史上最全 | 2025年澳洲八大A Level和IB本科直录要求一览

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2025年墨尔本大学A Level和IB直录要求

2025年悉尼大学A Level和IB直录要求

A Level和IB分数要求

A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1


Architecture and Environments:A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课13分;IB 29分

B Design in Architecture:  A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 34分

B Design (Interaction Design)/B Design/B Advanced Studies (Interaction Design):A Level最好的3门课12分或最好的4门课12分;IB 26分

B Design in Architecture (Honours) & M Architecture:  A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 35分


B Arts/B Arts & B Advanced Studies:  A Level最好的3门课12分或最好的4门课12分;IB 26分

B Arts & B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars):A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 41分

B Arts & B Advanced Studies(International and Global Studies)/B Arts & B Advanced Studies (Languages):  A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课14分;IB 31分

B Arts & B Advanced Studies (Media and Communications):A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 34分

B Arts & B Advanced Studies (Politics and International Relations):A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课15分;IB 29分

B Arts (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France):A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课13分;IB 29分

B Arts & B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars): A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 41分

B Visual Arts/B Visual Arts & B Advanced Studies: A Level最好的3门课11分或最好的4门课11分;IB 24分


B Commerce/B Commerce & B Advanced Studies/B Commerce and B Arts/B Commerce and B Science:  A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课18分;IB 37分

 B Commerce & B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars):  A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 41分

经济学院B Economics/B Economics (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)/B Economics & B Advanced Studies: A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课14分;IB 31分

B Education (Early Childhood)/B Arts & B Social Work/B Social Work:  A Level最好的3门课12分或最好的4门课12分;IB 26分

B Education (Health and Physical Education)/B Education (Secondary)/B Education &  B Advanced Studies (Secondary):  A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课13分;IB 29分

B Education (Primary):   A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课14分;IB 31分


B Project Management: A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课13分;IB 29分

B Advanced Computing/B Advanced Computing & B Science (Health,Medical Science)/B Advanced Computing & B Science (Health)/B Advanced Computing & B Science (Medical Science)/B Engineering Honours (Civil) & B Design in Architecture:  A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 34分

B Advanced Computing & B Commerce/ B Engineering Honours & B Commerce:  A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课18分;IB 37分

B Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars) :  A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 41分

B Engineering Honours (Aeronautical Engineering)/B Engineering Honours (Biomedical Engineering)/B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)/B Engineering Honours (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)/B Engineering Honours (Electrical Engineering)/B Engineering Honours (Flexible First Year) /B Engineering Honours (Mechanical Engineering)/B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic Engineering)/B Engineering Honours (Mechatronic Engineering)/B Engineering Honours&B Arts/B Engineering Honours&B Project Management/B Engineering Honours&B Science/B Engineering Honours&B Science/B Engineering Honours (Biomedical)& B Science (Medical Science):  A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课14分;IB 31分

B Engineering Honours with Space Engineering:A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课20分;IB 39分

法学院A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课18分;IB 38分

B Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)/B Arts & M Nursing/B Nursing (Advanced Studies)/B Science (Health)&M Nursing/B Science&M Nursing:  A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课13分;IB 29分

B Oral Health/B Pharmacy (Honours) & M Pharmacy Practice/B Pharmacy and Management (Honours) & M Pharmacy Practice:  A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课14分;IB 31分

B Applied Science (Exercise Physiology):  A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 33分

B Applied Science  (Occupational Therapy):  A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 34分

B Applied Science (Speech Pathology):A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 35分

B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography):  A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课17分;IB 37分

B Science & M Nutrition and Dietetics: A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课17分;IB 35分

B Applied Science (Physiotherapy):  A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课20分;IB 39分

B Science & Doctor of Dental Medicine: A Level最好的4门课23分;IB 44分

B Arts & D Medicine/B Science & D Medicine: A Level最好的4门课24分;IB 45分

B Science and D Dental Medicine: A Level最好的4门课23分;IB 44分


B Agricultural Science/B Agricultural Science Honours/:  A Level最好的3门课12分或最好的4门课12分;IB 26分

B Liberal Arts and Science:A Level最好的3门课11分或最好的4门课11分;IB 24分

B Liberal Arts and Science (Advanced)/B Psychology Honours/B Science (Advanced)/B Science&B Advanced Studies (Advanced) :  A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课16分;IB 34分

B Psychology/B Science/B Science (Health)/B Science & B Advanced Studies/B Science&B Advanced Studies (Health)/B Science & B Advanced Studies (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience)/B Science & B Advanced Studies (Taronga Wildlife Conservation):  A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课13分;IB 29分

B Science (Medical Science)/B Science & B Advanced Studies (Medical Science):  A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课14分;IB 31分

B Science & M Mathematical Sciences/B Veterinary Biology & D Veterinary Medicine:  A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课17分;IB 36分

B Science & B Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars including Mathematical Science):  A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 41分

A Level最好的3门课11分或最好的4门课11分;IB 24分

2025年澳大利亚国立大学A Level和IB直录要求

A Level和IB分数要求

A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1

文学与社科学院International Relations/Political Science/Public Policy: A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课16分;IB 32分

Politics, Philosophy & Economics: 最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课20分;IB 37分

Arts/Criminology/Languages/Music: A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课14分;IB 29分


Asian Studies/Pacific Studies: A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课14分;IB 29分

Asia-Pacific Affairs: A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课15分;IB 30分

International Security Studies: A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课16分;IB 31分

B. Philosophy (Honours)— Humanities and Social Sciences:A Level最好的3门课18分或最好的4门课22分;IB 43分


Actuarial Studies : A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课19分;IB 36分

Acounting/Business Administration/Commerce/Economic/Finance/International Business/Statistics:A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课14分;IB 29分

Finance, Economics & Statistics (Hons):A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 41分


Advanced Computing (Hons)/Engineering (Hons)/Bachelor of Engineering (honours) in Software Engineering: A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课16分;IB 32分

Applied Data Analytics: A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课18分;IB 34分

B Advanced Computing R&D (Hons)/B Engineering (R&D) (Hons):A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 41分

Computing:A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课14分;IB 29分


Health Science:A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课16分;IB 32

Psychology (Hons):A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课18分;IB 34分

Science(Psychology):A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课14分;IB 29分

法学院Laws (Hons):A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 40分

Biotechnology/Environment & Sustainability/Science/Science (Psychology): A Level最好的3门课13分或最好的4门课14分;IB 29分

Genetics/Medical Science: A Level最好的3门课14分或最好的4门课16分;IB 32分

Environment & Sustainability (Advanced) (Hons)/Science (Advanced) (Hons): A Level最好的3门课15分或最好的4门课18分;IB 34分

Mathematical Sciences:A Level最好的3门课16分或最好的4门课20分;IB38分

Philosophy (Hons) Science:A Level最好的3门课18分或最好的4门课22分;IB 43分

Philosophy  Neuroscience & Psychology:A Level最好的3门课17分或最好的4门课21分;IB 40分

2025年蒙纳士大学A Level和IB直录要求

A Level和IB分数要求

A*=5, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, U=0

Design/Fine Art: A Level最好的3门课7分;IB 25分

Architectural Design: A Level最好的3门课8分;IB 26分

Art History and Curating: A Level最好的3门课9.5分;IB 29分


Arts/Criminology/International Relations/Media Communication: A Level最好的3门课9分;IB 28分

Politics, Philosophy and Economics: A Level最好的3门课12分;IB 33分

Music: A Level最好的3门课7分;IB 25分


Actuarial Science/Economics/Finance/Bachelor of Actuarial Science and Master of Actuarial Studies: A Level最好的3门课12分;IB 33分 

Business/Accounting/Banking and Finance/International Business/Marketing: A Level最好的3门课9.5分;IB 29分

Business Administrstion: A Level最好的3门课7分;IB 25分

教育学院A Level最好的3门课8分;IB 26分

Engineering (Honours):A Level最好的3门课11分;IB 31

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Masters Accelerated Pathway:A Level最好的3门课14分;IB 36


Information Technology: A Level最好的3门课8分;IB 26分

Computer Science/Computer Science in Data Science: A Level最好的3门课9分;IB 28分

Bachelor of Computer Science Advanced (Honours): A Level最好的3门课12分;IB 33分

法学院A Level最好的3门课14分;IB 36分

Health Sciences: A Level最好的3门课7分;IB 25分

Nursing/Nutrition Science: A Level最好的3门课8分;IB 26分

Nursing(Peninsula校区)/Paramedicine/Public Health: A Level最好的3门课7.5分;IB 25分

Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours)/Psychology: A Level最好的3门课10分;IB 30分

Biomedical Science/Nutrition Science (Scholars program)/Nursing (Scholars Program): A Level最好的3门课12分;IB 33分

Radiation Sciences: A Level最好的3门课9分;IB 28分

Biomedical Science (Scholars Program)/Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine: A Level最好的3门课15分;IB 39分

Occupational Therapy (Honours):A Level最好的3门课9.5分;IB 29分

Physio therapy (Honours)/Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours):A Level最好的3门课13分;IB 35分


Pharmacy (Honors) /Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours):A Level最好的3门课12分;IB 33分

Pharmaceutical Science: A Level最好的3门课9.5分;IB 29分

Pharmacy (Honours) (Scholars Programs) & M Pharmacy/Pharmacy (Honours) (Scholars Programs) and Master of Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours) (Scholars Program) : A Level最好的3门课15分;IB 39分


Applied Data Science/Science: A Level最好的3门课9分;IB 28分

Science Advanced-Research(Honours): A Level最好的3门课14分;IB 36分

Science Advanced – Global Challenges (Honours)/Applied Data Science (Advanced):A Level最好的3门课12分;IB 33分

2025年阿德莱德大学A Level和IB直录要求

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