
文摘   2024-08-26 08:35   贵州  

      稀疏最大谐波噪声比解卷积(Sparse Maximum Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio Deconvolution,SMHD)算法是一种信号处理方法,特别是在处理含有噪声和谐波分量的复杂信号时表现出色。在信号处理领域,经常需要从被噪声和谐波干扰的信号中提取出有用的信息。传统的解卷积方法可能需要预先设定故障周期等参数,这在实际应用中往往难以实现。而SMHD算法则无需设定这些参数,能够自适应地从信号中估计出故障周期,并有效地抑制噪声和谐波分量,从而恢复出更清晰的信号。








clearclose allclc
%%load sig3x = x - mean(x);addpath('..\00 subfunction\')
%%fs = 20000;N = length(x);t = (0:N - 1) / fs;t = t(:);BPFI = 38;
%% Raw datafigure;plot(t, x, 'b');xlabel('Time [s]')ylabel('Amplitude')title('Raw data')legend(['Kurtosis=', num2str(kurtosis(x))])setfontsize(20);set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])axis tightylim([-2 2.5])
envelope_x = abs(hilbert(x)) - mean(abs(hilbert(x)));ff = 0:fs / N:fs - fs / N;amp_envelope_x = abs(fft(envelope_x, N)) * 2 / fs;figure;plot(ff, amp_envelope_x, 'b')xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')ylabel('Amplitude')setfontsize(20);set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])axis tightxlim([0, 200]);ylim([0 0.025])
[y_final, f_final, kurtIter] = smhd(fs, x, 100, 30, 1.5 * rms(x), [], 0);
%% Filtered signalfigure;plot(t, y_final, 'b');xlabel('Time [s]')ylabel('Amplitude')title('Filtered signal by SMHD')legend(['Kurtosis=', num2str(kurtosis(y_final))])setfontsize(20);set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])axis tightylim([-3.5 4.5])
envelope_y = abs(hilbert(y_final)) - mean(abs(hilbert(y_final)));amp_envelope_y = abs(fft(envelope_y, N)) * 2 / fs;figure;plot(ff, amp_envelope_y, 'b')xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')ylabel('Amplitude')setfontsize(20);set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])axis tightxlim([0, 200]);ylim([0 0.3])
function [y_final, f_final, kurtIter] = smhd(fs, x, filterSize, termIter, mu, T, plotMode)    % sparse maximum harmonics-noise-ratio deconvolution (smhd)    %    %%%%%%%%% input %%%%%%%%%    %   fs:             sampling frequency    %   x:              input signal,a vector    %   filterSize:     length of filter    %   termIter:       maximum number of iterations (default value  = 30)    %   mu:             initial sparse threshold    %   T:              prior fault signal period    %   plotMode:       whether to display the filtered signal (value = 1: Yes/value = 0: No)    %%%%%%%%% output %%%%%%%%%    %   y_final:        filtered signal    %   f_final:        FIR filter at convergence    %   kurtIter:       number of iteration to convergence    %    %----------------------------------    %    %   Authors:      Yonghao Miao    %    %----------------------------------    %    % Reference:    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    %    %          ¡¾1¡¿Y. Miao, M. Zhao, J. Lin, Y. Lei    %           "Sparse maximum harmonics-to-noise-ratio deconvolution    %           for weak fault signature detection in bearings".    %       Measurement Science and Technology, 2016, 27(10)    %          ¡¾2¡¿Y. Miao, B. Zhang, J. Lin et al.,     %             ¡°A review on the application of blind deconvolution in machinery fault diagnosis¡±    %               Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163 (2022) 108202.    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%% Initialize parameters %%%%%%%%%    if isempty(filterSize)        filterSize = 100;    end
if isempty(termIter) termIter = 30; end
if isempty(mu) mu = mean(x); end
%% SMHD x = x(:); N = length(x); L = filterSize;
%%%%%%%%% Initialize the fault signal period %%%%%%%%% if isempty(T) xxenvelope = abs(hilbert(x)) - mean(abs(hilbert(x))); [T, ~] = TT(xxenvelope, fs); end
T = round(T);
autoCorr = zeros(1, L);
for k = 0:L - 1 x2 = zeros(N, 1); x2(k + 1:end) = x(1:end - k); autoCorr(k + 1) = autoCorr(k + 1) + sum(x .* x2); end
A = toeplitz(autoCorr); A_inv = inv(2 .* A);
f = zeros(L, 1); y1 = zeros(size(x)); kurtIter = []; hnr = []; deltah = []; deltak = [];
% Initialize the filter coefficients f(round(L / 2)) = 1; f(round(L / 2) + 1) = -1;
n = 1; %%%%%%%%% Iterate to solve the optimal filter coefficients %%%%%%%%% while n == 1 || (n <= termIter) y = filter(f, 1, x); kurtIter(n) = kurtosis(y); yenvelope = abs(hilbert(y)) - mean(abs(hilbert(y))); [~, hnr(n)] = TT(yenvelope, fs); y = y .* (1 - exp(-y.^2 / (2 * mu^2))); weightedCrossCorr = zeros(L, 1);
for k = 0:L - 1 x2 = zeros(N, 1); x3 = zeros(N, 1); x2(k + 1:end - T) = x(T + 1:end - k); x3(k + 1:end) = x(1:end - k); y1(1:end - T) = y(T + 1:end); weightedCrossCorr(k + 1) = weightedCrossCorr(k + 1) + ((sum(y .* x2) + sum(y1 .* x3)) .* sum(y.^2)) ./ sum(y .* y1); end
f = A_inv * weightedCrossCorr; f = f / sqrt(sum(f.^2));
n = n + 1; %%%%%%%%% Update the sparse threshold %%%%%%%%% [~, temp_hnr] = TT(y, fs); deltah(n) = (temp_hnr - hnr(n - 1)); deltak(n) = (kurtosis(filter(f, 1, x)) / kurtIter(n - 1));
if deltak(n) > 1 deltak(n) = 1 + 0.02 * (deltak(n) + 1) / deltak(n); else deltak(n) = 1 - 0.02 * (deltak(n) + 1) / deltak(n); end
mu = mu * deltak(n); % update xyenvelope = abs(hilbert(y)) - mean(abs(hilbert(y))); [T, ~] = TT(xyenvelope, fs);
%%%%%%%%% Determine the maximum number of iterations %%%%%%%%% if n == 2 hnrmax = hnr(1); elseif hnr(n - 1) > hnrmax hnrmax = hnr(n - 1); y_final = y; f_final = f; end
disp(['The number of iteration is ', num2str(n - 1)]) %%%%%%%%% Display the processed signal %%%%%%%%% if plotMode == 1 figure plot((0:length(y_final) - 1) / fs, y_final, 'r') title('Filtered signal by SHMD') xlabel('Times[s]') ylabel('Amplitude[g]') set(gcf, 'position', [400, 400, 800, 400]) legend(['Kurtosis=', num2str(kurtosis(y_final))])
if n - 1 == termIter disp('Terminated for iteration condition.') else disp('Terminated for minimum change in kurtosis condition.') end
function [T, HNR] = TT (y, fs) % estimate the period in y based on auto-correlation function. % calculate the harmonics-to-noise-ratio %--------------- % Input: %--------------- % % y : signal to be analyzed % fs : sampling frequency of x % %--------------- % Output: %--------------- % % T : estimated period in sample % HNR : harmonics-to-noise ratio % %------------------------------------------------- % % Code by Yonghao Miao % %-------------------------------------------------
%find the maximum lag M M = fs;
NA = xcorr(y, y, M, 'coeff'); NA = NA(ceil(length(NA) / 2):end);
% find first zero-crossing sample1 = NA(1);
for lag = 2:length(NA) sample2 = NA(lag);
if ((sample1 > 0) && (sample2 < 0)) zeroposi = lag; break; elseif ((sample1 == 0) || (sample2 == 0)) zeroposi = lag; break; else sample1 = sample2; end
% Cut from the first zero-crossing NA = NA(zeroposi:end); % Find the max position (time lag) % corresponding the max aside from the first zero-crossing [max_value, max_position] = max(NA); % Give the extimated period by autocorrelation T = zeroposi + max_position; % Calculate the harmonic energy HR = max_value; % Calculate the harmonic-to-noise ratio HNR = (HR / (1 - HR));

