A brief introduction to bibliometrix(四)
网络的汇总统计;The summary statistics of the network; 顶点中心性和声望的主要指标。The main indices of centrality and prestige of vertices.
# An example of a classical keyword co-occurrences network
NetMatrix <- biblioNetwork(M, analysis =
"co-occurrences", network = "keywords", sep = ";"
netstat <- networkStat(NetMatrix)
大小是组成网络的顶点数量;Size is the number of vertices composing the network;
密度是网络中所有可能边的当前边的比例;Density is the proportion of present edges from all possible edges in the network;
传递性是三角形与连通三元组的比率;Transitivity is the ratio of triangles to connected triples;
直径是网络中最长的测地线距离(两个节点之间最短路径的长度);Diameter is the longest geodesic distance (length of the shortest path between two nodes) in the network;
度分布是顶点度的累积分布;Degree distribution is the cumulative distribution of vertex degrees;
度中心性是整个网络的归一化程度;Degree centralization is the normalized degree of the overall network
贴近中心化是网络中顶点平均测地线距离的归一化倒数;Closeness centralization is the normalized inverse of the vertex average geodesic distance to others in the network;
特征向量中心化是图矩阵的第一个特征向量;Eigenvector centralization is the first eigenvector of the graph matrix;
介数中心化是通过顶点的测地线的归一化数量;Betweenness centralization is the normalized number of geodesics that pass through the vertex;
平均路径长度是网络中每对顶点之间最短距离的平均值。Average path length is the mean of the shortest distance between each pair of vertices in the network.
顶点的中心性和威望的主要指标 The main indices of centrality and prestige of vertices
Degree centrality Closeness centrality measures how many steps are required to access every other vertex from a given vertex; Eigenvector centrality is a measure of being well-connected connected to the well-connected; Betweenness centrality measures brokerage or gatekeeping potential. It is (approximately) the number of shortest paths between vertices that pass through a particular vertex; PageRank score approximates probability that any message will arrive to a particular vertex. This algorithm was developed by Google founders, and originally applied to website links; Hub Score estimates the value of the links outgoing from the vertex. It was initially applied to the web pages; Authority Score is another measure of centrality initially applied to the Web. A vertex has high authority when it is linked by many other vertices that are linking many other vertices; Vertex Ranking is an overall vertex ranking obtained as a linear weighted combination of the centrality and prestige vertex measures. The weights are proportional to the loadings of the first component of the Principal Component Analysis.
summary(netstat, k=10)
## Main statistics about the network
## Size 475
## Density 0.024
## Transitivity 0.335
## Diameter 5
## Degree Centralization 0.301
## Average path length 2.743
networkPlot的主要参数是type。它表示网络地图布局:圆、kamada-kawai、mds等。选择type="vosView",函数会自动:(i)将网络保存到一个名为"vosnetwork.net"的pajek网络文件中;(ii)启动一个将映射文件“vosnetwork.net”的VOSView实例。您需要使用参数vos. path声明VOSView软件所在文件夹的完整路径(即vos.path='c:/soft/VOSView')。
# Create a country collaboration network
M <- metaTagExtraction(M, Field =
"AU_CO", sep = ";"
NetMatrix <- biblioNetwork(M, analysis =
"collaboration", network = "countries", sep = ";"
# Plot the network
net=networkPlot(NetMatrix, n = dim(NetMatrix)[
1], Title = "Country Collaboration", type = "circle", size=TRUE, remove.multiple=FALSE,labelsize=0.7,cluster="none")
Co-Citation Network
# Create a co-citation network
# NetMatrix <- biblioNetwork(M, analysis = "co-citation", network = "references", sep = ";")
# Plot the network
#net=networkPlot(NetMatrix, n = 30, Title = "Co-Citation Network", type = "fruchterman", size=T, remove.multiple=FALSE, labelsize=0.7,edgesize = 5)
Keyword co-occurrences
# Create keyword co-occurrences network
NetMatrix <- biblioNetwork(M, analysis =
"co-occurrences", network = "keywords", sep = ";"
# Plot the network
net=networkPlot(NetMatrix, normalize=
"association", weighted=T, n = 30, Title = "Keyword Co-occurrences", type = "fruchterman", size=T,edgesize = 5,labelsize=0.7)
共词分析:一个领域的概念结构 Co-Word Analysis: The conceptual structure of a field
# Conceptual Structure using keywords (method="CA")
CS <- conceptualStructure(M,field="ID", method="CA", minDegree=4, clust=5, stemming=FALSE, labelsize=10, documents=10)
历史直引网络-Historical Direct Citation Network
历史地图是由E. Garfield(2004)提出的图表,用于表示由文献收藏产生的最相关直接引用的时间网络地图。
# Create a historical citation network
histResults <- histNetwork(M, min.citations = 1, sep = ";")
# Plot a historical co-citation network
net <- histPlot(histResults, n=15, size = 10, labelsize=5)
参考文献-Main Authors’ references (about bibliometrics)
Aria, M. & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis, Journal of Informetrics, 11(4), pp 959-975, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.joi.2017.08.007 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2017.08.007).
Aria M., Misuraca M., Spano M. (2020) Mapping the evolution of social research and data science on 30 years of Social Indicators Research, Social Indicators Research. (DOI: )https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-020-02281-3)
Aria, M., Cuccurullo, C., D’Aniello, L., Misuraca, M., & Spano, M. (2022). Thematic Analysis as a New Culturomic Tool: The Social Media Coverage on COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. Sustainability, 14(6), 3643, (https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063643).
Aria M., Alterisio A., Scandurra A, Pinelli C., D’Aniello B, (2021) The scholar’s best friend: research trends in dog cognitive and behavioural studies, Animal Cognition. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-020-01448-2)
Cuccurullo, C., Aria, M., & Sarto, F. (2016). Foundations and trends in performance management. A twenty-five years bibliometric analysis in business and public administration domains, Scientometrics, DOI: 10.1007/s11192-016-1948-8 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-1948-8).
Cuccurullo, C., Aria, M., & Sarto, F. (2015). Twenty years of research on performance management in business and public administration domains. Presentation at the Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods conference (CARME 2015) in September 2015 (https://www.bibliometrix.org/documents/2015Carme_cuccurulloetal.pdf).
Sarto, F., Cuccurullo, C., & Aria, M. (2014). Exploring healthcare governance literature: systematic review and paths for future research. Mecosan (https://www.francoangeli.it/Riviste/Scheda_Rivista.aspx?IDarticolo=52780&lingua=en).
Cuccurullo, C., Aria, M., & Sarto, F. (2013). Twenty years of research on performance management in business and public administration domains. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2013, No. 1, p. 14270). Academy of Management (https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2013.14270abstract).
1 灵活胖子
2 Rio
医学博士,临床医生。发表中英文文章 10 余篇。R 与 python 爱好者。