
文摘   2024-10-12 17:28   广西  






斯洛文尼亚民族博物馆馆长娜塔莉亚·波伦内茨(Natalija Polenec)、馆长助理芭芭拉·索西奇(Barbara Sosič)以及SEM修复部门负责人格雷戈尔·科斯(Gregor Kos)参加了展览的开幕式。展览展示了斯洛文尼亚独特的文化创意,通过这些真实的物品向中国观众展示了斯洛文尼亚丰富的文化遗产。民族博物馆馆内收藏了超过770件蜂箱艺术品,本次从中精选了60件展出,民族博物馆也因拥有斯洛文尼亚国内最大规模的养蜂收藏品而自豪。

摄影 | 西安曲江艺术博物馆



SEM Showcases Slovenia's art of beehive finials and the tradition of beekeeping in China

SEM houses the largest collection of beehive finials in the country

The museum in China presents the centuries-old tradition of beekeeping in Slovenia, along with the emerging folk art that reflects not only the beekeeping culture but also the way of life of the majority of the Slovenian population in the 19th century.

The exhibition was set up at the Qu Jiang Museum of Fine Arts in Xi'an, Shanshi Province. There, visitors will be able to view 68 objects of beekeeping cultural heritage until March next year, including 60 original painted beehive finishes. Through a selection of items and texts, the exhibition presents Slovenia to the Chinese public as the homeland of the indigenous Carniolan bee.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by the director of SEM, Natalija Polenec, SEM curator Barbara Sosič, and the head of the conservation and restoration department at SEM, Gregor Kos. The exhibition tells the story of exceptional and unique creativity in Slovenia, bringing the country's remarkable cultural heritage closer to the Chinese audience through authentic objects. Of the more than 770 beehive finishes housed at SEM, which boasts the largest collection of its kind in the country, 60 have been put on display.


Photo: Museum of Fine Arts Xi'an

The original beehive finishes feature numerous religious and secular images from everyday life, primarily figural motifs. Among other items, the exhibition also showcases the AŽ hive, which is regarded as a "Slovenian brand," as it is used by more than 90 percent of domestic beekeepers. Due to its convenience, it has also gained international recognition.

The highest number of beekeepers per capita in Europe

Today, Slovenia has approximately 11,000 beekeepers, the highest per capita in Europe. At Slovenia's initiative, May 20 was declared World Bee Day. Beekeeping has been inscribed in the National Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2018, and Slovenian beekeeping was also added to UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as a way of life in 2022.
