诺贝尔委员会前主席Thors Hans Hansson做客第18期李政道讲座:分享对2024年诺贝尔物理学奖的见解

学术   2024-10-11 21:14   上海  

*Please scroll down for the English version.

10月10日下午,诺贝尔委员会前主席(2014-2022),瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学Thors Hans Hansson教授做客第18期李政道讲座,讲座主题为“Anyons — From Theory to Experiments”。学术报告后,Hansson教授向参会人员分享了他对今年诺贝尔物理学奖的见解。李政道研究所讲席教授何小刚、讲席教授(访问)赖东、特聘学者刘江来等百余位师生通过现场或线上的方式参加了讲座。本期讲座由青年学者吴建达主持。



报告结束后,Hansson详细回答了与会师生的提问,并就近日刚刚公布的诺贝尔物理学奖分享了自己的理解。他认为今年的诺贝尔奖启发人们不要把物理学思考得过于狭隘,而是从一个更大地角度去思考什么是物理学,即将物理学作为一种原理性的学科,其目的是为了解释事物存在的原因。例如,人类的大脑是如何工作的,为何我们可以辨别出不同的人,可以记住各种事物,这些启发了Hopfield及Hinton在人工神经网络机器学习方面做出基础性发现及发明工作。总体来说,他认为今年的诺贝尔物理学奖是“A Good Prize


讲座最后,何小刚代表李所向Hansson 颁发“李政道讲座”嘉宾纪念证书和李所为嘉宾量身定制的卡通画像。

Thors Hans Hansson简介

1950年 出生于瑞典

1979年 获得哥德堡大学博士学位,之前在英国卢瑟福实验室工作

1979-1984年 在哥本哈根诺迪塔大学、麻省理工学院和欧洲核子研究中心进行博士后研究

1984-1988年 纽约石溪大学助理教授

1988年至今  斯德哥尔摩大学副教授、正教授

2014-2022年 诺贝尔物理学委员会成员

2016-2018年 斯德哥尔摩北欧理论物理研究所诺迪塔主任

直到90年代中期,Thors Hans Hansson一直从事量子色动力学、强场理论,特别是强子光谱和高温等离子体相的模型研究。自90年代中期以来,他主要研究强关联电子系统理论,特别是Chern-Simons理论和量子霍尔液体的共形场论方法,以及拓扑超导体及其几何响应的场论。

文稿 | 石井花 吴建达

摄影 | 孟闻卓

编辑 | 孟闻卓



On the afternoon of October 10, Professor Thors Hans Hansson, the member of the Nobel committee for Physics (2014-2022), visited TDLI and delivered the 18th T. D. Lee Colloquium on " Anyons — From Theory to Experiments ", after the talk he shared his insight to the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics. Professor Xiaogang He, Dong Lai (visiting) and Jianglai Liu, as well as more than 100 of students, postdocs, faculty and etc., have participated in the colloquium via onsite and online method. This colloquium was hosted by Tenure-track Fellows Jianda Wu.

In this colloquium, Professor Hansson began with the early research on the quantum Hall effect and gave a detailed introduction of the experimental discoveries of both the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects. He then further explained how, theoretically, the fractional quantum Hall effect can be understood by introducing the concept of anyons as quasiparticles. Unlike the familiar bosons or fermions, anyons have more general statistical properties, which become apparent when two or more anyons are braided in 2+1-dimensional spacetime. Finally, Hansson discussed the latest experimental progress in testing the statistical properties of anyons, specifically highlighting the discovery of the 1/3 fractional statistics in the quantum Hall effect.

After concluding the colloquium talk on anyons, as the former chair of the Nobel Prize Committee, Hansson also introduced the daily workings of the Nobel Physics Prize Committee, including the spirit of the award, nomination rules, and some notable Nobel Physics laureates throughout history.


At the end of the lecture, Hansson patiently answered questions from the audience and then shared his insights regarding the Nobel Prize in Physics, which was announced recentlyHe believes that this year’s Nobel Prize inspires people not to think of physics too narrowly, but to approach it from a broader perspective—considering what physics truly is. Physics should be considered as a fundamental discipline aimed at explaining why things exist. For instance, how the human brain functions, why we can distinguish between different people, and how we remember various things. These questions inspired Hopfield and Hinton’s foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks. Overall, he believes this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics is “a Good Prize”.

Video Clip:Hansson Shared Personal Insights on Nobel Prize 2024

At the end of the colloquium, Professor Xiaogang, on behalf of the Institute, presented Prof. Hansson with a commemorative certificate for the Lecture and a customized cartoon portrait of Prof. Hansson himself.


Thors Hans Hansson

1950 born in Sweden

1979 PhD from the University of Göteborg, following research at Rutherford Laboratory,UK

1979-1984 Postdoc positions at Nordita in Copenhagen, MIT and CERN

1984-1988 Assistant professor at Stony Brook University, New York

1988-present First associate and later full professor at Stockholm University

2014-2022 Member of the Nobel committee for Physics

2016-2018 Director of Nordita, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Stockholm

Until the mid 90's Thors Hans Hansson worked on the Quantum Chromo Dynamics, the theory of the strong force, and particularly on models for the hadron spectrum and the high temperature plasma phase. Since the mid 90's he worked on the theory of strongly correlated electron systems, in particular Chern-Simons theory and conformal field theory approaches to Quantum Hall liquids and on field theories for topological superconductors and their geometric response.

Author | Jinghua Shi & Jianda Wu

Photo | Wenzhuo Meng

Editor | Wenzhuo Meng

Live Video: https://www.koushare.com/live/details/37833

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