课程 | 高考分数 |
Architecture, design and planning | |
B Architecture and Environments | 75% |
B Design (Interaction Design) | 70% |
B Design/B Advanced Studies (Interaction Design) | 70% |
B Design in Architecture | 80% |
B Design in Architecture (Honours)/M Architecture | 80% |
Arts and social sciences | |
B Arts | 70% |
B Arts/B Advanced Studies | 70% |
B Arts/B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) | 90% |
B Arts (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France) | 75% |
B International Studies | 75% |
B Languages | 75% |
B Media and Communications | 80% |
B Politics, Philosophy, and Economics | 75% |
B Visual Arts | 55% |
B Visual Arts and B Advanced Studies | 55% |
Business | |
B Commerce | 85% |
B Commerce/B Advanced Studies | 85% |
B Commerce/B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) | 90% |
B Commerce and B Arts | 85% |
B Commerce and B Science | 85% |
Economics | |
B Economics | 75% |
B Economics/B Advanced Studies | 75% |
B Economics (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France) | 75% |
B Economics and B Arts | 75% |
Education and social work | |
B Education (Early Childhood) | 70% |
B Education (Health and Physical Education) | 75% |
B Education (Primary) | 75% |
B Education (Secondary) | 75% |
B Education/B Advanced Studies (Secondary) | 75% |
B Social Work | 70% |
B Arts/B Social Work | 70% |
Engineering and computer science | |
B Advanced Computing | 80% |
B Advanced Computing/B Commerce | 85% |
B Advanced Computing/B Science | 80% |
B Advanced Computing/B Science (Health) | 80% |
B Advanced Computing/B Science (Medical Science) | 80% |
B Engineering Honours (Aeronautical Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars) | 90% |
B Engineering Honours (Electrical Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Environmental Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Flexible First Year) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Mechanical Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Software Engineering) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours with Space Engineering | 85% |
B Engineering Honours and B Arts | 75% |
B Engineering Honours and B Commerce | 85% |
B Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering) and B Design in Architecture | 80% |
B Engineering Honours and B Project Managemen | 75% |
B Engineering Honours and B Science | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Health) | 75% |
B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering) and B Science (Medical Science) | 75% |
B Project Management | 75% |
Law | |
B Arts/B Laws | 85% |
B Commerce/B Laws | |
B Economics/B Laws | |
B Engineering Honours/B Laws | |
B Science/B Laws |
Medicine and health | |
B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) | 80% |
B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) | 75% |
B Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) | 75% |
B Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) | 80% |
B Applied Science (Physiotherapy) | 85% |
B Applied Science (Speech Pathology) | 80% |
B Arts/D Medicine | NA |
B Arts/M Nursing | 75% |
B Nursing (Advanced Studies) | 75% |
B Oral Health | 75% |
B Pharmacy (Honours)/M Pharmacy Practice | 75% |
B Pharmacy and Management (Honours)/M Pharmacy Practice | 75% |
B Science/D Dental Medicine | NA |
B Science/D Medicine | NA |
B Science/M Nursing | 75% |
B Science (Health)/M Nursing | 75% |
B Science/M Nutrition and Dietetics | 80% |
Music | |
B Music | 55% |
B Music (Composition) | |
B Music/B Advanced Studies (Composition) | |
B Music (Music Education) | |
B Music (Performance) | |
B Music/B Advanced Studies (Performance) |
Science | |
B Agricultural Science | 70% |
B Agricultural Science Honours | 70% |
B Liberal Arts and Science | 70% |
B Liberal Arts and Science (Advanced) | 80% |
B Psychology | 75% |
B Psychology Honours | 80% |
B Science | 75% |
B Science (Advanced) | 80% |
B Science (Health) | 75% |
B Science (Medical Science) | 75% |
B Science and B Advanced Studies | 75% |
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Advanced) | 80% |
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars including Mathematical Sciences) | 90% |
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Health) | 75% |
B Science and B Advanced Studies (Medical Science) | 75% |
B Science and B Arts | 75% |
B Science and M Mathematical Sciences | 80% |
B Veterinary Biology and D Veterinary Medicine | 80% |
课程 | 高考分数 |
Arts, Design & Architecture | |
Architecture B Architectural Studies | 75% |
B Arts | 70% |
B Arts/B Education (Secondary) | 70% |
B City Planning (Honours) | 70% |
B Commerce/B Education (Secondary) | 75% |
B Construction Management & Property | 70% |
B Design | 70% |
B Economics/B Education (Secondary) | 75% |
B Fine Arts | 70% |
B Interior Architecture (Honours) | 70% |
B Landscape Architecture (Honours) | 70% |
B Media | 70% |
B Fine Arts/B Advanced Science (Hons) | 75% |
B Fine Arts/B Commerce | 75% |
B Fine Arts/B Engineering (Hons) | 75% |
B Fine Arts/B Media | 70% |
B Politics, Philosophy and Economics | 75% |
B Science/B Education (Secondary) | 70% |
B Social Sciences | 70% |
B Social Work (Honours) | 70% |
Diploma in Architecture | 60% |
Diploma in Media and Communication | 60% |
Business School | |
B Actuarial Studies | 84% |
B Commerce | 75% |
B Commerce (International) | 80% |
B Economics | 75% |
B Economics/B Advanced Science (Hons) | 75% |
B Economics/B Sc (Advanced Mathematics) (Hons) | 75% |
B Information Systems | 72% |
Diploma in Business | 60% |
Engineering | |
B Engineering (Honours) | 75% |
B Engineering (H)/B Commerce | 75% |
B Engineering (H) (Elec)/M Engineering (Elec) | 75% |
B Engineering (Honours) (Civil with Architecture) | 75% |
B Food Science & Technology (Hons) | 72% |
B Science (Computer Science) | 75% |
B Engineering (H)/M Biomedical Engineering | 75% |
Diploma in Computer Science | 60% |
Diploma in Engineering | 60% |
Law & Justice | |
B Combined Law | 80% |
B Actuarial Studies/Law | 84% |
B Psychology (Honours)/Law | 84% |
B Criminology & Criminal Justice | 70% |
Medicine & Health | |
B Med MD | 90% |
B Applied Exercise Science/M Clinical Exercise Physiology | 72% |
B Exercise Science/M Physiotherapy & Exercise Physiology | 90% |
B International Public Health Online | 70% |
B Nutrition/M Dietetics & Food Innovation | 75% |
B Pharmaceutical Medicine/M Pharmacy | 75% |
B Vision Science | 75% |
B Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry | 91% |
Science | |
B Advanced Science (Honours) | 75% |
B Aviation (Flying) | 70% |
B Aviation (Management) | 70% |
B Aviation (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) | 70% |
B Data Science and Decisions | 75% |
B Engineering (H) (Materials Science & Engineering) | 72% |
B Engineering (H) (Mtrls Sc)/B Commerce | 75% |
B Engineering (H) (Mtrls Sc)/B Eng Sci (Chem Eng) | 75% |
B Engineering (H) (Mtrls Sc)/M Biomed Eng | 75% |
B Environmental Management | 70% |
B Medical Science | 72% |
B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) | 72% |
B Psychological Science | 70% |
B Psychology (Honours) | 84% |
B Science | 70% |
B Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) | 75% |
B Science Biotechnology (Honours) | 70% |
Diploma in Science | 60% |
课程 | 高考分数(750) |
澳国立艺术与人文学院 | |
人文学学士 | 525 |
犯罪学学士 | 525 |
国际关系学士 | 544 |
语言学学士 | 525 |
音乐学学士 | 525 |
政治学学士 | 544 |
政治、哲学与经济学学士 | 615 |
公共政策学士 | 544 |
澳国立亚太学院 | |
亚太事务学士 | 533 |
亚洲研究学士 | 525 |
国际安全研究学士 | 544 |
太平洋研究学士 | 525 |
人文与社会科学哲学学士(荣誉学位) | 690 |
澳国立商业与经济学院 | |
会计学学士 | 525 |
精算研究学士 | NA |
工商管理学士 | 525 |
商务学士 | 525 |
经济学学士 | 525 |
金融学学士 | 525 |
国际商务学士 | 525 |
澳国立工程计算机与赛博学院 | |
高级计算学士(荣誉学位) | 544 |
高级计算学士(研发)(荣誉学位) | 675 |
应用数据分析学士 | 570 |
工程学学士(荣誉学位) | 544 |
软件工程学士(荣誉学位) | 544 |
工程学学士(研发)(荣誉学位) | 675 |
计算学士 | 525 |
澳国立法学院 | |
法学学士(荣誉学位) | 660 |
澳国立理学院(含健康与医学院课程) | |
生物技术学士 | 525 |
环境与可持续发展学士 | 525 |
环境与可持续发展学士(高级)(荣誉学位) | 570 |
遗传学学士 | 544 |
健康科学学士 | 544 |
数学科学学士 | 630 |
医学科学学士 | 544 |
理学哲学学士(荣誉学位) | 690 |
理学哲学学士(荣誉学位)[ANU]/理学学士(荣誉学位)[NUS] | 690 |
心理学学士(荣誉学位) | 570 |
理学学士 | 525 |
理学学士(高级)(荣耆学位) | 570 |
理学学士(心理学) | 525 |
所有在授课程具体信息,包括学费、入学时间、入学学术与语言要求、所学课程、就业前景等内容、授课及考核方式均可以通过该链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FdvBYXQErGbFtDaPQCBC3Q?poc_token=HFU5fWaj1I42JI_sTnQlGNsjTRXo8QseL3gkWxqk (可复制到浏览器打开 )查看详情。
2025年西澳大学高考直录要求 | |
专业 | 高考分数要求 |
Arts; Business; Science; Environmental Design; Music | 67.5% |
Biomedical Science; Commerce; Engineering (honours) | 70% |
Philosophy, Politics and Economics | 76% |
Advanced Computer Science (Honours) | 78% |
2025年阿德莱德大学高考直录要求 | |
专业 | 高考分数要求 |
Bachelor of
Agricultural Sciences | 60% |
Bachelor of
Architectural Design Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) Bachelor of Criminology | 65% |
Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) Bachelor of Economics (Advanced) Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences(Advanced) Bachelor of Science (Advanced) Bachelor of Science (Advanced)(Honours) | 85% |
Bachelor of Business | 63% |
Bachelor of
Dental Surgery Bachelor of Medical Studies & Doctor of Medicine Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) | 80% |
Bachelor of Engineering
and Structural) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental and Climate Solutions) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum) with major Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Software) Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science (Honours) Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) | 70% |
Bachelor of Environmental
Policy and Management Bachelor of Finance and Banking Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Innovation Development Bachelor of International Relations Bachelor of Languages Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) Bachelor of Media | 60% |
Bachelor of Languages | 75% |
Bachelor of Marine and Wildlife Conservation | 65% |
Bachelor of Music
(Classical Performance) Bachelor of Music (Classical Voice) Bachelor of Music (Jazz Performance) Bachelor of Music (Popular Music) Bachelor of Music (Sonic Arts) Bachelor of Music Theatre | 不接受高考直录 |
Bachelor of
Music (Musicology) Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) Bachelor of Music (Advanced) Bachelor of Music | 60% |
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Oral Health Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics Bachelor of Project Management Bachelor of Psychological Science Bachelor of Science | 60% |
Bachelor of Psychological Science Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience) Bachelor of Science (Space Science and Astrophysics) Bachelor of Sociology Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology | 65% |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) Bachelor of Science (High Performance Computational Physics) (Honours) Bachelor of Science (High Performance Computational Physics) (Honours) Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Veterinary Technology | 70% |
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