The Dark Mystery of France’s Most Notorious Sexual Predator
上个月,在法国阿维尼翁的法院外,人们举行示威,抗议性暴力。当时,多米尼克·佩利科正在此接受审判。Yoan Valat/EPA, via Shutterstock
Dominique Pelicot is France’s most infamous predator. He admits that he surreptitiously drugged his wife for almost a decade so that he could rape her, and that he invited dozens of strangers he met online to violate her limp, snoring body.多米尼克·佩利科特是法国最臭名昭著的性掠夺者。他承认自己偷偷给妻子下药长达近十年,对其实施强奸,并招揽数十名在网上结识的陌生人侵犯她瘫软的、正打着鼾熟睡的身体。And yet, for more than three months, Mr. Pelicot, 72, has sat in the courtroom where he is on trial with 50 other men and painted himself as the honest one. The rapist among 51 rapists, he says, who had the courage to deliver the truth on what they all did. The one who loved his wife and family desperately but, after 40 years of resisting, was overcome by perverted impulses.然而,在超过三个月的时间里,72岁的佩利科特坐在法庭上,与其他50名男性一同受审,却将自己描绘成一个诚实的人。他说,在这51名强奸犯中,自己是那个有勇气坦白他们的所做作为的人。他声称自己深深爱着妻子和家人,但在抵抗了40年后,最终还是被扭曲的冲动所击败。He is also the one who had nothing left to lose: He said he expected to receive a maximum sentence and spend 20 years in prison after the verdict is delivered this week.而他也是不需要顾忌失去更多的那个人:他表示自己预计在本周宣判时将被判最高刑期,在监狱中度过20年。“No one belongs to anyone else, but I did what I wanted when I had the urge,” Mr. Pelicot said one day during the trial, leaning back in his chair in the prisoner’s box, the same gray fleece jacket he had worn every day zipped up. “That’s what’s at the heart of this story.”“没有人是属于别人的,但在我有冲动的时候,我做了自己想做的事情,”佩利科特在庭审的某天说道。他坐在被告席上,靠在椅背上,穿着每天都穿的同一件灰色抓绒外套,拉链一直拉到头,说道:“这就是这件事的核心。”He told the court that he had felt remorse the mornings after he drugged his wife, Gisèle Pelicot, but that had not stopped him. “The next day was terrible, because I saw what a bad state she was in,” he said, “but I won’t complain today, because that would be indecent. She is the one suffering, not me.”他告诉法庭,每次给妻子吉赛尔·佩利科特下药后的第二天,他都会感到懊悔,但这并未阻止他。“第二天的早晨非常糟糕,因为我看到她的情况有多差,”他说,“但今天我不会抱怨,因为那样是不体面的。受苦的人是她,不是我。”During the trial, the judges and lawyers in the court in the French city of Avignon tried to grasp the enigma that is Mr. Pelicot, with only modest success.
Near the beginning of the trial, the court heard from psychiatrists and psychologists who described Mr. Pelicot’s psyche as cleaved into two distinct parts, though they did not diagnose him with a mental health disorder.在庭审开始不久,法庭听取了精神科医生和心理学家的意见,在他们的描述中,佩利科特的精神状态被分裂成了两个截然不同的部分,但他们并未诊断他患有精神疾病。Side A was the Mr. Pelicot his friends and family knew before his second and final arrest in November 2020. That Mr. Pelicot was an attentive and dedicated grandfather, father and husband who had been besotted with Gisèle since they met at 19.他的其中一个精神面貌A面是在佩利科特于2020年11月第二次、也是最后一次被捕前,他的家人和朋友所认识的那个人。这一面的佩利科特是一个关心家人和热诚投入家庭的祖父、父亲和丈夫,自从19岁遇见吉赛尔后便对她痴迷不已。The couple had modeled a strong, dedicated relationship to their three children over the decades, weathering difficult financial times and romantic affairs. Mr. Pelicot went to soccer games and movies with his eldest son, David, and picked up his daughter, Caroline, from night clubs to ensure that she got home safely.在过去的几十年里,这对夫妇为他们的三个孩子树立了一个坚定、忠诚的关系榜样,渡过了经济困难和情感外遇难关。佩利科特经常陪着长子大卫去看足球比赛和电影,还会到夜店接女儿卡罗琳,确保她安全回家。Professionally, he never seemed to find his groove, working first as an electrician before turning to real estate and then sales. He would quietly ask his adult daughter for money, but that did not provoke a rupture in the close-knit family.在职业上,他似乎从未找到合适的定位,先是做电工,然后转向房地产,最后做销售。他会悄悄地向成年女儿要钱,但这并没有引起这个亲密家庭的破裂。Then there was the other part of Mr. Pelicot’s psyche, the therapists said, his Side B: perverse, manipulative, incapable of empathy, addicted to sex, a person who saw others as objects to use or bend to his will.心理医生说,佩利科特还有另一面,也就是他的B面:乖僻、善于操纵、缺乏同理心、沉迷于性、视他人为可以利用或屈从于自己意志的对象。This side, experts in court said, was rooted in what Mr. Pelicot and his half sister, Ginette Pelicot, described as a violent childhood home.出庭的专家表示,他的这一面的根源在于成长环境,佩利科特和他的同母异父姐姐吉内特·佩利科特称,他们在一个暴力的家庭长大。Mr. Pelicot grew up in the center of France, south of Paris. After his mother’s first husband abandoned her and their two children, she married his brother, with whom she had two more children — one of those was Dominique.佩利科特在法国中部巴黎南部长大。他母亲的第一任丈夫抛弃了她和他们的两个孩子,之后她嫁给了他的兄弟,并生了两个孩子,其中一个就是多米尼克。Ginette said she had left the house while young to escape her stepfather’s attempted sexual abuse.吉内特说,为逃避继父的性虐待企图,她很小的时候就离开了家。Many times during the weeks of testimony, Mr. Pelicot mentioned a searing memory of glimpsing what he described as his father raping and humiliating his mother.在数周的作证过程中,佩利科特多次提到自己看到父亲强奸并羞辱母亲的惨痛记忆。“In every man, there is a demon,” Mr. Pelicot testified. “Mine came from my childhood.”“每个人心里都住着一个恶魔,”佩利科特作证说。“我的恶魔来自我的童年。”His lawyer, Béatrice Zavarro, argued that Mr. Pelicot was also emotionally scarred by other alleged traumas.他的律师贝娅特丽斯·萨瓦罗辩称,佩利科特还因其他所谓的创伤而受到情感伤害。The first was a rape that Mr. Pelicot said he suffered at age 9, while he was a hospital patient, at the hands of a male nurse. Then, five years later, when he was an apprentice electrician working on a construction site, he told the court, he was forced to participate in a gang rape. (No evidence that either crime happened was offered in court.)第一次是佩利科特说他九岁住院时被一名男护士强奸。他还告诉法庭,五年后,当他还是某建筑工地的一名电工学徒时,他被迫参与了一起轮奸。(法庭上没有呈示任何证据证明这两起罪行确实发生过。)Still, by Mr. Pelicot’s telling, he restrained his Side B for 40 years through the strength of his relationship with his wife, a woman he repeatedly called a “saint.”不过,根据佩利科特的说法,通过与妻子的紧密联系,他抑制了自己的“B面”长达40年,他反复称妻子为“圣人”。“I have something inside me that I fought for a long time, thanks to my wife,” he said one day. On another day, he said: “I loved her enormously, and I still love her.”有一天他说:“我内心深处有种东西,我与之斗争了很久,这要感谢我的妻子。”另一天,他说:“我非常爱她,现在我仍然爱她。”That restraint, his lawyer suggested, started to give way in 2011, when Mr. Pelicot connected with other men on a notorious, unmoderated website that was shut down last June after accruing more than 23,000 police cases in France from 2021 to 2024.
It was there, he said, that he learned from another user the method of drugging his wife for his own sexual pleasure, so he could do things to her that she would not permit while conscious. Over time, he offered her to other men he met online, the court heard.他说,正是在那里,他从另一个用户那里学到了给妻子下药以满足自己的性欲的方法,这样他就可以对她做一些她在清醒时不允许的事情。法庭获悉,随着时间的推移,他将她提供给了他在网上认识的其他男人。What he described as his growing perversion was reflected on the courtroom benches, by the number of men he was accused of recruiting per year: one from 2015, seven from 2017 and then 17 from 2019.他所描述的日益变态的性格在法庭被告席上得到体现,根据他被指控的每年招募的男人数量:2015年一名,2017年七名,2019年招募17名。He was living a double life — driving his wife to medical appointments during the day to address the haunting symptoms he was causing her at night.他过着双重生活——白天开车送妻子去看医生,治疗他在晚上给她造成的久久不愈的症状。Even after he was arrested and charged with filming up women’s skirts in a grocery store in September 2020, and the police confiscated his phones and laptop brimming with incriminating evidence, Mr. Pelicot continued. After he was released from jail, he again brought men to his home to join him in raping his near-comatose wife until the police arrested him a second time two months later, this time based on evidence of rapes found on his electronics.他在2020年9月因在一家杂货店偷拍女性裙底而被捕并被指控,警方没收了他的手机和笔记本电脑,里面装满了罪证,然而佩利科特并没有收手。出狱后,他再次带人到家里和他一起强奸他接近昏迷的妻子,直到两个月后警方第二次逮捕他,这次是基于在他的电子设备上发现的强奸证据。Ms. Zavarro, Mr. Pelicot’s lawyer, argued that he wanted to be caught as a way of stopping his harmful behavior. He even told the police where in his garage to find his external hard drive that held thousands of photos and videos he had taken of the rapes of his wife — the evidence that the police needed to track down and charge dozens of other men.佩利科特的律师萨瓦罗辩称,他希望被抓,以便停止他的有害行为。他甚至告诉警察,他的车库里有他拍摄的数千张强奸妻子的照片和视频,这些是警方追踪和指控其他数十名男子所需的证据。Over the months in court, Mr. Pelicot mostly presented his Side A: polite, contrite and, he said, working with psychologists to understand himself.在几个月的庭审中,佩利科特主要呈现的是他的“A面”:礼貌、悔恨,并表示正在与心理学家合作以了解自己。“I am here for the truth effectively,” he said one day. “I am hiding nothing.”“我来这里就是为了真相,”有一天他说。“我没有隐瞒什么。”He is one of more than a dozen defendants who have pleaded guilty in the trial. Those who say they are innocent have admitted to having sex with Ms. Pelicot but say they never intended to rape her.他是十几名在审判中认罪的被告之一。那些声称自己无罪的人承认与佩利科特女士发生过性关系,但表示他们从未打算强奸她。Mostly, they say they were tricked by Mr. Pelicot into believing that they were participating in a threesome and that Ms. Pelicot was pretending to be asleep. They were manipulated, they’ve argued, directed or overpowered by Mr. Pelicot. Some have said they believe he drugged them, too, most likely in a drink he offered them.佩利科特欺骗了他们,让他们以为自己在参加“三人行”,佩利科特女士则假装睡着了。他们被佩利科特操纵、劝说、指示或制服。有些人说,他们相信他还给他们下了药,很可能是在他们喝的饮料里下了药。After each defendant’s testimony, a microphone was passed into Mr. Pelicot’s glass box, where he repeated the same lines so many times that they became a chorus in the macabre trial: The men knew “perfectly well” that he had drugged his wife without her knowledge and they were coming to join him in raping her.在每位被告作证之后,一个麦克风被传进佩利科特所在的玻璃隔间,他在这里反反复复说着同样的话,以至于成了这场令人毛骨悚然的审判的“副歌”部分:这些男人“非常清楚”,他瞒着妻子给她下了药,而他们来是想和他一起强奸她。“In no way” did he manipulate them, he said. He didn’t offer a single one of them water, coffee or anything to drink, he said. And, by his telling, he didn’t drug any of them, just his wife.他说他“绝对没有”操纵他们。他说他没有给任何人提供水、咖啡或任何饮料。而且,据他说,他没有给他们任何人下药,只给他的妻子下药。“I am a rapist like many in this room,” he said near the beginning of the trial. “They knew everything, all of it.”“我和这间屋子里的许多人一样,都是强奸犯,”他在审判开始时说道。“他们知道一切,全部。”“I am just as responsible as them,” he said months later, on his last day of testimony and cross-examination. “Without me, they wouldn’t be here. And without them, I wouldn’t be here.”“我和他们一样有责任,”几个月后,在他作证和交叉质询的最后一天,他说。“没有我,他们就不会在这里。没有他们,我也不会在这里。”Many statements like those, casting blame equally around a courtroom packed with defendants, provoked loud jeers and guffaws from the other accused men.许多类似的声明——在挤满被告的法庭上表示所有人担负着同等的罪责——引起了其他被告的嘲弄和大笑。Throughout the trial, Mr. Pelicot seemed to try to present himself in a more positive light. He jumped to the defense of his now ex-wife; when some defense lawyers questioned her aggressively, he said, “In no case was she complicit.” When the videos he had taken of others raping her were played in court as evidence, he covered his eyes. He said repeatedly that he was ashamed.在整个审判过程中,佩利科特似乎试图展现一个更正面的形象。他为现已离异的妻子辩护;当一些辩护律师咄咄逼人地质问她时,他说,“她绝不是同谋。”当他拍摄的其他人强奸她的视频作为证据在法庭上播放时,他捂住了眼睛。他反复说他感到羞愧。