Postdoc Positions in Condensed Matter Division of TDLI

学术   2024-08-01 11:42   上海  

Postdoc Positions in Condensed Matter Division of TDLI

Qualification introduction

We are looking for postdocs to join our condensed matter experimental group <>. We focus on studying quantum materials at ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields using transport, specific heat and magnetization measurements. We also perform muon spin rotation (muSR) measurements at public muon facilities at PSI Villigen, Switzerland and ISIS UK. In addition, we collaborate with KTH, Stockholm in theory and experiment and TU Dresden and Dresden-Rossendorf high-magnetic field laboratory for various advanced experimental methods. You are supposed to have experience conducting experiments at low temperatures and be interested in studying unconventional superconductivity and magnetism.  You will participate in developing experimental techniques at the TDLI and conduct experiments at international experimental facilities.

Terms of employment
The position involves full-time employment for a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years, with the possibility of extension under special circumstances. The salary can range 250K – 450K yuan/year, depending on the experience level.


Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV (including a publication list), and a research statement (<4 pages), and arrange for two reference letters to be sent directly to Prof. Vadim Grinenko ( The successful applicant will be selected based on documented knowledge relevant to the area of study. The applicants are encouraged to provide supporting documents that substantiate their qualifications. References and interviews will be used to assess the qualifications of the applicants.

More information about the condensed matter experimental group is available by clicking Read More at the bottom of the article.

上海交通大学李政道研究所Vadim Grinenko课题组招聘博士后

此外,我们还在大科学装置中使用μ子自旋弛豫(muSR)技术,如瑞士维利根的保罗谢勒研究所(PSI)和英国的ISIS公共缪子源设施。我们与瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH)、德国德累斯顿工业大学(TU Dresden)以及德累斯顿-罗森多夫的高磁场实验室保持密切交流,共享实验智慧,推动理论与实践的双向发展。


1.年薪25万元-45万元, 具体面议;


有意者请将申请材料直接发送至Vadim Grinenko教授的邮箱


1 求职信(cover letter,必要)

2 个人简历(包括论文成果目录,必要)

3 研究计划(<4页,必要)

4 推荐信(2封,必要)

5 其他能证明本人成果与能力的材料(可选)



