适用人群:1.会计学:对于会计学专业的学生来说,这门课程将帮助他们深入理解会计研究的前沿动态,提升论文写作和研究能力。2.审计学:审计专业的学生可以通过课程学习如何运用AI技术进行更有效的审计研究和论文撰写。3.财务管理:财务管理专业的学生将从课程中获得有关公司金融领域的最新研究成果和研究方法。4.公司治理:公司治理专业的学生可以学习如何通过AI技术优化公司治理结构和提高治理效率。5.公司金融:公司金融专业的学生将学习到如何进行高质量的金融研究,以及如何将研究成果发表在顶级期刊上。6.经济学:经济学专业的学生可以通过课程了解如何将经济学理论应用于财会和公司金融的实际问题研究中。7.管理学:管理学专业的学生可以学习如何运用AI技术提高管理决策的科学性和有效性。8.数据科学与大数据技术:对于数据科学和大数据技术专业的学生,这门课程提供了一个将数据分析技能应用于财会和金融领域的实践机会。9.金融工程:金融工程专业的学生可以通过课程学习如何运用AI和大数据技术进行金融产品的设计和风险管理。10.国际商务:国际商务专业的学生可以学习如何在国际背景下进行财会和金融研究,以及如何将研究成果发表在国际期刊上。 课程大纲:第1讲:财会与公司金融论文选题(PPT+ do文件+dta数据)目标:掌握中英文财会与公司金融期刊研究知识框架以及热门选题思路。内容:●论文选题的基本逻辑;●研究想法的寻找与选择;●理论研究情境化(信息披露、公司税收、人工智能、气候金融和ESG等研究主题);●研究设计与方法讨论(内生性问题处理,应用Stata进行中文及英文论文复刻等);●AI如何辅助选题。范例论文(精讲10篇):[1] Cao, S., Jiang, W., Yang, B., & Zhang, A. L. (2023).How to talk when a machine is listening: Corporate disclosure in the age of AI. The Review of Financial Studies, 36(9), 3603-3642.[2] Chen,T., Harford, J., & Lin, C. (2015). Do analysts matter for governance? Evidence from natural experiments. Journal of financial Economics, 115(2),383-410.[3] Chen,Y. C., Hung, M., & Wang, Y. (2018). The effect of mandatory CSR disclosure on firm profitability and social externalities: Evidence from China. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 65(1), 169-190.[4] Christensen,D. M., Serafeim, G., & Sikochi, A. (2022). Why is corporate virtue in the eye of the beholder? The case of ESG ratings. The Accounting Review, 97(1),147-175.[5] Flammer, C. (2021). Corporate green bonds. Journal of financial economics, 142(2), 499-516.[6] Krueger, P., Sautner, Z., & Starks, L. T. (2020). The importance of climate risks for institutional investors. The Review of financial studies, 33(3), 1067-1111.[7] LaPorta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., &Shleifer, A. (2006). What works in securities laws?. The journal of finance,61(1), 1-32.[8] Leippold, M., Wang, Q., & Zhou, W. (2022). Machine learning in the Chinese stock market. Journal of Financial Economics, 145(2),64-82.[9] Lennox, C., & Wu, J. S. (2022). A review of China-related accounting research in the past 25 years. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 101539.[10] Li, K., Mai, F., Shen, R., & Yan,X. (2021). Measuring corporate culture using machine learning. The Review of Financial Studies, 34(7), 3265-3315.[11] Lu, H., Shin, J. E., & Zhang, M.(2023). Financial reporting and disclosure practices in China. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 101598.[12] Raghunandan, A., & Rajgopal, S. (2022). Do ESG funds make stakeholder-friendly investments?. Review of Accounting Studies, 27(3), 822-863.[13] Shen, H., Lin, H., Han, W., & Wu,H. (2023). ESG in China: A review of practice and research, and future research avenues. China Journal of Accounting Research, 100325.[14] Starks, L. T. (2023). Presidential address: Sustainable finance and ESG issues—value versus values. The Journal of Finance, 78(4), 1837-1872.[15] Stigler, G. J. (1963).Public regulation of the securities markets. Bus. Law., 19, 721.[16] Stroebel, J., & Wurgler, J. (2021).What do you think about climate finance?. Journal of Financial Economics,142(2), 487-498.[17] Yost, B. P., & Shu,S. (2022). Does tax enforcement deter managers' self-dealing?. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 74(1), 101512.[18] 李增福,骆展聪,杜玲等.“信息机制”还是“成本机制”?——大数据税收征管何以提高了企业盈余质量[J].会计研究,2021(07):56-68.[19] 刘慧龙,张玲玲,谢婧.税收征管数字化升级与企业关联交易治理[J].管理世界,2022,38(06):158-176.[20] 魏志华,王孝华,蔡伟毅.税收征管数字化与企业内部薪酬差距[J].中国工业经济,2022,No.408(03):152-170.[21] 张克中,欧阳洁,李文健.缘何“减税难降负”:信息技术、征税能力与企业逃税[J].经济研究,2020,55(03):116-132. 第2讲:财会与公司金融论文写作(PPT+ do文件+dta数据)目标:掌握中英文财会与公司金融研究写作的全流程实操。内容:●论文写作的基本逻辑;●写作思路与注意事项;●经典论文写作剖析;●AI如何辅助写作。范例论文(10篇):[1] Cheng,Q., Hail, L., & Yu, G. (2022). The past, present, and future of China-related accounting research. Journal of Accounting and Economics,74(2-3), 101544.[2] Ke,B., Lennox, C. S., & Xin, Q. (2015). The effect of China's weak institutional environment on the quality of Big 4 audits. The Accounting Review, 90(4),1591-1619.[3] Lennox,C., & Wu, J. S. (2022). A review of China-related accounting research in the past 25 years. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 74(2-3), 101539.[4] Pan,Y., Shroff, N., & Zhang, P. (2023). The dark side of audit market competition. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 75(1), 101520.[5] Xu,N., Li, X., Yuan, Q., & Chan, K. C. (2014). Excess perks and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 25, 419-434.[6] 蔡贵龙,柳建华,马新啸.非国有股东治理与国企高管薪酬激励[J].管理世界,2018,34(05):137-149.[7] 冯晨,周小昶,田彬彬,等.税收稽查体制改革与企业集团资本结构调整 [J]. 经济研究,2023, 58 (08): 100-119.[8] 潘健平,翁若宇,潘越.企业履行社会责任的共赢效应——基于精准扶贫的视角[J].金融研究,2021(07):134-153.[9] 权小锋,贺超,醋卫华,等.品牌的力量:名牌产品与盈余管理 [J]. 会计研究,2022, (01): 44-58.[10] 权小锋,李闯.智能制造与成本粘性——来自中国智能制造示范项目的准自然实验 [J]. 经济研究,2022, 57 (04): 68-84. 第3讲:财会与公司金融论文投稿目标:掌握中英文期刊选择及与投稿相关技巧与注意事项。内容:●中英文期刊识别与选择;●投稿人视角解读;●审稿人视角解读;●AI如何辅助投稿。范例论文(6篇):[1] Du,D., Tang, X., Wang, H., Zhang, J. H., Tsui, S., & Lin, D. (2022). CEO organizational identification and corporate innovation investment. Accounting& Finance, 62(3), 4185-4217.[2] Tang,X., Du, D., Chen, Y., & Tsui, S. (2024). Tax authority governance and corporate internal control quality. Accounting & Finance, 1-28.[3] Xu,Y., Shi, W., Qin, X., Zhang, J., & Tang, X. (2022). Is identification all the same? The differential effects of CEO and CFO organizational identification on corporate philanthropy. Management and Organization Review, 18(1), 73-107.[4] Zhang,J., Huo, Z., Zeng, Y., Tang, X., & Rui, O. M. (2021). Corporate value added tax avoidance. Accounting Forum , 45(4), 338-362.[5] 汤晓建,杜东英,谢丽娜,林斌.税收征管规范化改善了企业财务报告质量吗——基于税务行政处罚裁量基准的准自然实验[J].会计研究,2023(02):3-11.[6] 张俊生,汤晓建,李广众.预防性监管能够抑制股价崩盘风险吗?——基于交易所年报问询函的研究[J].管理科学学报,2018,21(10):112-126. 课程咨询:尹老师 电话:13321178792 QQ:42884447 WeChat:jgzjwanzi以上图文为广告内容