By Dolly Alderton多莉·奥尔德顿 著下载链接: Alderton’s brisk, witty novel, a 35-year-old struggling comedian in London tries to make sense of a recent breakup at the same moment when the majority of his friends seem to be pairing off for life. Cue snappy dialogue, awkward first dates and a memorable quest for a new home; toss clichéd gender roles, the traditional marriage plot and a ho-hum happily ever after. Not only does Alderton cement herself as a latter-day Nora Ephron, she also puts her own mark on the classic romantic comedy form. There are no second fiddles in “Good Material”; every character sings. And there is a deeper message, revealed in a surprise twist, having to do with independence, adventure and charting your own course.在奥尔德顿这部轻快诙谐的小说中,一位35岁、事业不顺的伦敦喜剧演员试图从最近的分手中吸取教训,而与此同时,他的大多数朋友似乎都有稳定的恋情。小说中有激烈的对话、尴尬的初次约会和令人难忘的寻找新家过程;抛弃了老套的性别角色,传统的婚姻情节和平淡无奇的幸福生活。奥尔德顿不仅把自己塑造成了现代版的诺拉·艾芙隆,还在经典的浪漫喜剧形式上留下了自己的印记。《好素材》里没有次要角色;每个角色都大放异彩。一个意外的情节转折揭示了更深层次的信息,关乎独立、冒险和规划自己的人生道路。