Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS
the 3rd International Course “Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS” Admission Brochure
为促进水科学领域优秀青年学子学术交流,加强生态水文过程模型和全球系统模型领域人才培养,探讨全球变化下,生态和水文模型前沿进展,北京师范大学水科学研究院与瑞典隆德大学自然地理和生态科学学院联合举办第三届“Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS京师水韵国际课堂”,拟邀请15-20位水科学和生态学科相关领域青年学子,围绕模型理论方法和全球著名动态植被模型LPJ-GUESS生态系统过程建模进行系统授课。本课程主要针对具有一定模型基础的博士二年级以上研究生和博士后青年学者。我们鼓励参与者带着自己的科研问题和数据来上课,课程中将会有老师一对一的指导关于模型的设置,应用和开发。
Beijing Normal University (College of Water Sciences) and Lund University (Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science) will jointly organize the 3rd International Course “Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS”. This course aims to promote educational and scientific communications in the hydrology, terrestrial ecology, ecosystem and earth system modelling and discuss the frontier work in ecology & ecohydrology modelling of global change. The international course will only enroll 15-20 participants and teaches the dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS and related theories or approaches. Participants should bring your own laptop, research questions and scientific data in the class, and teachers will guide the model setup, application and development. Here are the course details:
一、课程信息 | Course information
Beijing Time:19th -23rd Oct. 2024
线下上课地点:北京师范大学 (录取后通知具体地点)
Course place:Beijing Normal University (will decide this later)
二、主讲人介绍 | Speakers introduction
三、课程安排 | Course Schedule
The 3rd International course Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS
四、招生要求 | Applicant requirements & Admission requirements
1、 专业为环境科学与工程、水文学及水资源、全球变化生态学、地理学、生态遥感等博士二年级及以上研究生、博士后。
Applicants should be at least the second-year PhD students and above, with research focus on Environmental Science and Ecology, Hydrology and Water Resources, Global Change Ecology, Geography, Ecological remote sensing, etc.
Applicants have good English skills and can discuss and make a presentation for tutors and partners in English. Please provide English proficiency certification.
Some experience in model simulation and coding. Tutors will provide professional guidance if students bring their own data and research questions for this course. Enrollment maximum is 20 students,
Participators are committed to having devoted time during the course and can attend all lectures and practical parts.
It is free of charge for this course, but participants are responsible for their own accommodation and transportation expenses.
五、报名方式 | Application processes
Applicants should fill in the application form and submit application materials to Miss Li (cws-ws@bnu.edu.cn ) by email before 10th Oct. 2024. Materials are provided as follows:
Study certification
Reference letter from tutor
English Proficiency Certification
4.简历 CV
5.报名表 Application form
(点击阅读原文下载附件:2024年北京师范大学水科学研究院与瑞典隆德大学地理系联合暑期学校报名表.docx”Click ‘Read More’ and download the application form)
六、食宿、收费和注意事项 | Accommodation, Fees and Matters
The course located in Beijing Normal University (BNU). BNU does not arrange accommodation and meals for students (a course assistant could provide a hotel list). Participants who have a distinguished academic background could apply for an accommodation allowance.
The course provides unified study materials and free for students. Participants will be awarded a Certification signed by two universities if they complete the requirements.
Students should attend courses on time and participate in each lesson and activity, obey university demands and rules. Pay attention to the latest news from the course community and email.
七、联系方式 | Contact information
北师大水科院外事秘书Affair secretary in CWS, BNU:
李老师 Miss Li:
Tel:(010)58804198, Email: cws-ws@bnu.edu.cn
八、北京师范大学水科学研究院简介 | Introduction to CWS, BNU
北京师范大学水科学学院成立于2005年1月,是由中国科学院水文专家刘昌明院士和水文地质专家林学钰院士共同发起成立的。水科院拥有教育部高等学校学科创新引智基地1个、北京市重点实验室1个、粤港澳联合实验室1个,教育部工程研究中心1个。在2020年软科世界一流学科排名中,北京师范大学的水资源工程世界排名第三、中国排名第一,具有一定的国际和国内影响力。近年来,水科院先后完成“973计划”、“863计划”、 国家水污染控制与治理科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家社科基金重大专项、国家科技支撑计划、北京市科委重大专项等项目。与美国、加拿大、英国、日本、泰国、澳大利亚等多所高校建立了密切的合作交流关系。
The College of Water Sciences (CWS), Beijing Normal University was formally founded in January 2005, on the initiative of two academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences, i.e., hydrologist Changming Liu and hydrogeologist Xueyu Lin. Since then, the CWS has an Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation (“111” Center), a Major Laboratory of Beijing, a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory, an Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education. The CWS efforts to promote international and domestic influence. Water resources of Beijing Normal University ranks 3rd in the world and 1st in China in the 2020 Shanghai Ranking of World Universities list.
In the past few years, More than a hundred of research projects were successively completed, including those funded by the 973 Program, the 863 Program, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the National Major Science and Technology Project of Water Pollution Control and Treatment, the Major Project of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and the Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation. In addition, close cooperation and exchange relationships were established with many universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia.
Today, while Beijing Normal University is developed as a “Double First- Class” university in China, the CWS is also having great opportunities for development. Based on the joint efforts of all staff and students as well as the substantial support of all sectors of the society, the CWS will adhere to the spirit of the college motto “as good as water and be realistic and innovative”, firmly conduct the work of teaching, research, social services, and determine to make positive contributions to the blue water and sky and the ecological civilization of China!
九、瑞典隆德大学自然地理和生态科学系简介 | Introduction to Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University
瑞典隆德大学建于1666年,是欧洲顶级名校,位列世界TOP100综合性大学(2020年QS世界排名97;U.S. News 排名91),共有40000学生和8160个教职工。隆德大学是瑞典的顶尖学府,每年有超过88亿欧元的资金周转,且60%用于科研。
隆德大学科学院下的自然地理和生态科学系(以下简称地理系),全球排名24。地理系致力于研究气候和环境变化如何影响陆地生态系统的结构性功能和组成,并在生态建模,遥感监测,地理信息科学和气候变化方面取得了显著的科研成果。欧洲碳综合监测系统(ICOS) carbon portal由地理系建立,处理和质量监控来自全欧洲碳通量观测站的数据,目前ICOS拥有分布于12个国家的86个通量观测站。
本课程瑞典教师团队为地理系核心科研团队,开发的全球动态植被模型LPJ-GUESS在全球变化生态学和植物动态建模领域具有崇高的国际声誉,和欧洲多个科研机构 (包括Max Planck Institute,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT) 保持长期的合作。LPJ-GUESS模型已被广泛应用于重大的国际项目,例如国际地球系统模式比较计划 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 & 6) 和全球碳计划 (Global Carbon Project)等。
Lund University is a public research university in Sweden and one of northern Europe’s top universities, it was built in 1666, ranked among the Top 100 comprehensive universities in the world (QS World Ranking 97 in 2020; U.S. News Ranking 91), with 40,000 students and 8,160 faculty members. Lund University has more than 8.8 billion euros in annual turnover and 60% of it is used in scientific research.
Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science in Lund University (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Geography) is the collaborating group that supports the summer school. The subject ranking of this Department is 24th around the world. It is dedicated to the study of how climate and environmental change affect the structural function and composition of terrestrial ecosystems and has achieved significant results in ecological modelling, remote sensing monitoring, geographic information science and climate change. The European Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) carbon portal was established by the Department of Geography. Data of carbon portal has been measured and monitored by carbon flux observation stations across Europe. Currently, ICOS has 86 flux observation stations in 12 countries.
The collaborating teacher group is a core team of the Department of Geography. This group created the LPJ-GUESS which is a global dynamic vegetation model and has a high international reputation in the field of global change ecology and plant dynamics modelling. It remains a long-term collaboration with several European research institutions (including Max Planck Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT). The LPJ-GUESS model has been widely used in major international projects such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 & 6 and the Global Carbon Project.
排版 / 祁鼎威
审核 / 赵星雨 张广浩 孙彤 薛雨