
文摘   2024-10-31 10:01   湖北  

2024年10月11日,中南林业科技大学南方林业生态应用技术国家工程实验室闫文德教授修复生态学团队与美国马萨诸塞大学Baoshan Xing教授、广东工业大学马传鑫教授等共同在Nature子刊Nature Food (IF=23.6)上发表题为《Engineered nanomaterials reduce metal(loid) accumulation and enhance staple food production for sustainable agriculture》的研究论文,揭示了纳米材料可有效降低土壤重金属污染并提升作物产量,该研究结果为区域生态环境安全和农业可持续发展提供了新见解。

中南林业科技大学南方林业生态应用技术国家工程实验室为论文第一单位,曹旖旎副教授为论文第一作者,闫文德教授、美国马萨诸塞大学Baoshan Xing教授和广东工业大学马传鑫教授为共同通讯作者。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金、广东省“珠江人才计划”引进创新创业团队、湖南省基金创新群体、湖南省优秀青年基金等项目的支持与资助。 


▲文章图片 纳米材料缓解重金属氧化损伤的生理调控机制  



Metal(loid) contaminants in food pose a global health concern. This study offers a global analysis of the impact of nanomaterials (NMs) on crop responses to metal(loid) stresses. Our findings reveal that NMs have a positive effect on the biomass production of staple crops (22.8%), while showing inhibitory effects on metal(loid) accumulation in plants (−38.3%) and oxidative damage (−21.6%) under metal(loid) stress conditions. These effects are influenced by various factors such as NM dose, exposure duration, size and composition. Here we introduce a method using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values by integrating the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution and entropy weights to compare the effectiveness of different NM application patterns. These results offer practical insights for the application of NMs in similar multi-criteria decision-making scenarios, contributing to sustainable agriculture and global food safety.

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