
文摘   2024-08-25 14:51   贵州  

           自适应最大二阶循环平稳盲解卷积算法(Adaptive Maximum Second-Order Cyclostationarity Blind Deconvolution,简称ACYCBD)是一种用于信号处理和图像复原的高级算法,特别是在处理含有噪声和抖动的信号时表现出色。该算法结合了循环平稳特性和盲解卷积技术,旨在从复杂的信号中恢复出清晰的原始信号或图像。



  1. 信号建模

  2. ACYCBD算法首先建立信号的循环平稳模型,该模型描述了信号统计特性的周期性变化规律。通过该模型,算法能够捕捉到信号中的周期性成分,为后续处理提供基础。

  3. 参数估计

  4. 利用盲解卷积技术,算法在不知道系统具体参数的情况下,对观测信号进行处理。


  5. 信号恢复

  6. 根据估计出的参数,算法对观测信号进行反卷积处理,以恢复出原始信号。


  7. 自适应优化

  8. ACYCBD算法具有自适应优化的特点,能够在处理过程中根据信号的实际情况自动调整参数和算法策略。



  • 机械故障诊断:用于从含噪振动信号中恢复与故障相关的冲击成分,提高故障诊断的准确性和可靠性。

  • 图像处理:用于从模糊或噪声图像中恢复出清晰的原始图像,提高图像的质量和可识别度。

  • 通信信号处理:用于从接收到的信号中恢复出原始的发送信号,提高通信的可靠性和效率。



clearclose allclc
%% load simulated dataload sig2x = x - mean(x);addpath('..\00 subfunction\')
%% Plot raw data% Raw datafigureplot((0:length(x) - 1)' / fs, x, 'b')set(get(gca, 'XLabel'), 'String', 'Time [s]');set(get(gca, 'YLabel'), 'String', 'Amplitude');set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'String', 'Raw data in time domain');set(gcf, 'pos', [400 100 800 400])setfontsize(18)
% Envelope spectrum of raw dataen_x = abs(hilbert(x));en_spec_x = abs(fft(en_x - mean(en_x), length(en_x))) * 2 / length(en_x);figureplot(0:fs / length(x):fs - fs / length(x), en_spec_x, 'b')set(get(gca, 'XLabel'), 'String', 'Frequency [Hz]');set(get(gca, 'YLabel'), 'String', 'Amplitude');set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'String', 'Envelope spectrum of Raw data');set(gcf, 'pos', [400 100 800 400])setfontsize(18)xlim([0 200])ylim([0 0.12]);
%% ACYCBD[h_final, s, kappa, W, count, err, f_est] = ACYCBD(x, fs, 40);
%% Plot deconvolved result% Estimated cyclic frequencyfigureplot(1:count, f_est, 'b-*', 'LineWidth', 1)hold onplot((1:count), BPFI * ones(count, 1), 'r-^', 'LineWidth', 1)set(get(gca, 'XLabel'), 'String', 'Iteration');set(get(gca, 'YLabel'), 'String', 'Frequency [Hz]');set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'String', 'Estimated cyclic frequency');set(gcf, 'pos', [400 100 800 400])setfontsize(18)
% Deconvolved signalfigureplot((0:length(s) - 1) / fs, s, 'b')set(get(gca, 'XLabel'), 'String', 'Time [s]');set(get(gca, 'YLabel'), 'String', 'Amplitude');set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'String', 'Deconvolved signal in time domain by ACYCBD');set(gcf, 'pos', [400 100 800 400])setfontsize(18)
% Envelope spectrum of Deconvolved signals = s - mean(s);en_s = abs(hilbert(s));en_spec_s = abs(fft(en_s - mean(en_s), length(en_s))) * 2 / length(en_s);figureplot(0:fs / length(en_s):fs - fs / length(en_s), en_spec_s, 'b')set(get(gca, 'XLabel'), 'String', 'Frequency [Hz]');set(get(gca, 'YLabel'), 'String', 'Amplitude');set(get(gca, 'Title'), 'String', 'Envelope spectrum of deconvolved signal by ACYCBD');set(gcf, 'pos', [400 100 800 400])setfontsize(18)xlim([0 200])ylim([0 0.3]);
function [h_final, s, kappa, W, count, err, f_est] = ACYCBD(x, fs, N, param, p, K)    %    %---------------    % Input:    %---------------    %    %   x       :       signal to be analyzed    %   N       :       filter size    %   param   :       structure of setting parameters organized as follows:    %                       param.ER    :   minimal relative error on result (default value = 1e-3)    %                       param.iter  :   maximum number of iterations (default value  = 50)    %   p       :       cyclostationarity order to maximize (default = 2)    %   fs      :       sampling frequency of x    %   K       :       frequency order in EHPS(default = 10)    %   flim    :       frequency range in EHPS [Hz](default = 30)    %    %---------------    % Output:    %---------------    %    %   h_final :       optimal inverse FIR filter at convergence    %   s       :       blindly deconvolved signal    %   kappa   :       value of criterion at convergence    %   W       :       weights used in the criterion at convergence    %   count   :       number of iteration to convergence    %   err     :       relative error on result as a function of iterations    %   f_est   :       estimated result as a function of iterations    %    %---------------    % Note:    %---------------    %       Original CYCBD is coded by J. Antoni and M. Buzzoni.    %       This ACYCBD code is based on original CYCBD.    %       Reference    %           M. Buzzoni, J. Antoni, G. D'Elia,    %           Blind deconvolution based on cyclostationarity maximization    %           and its application to fault identification    %           Journal of Sound And Vibration, 432 (2018) 569-601.    %---------------    % Reference:    %---------------    %   Author: ¡¾1¡¿B. Zhang, Y. Miao, J. Lin, Y. Yi    %               "Adaptive maximum second-order cyclostationarity blind deconvolution    %               and its application for locomotive bearing fault diagnosis"    %           Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 158 (2021) 107736.    %          ¡¾2¡¿Y. Miao, B. Zhang, J. Lin et al.,     %             ¡°A review on the application of blind deconvolution in machinery fault diagnosis¡±    %               Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163 (2022) 108202.    %-------------------------------------------------    %    % Author: @ Boyao Zhang     %    %-------------------------------------------------    %    if nargin < 6        K = 10;    end
if nargin < 5 p = 2; end
if nargin < 4 param.RE = 1e-3; param.iter = 50; end
if nargin < 3 N = 40; end
L = length(x); x = x - mean(x);
h = zeros(N, 1); h(2) = 1;
XX = CorrMatrix(x, [], N);
test = 0; count = 1; kappa_old = 0; err = zeros(param.iter, 1); f_est = [];
while test == 0 s = filter(h, 1, x); W = abs(s(N:L)).^p;
alpha_est = EHPS(s, fs, K); f_est = [f_est, alpha_est(1)]; alpha = alpha_est(1) * (1:100)';
W = Periodic(W, alpha, fs); W = W / (mean(W).^(p / 2));
XWX = CorrMatrix(x, W, N); [h, kappa] = eigs(XWX, XX, 1); err(count) = abs(kappa - kappa_old) / abs(kappa_old);
if (err(count) < param.RE) || count >= param.iter test = 1; end
count = count + 1; kappa_old = kappa; end
h_final = h; count = count - 1; s = filter(h, 1, x); s = s(N:end);end
% End of the main function: ACYCBD
function f_est = EHPS(x, fs, K, flim) % estimate the period or frequency hidden in x. % The sub-function is based on harmonic-related spectrum structure. %--------------- % Input: %--------------- % % x : signal to be analyzed % fs : sampling frequency of x % K : frequency order in EHPS % flim : frequency range in EHPS [Hz] % %--------------- % Output: %--------------- % % f_est : estimated result % %------------------------------------------------- % % Author: @ Zhang Boyao % %------------------------------------------------- % if nargin < 4 flim = 300; end
if nargin < 3 K = 10; end
L = length(x); x = x(:); x = x - mean(x);
ex = abs(hilbert(x)); ex = ex - mean(ex); sex = abs(fft(ex, L)) * 2 / L; sex = sex(1:round(L / 2));
ehpsx = ones(round(flim * fs / L), 1); ff = sex(2:end);
for f = 1:length(ehpsx)
for k = 1:K
if k * f < fs / 2 ehpsx(f) = ehpsx(f) * ff(k * f); end
[~, index_max] = max(ehpsx); f_est = index_max * (fs / L);
% End of the first sub-function: EHPS
%--------------------------------------------------------------------------function R = CorrMatrix(x, W, N) % Compute correlation matrix (NxN) of signal x with weights W %--------------- % Input: %--------------- % % x : signal to be analyzed % W : the weight vector % N : The size of correlation matrix (NxN). % %--------------- % Output: %--------------- % % R : correlation matrix R_(xx) (NxN) while W = [] % or weighted correlation matrix R_(xwx) (NxN) while W ~= []. %------------------------------------------------- % Code by J. Antoni and M. Buzzoni % Dicember 2017 %------------------------------------------------- L = length(x); R = zeros(N);
if isempty(W) W = ones(L - N + 1, 1); end
W = W(:); x = x(:);
for i = 1:N R(i, i) = mean(abs(x(N + 1 - i:L + 1 - i)).^2 .* W);
for j = i + 1:N R(i, j) = mean(x(N + 1 - i:L + 1 - i) .* conj(x(N + 1 - j:L + 1 - j)) .* W); R(j, i) = conj(R(i, j)); end
% End of the second sub-function: CorrMatrix
%--------------------------------------------------------------------------function p = Periodic(x, alpha, fs) % Extract cyclic components with frequencies alpha in x %--------------- % Input: %--------------- % % x : signal to be analyzed % alpha : cyclic frequecny vector % fs : sampling frequency of x % %--------------- % Output: %--------------- % % p : cyclic components with frequencies alpha in x % %------------------------------------------------- % Code by J. Antoni and M. Buzzoni % Dicember 2017 %------------------------------------------------- x = x(:); L = length(x); dt = 1 / fs; T = dt * L; t = (0:dt:T - dt)'; K = length(alpha);
alpha(alpha == 0) = []; p = mean(x);
for k = 1:K c = mean(x .* exp(-2i * pi * alpha(k) .* t)); p = p + 2 * real(c * exp(2i * pi * alpha(k) .* t)); end
% thresholding for improve weighting matrix th = mean(p) + 2 * std(p); % th = quantile(p,3) % th = th(3) p(p < th) = 0;
% End of the 3rd sub-function: Periodic

