Master of Speech Language Pathology

  • Master of Occupational Therapy

四、悉尼大学可以配语言的方向 University degree streams that can be packaged with DEC 

Master of Science in Medicine: 只有以下三个专业的国际学生可以打包 CET:

  1. Clinical Epidemiology - Note:该方向仅适用于第一学期入学的国际学生

  2. Infection and Immunity - Note: 该方向从 2023 年中二至 2026 年暂停

  3. Sexual and Productive Health 

Master of Medicine: 只有以下两种方向可供国际学生打包CET 

  1. Clinical Epidemiology Note: 该方向仅适用于第一学期入学的国际学生

  2. Infection and Immunity Note: 该方向从 2023 年中二至 2026 年暂停



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