
文摘   科技   2024-06-17 08:43   贵州  

1.1 经验模态分解
     经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition,EMD)算法将信号进行分解后得到不同波动特征的本征模态函数(intrinsic mode functions,IMF)。得到的IMF分量避免了傅立叶变换中需使用许多谐波分量表达非线性、非平稳信号的不足。与小波分析相比,EMD克服了基函数无自适应性的问题,解决了全局最优小波基在局部并非最优的问题,有基函数自适应特性。






1.2 集成经验模态分解

  集成经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, EEMD)是EMD算法的改进,该算法通过添加辅助噪声,使序列数据的极值点均匀分布,得到符合信号特征的上下包络线,克服模态混叠效应,在多次的迭代中对分解的结果进行平均,以减少噪声对于结果的影响,有效克服了EMD中的模态混淆现象,有效抑制了高频噪声和异常事件的影响。

EEMD 主要由以下几个步骤组成:

加白噪声: 在原始数据中加入一组不同幅度的白噪声。

使用 EMD 方法:对每一组加入噪声的数据应用 EMD,得到一系列的固有模态函数 (Intrinsic Mode Functions, IMFs)。

求平均:对所有噪声样本得到的相应 IMF 进行平均,以得到最终的 IMF。

EEMD 的优势在于它能够更有效地分解噪声干扰下的信号,并且对于模态混叠问题也有更好的表现。

1.3 完全自适应噪声集合经验模态分解

      针对EMD算法分解信号存在模态混叠的问题,EEMD分解算法通过在待分解信号中加入成对正负高斯白噪声来减轻EMD分解的模态混叠。但是这种算法分解信号得到的本征模态分量中总会残留一定的白噪声,影响后续信号的分析和处理。完全自适应噪声集合经验模态分解(Complete EEMD with Adaptive Noise,CEEMDAN)为解决本征模态分量残留一定的白噪声而提出。

CEEMDAN 分解从两个方面解决了上述问题:

1)加入经 EMD 分解后含辅助噪声的 IMF 分量,而不是将高斯白噪声信号直接添加在原始信号中;

2) EEMD 分解和 CEEMD 分解是将经验模态分解后得到的模态分量进行总体平均,CEEMDAN 分解则在得到的第一阶 IMF分量后就进行总体平均计算,得到最终的第一阶 IMF分量,然后对残余部分重复进行如上操作,这样便有效地解决了白噪声从高频到低频的转移传递问题。


clcclearload('sinusoidalSignalExampleData.mat','X','fs')t = (0:length(X)-1)/fs;figure(1)plot(t,X)xlabel('时间t/s')%%EMD[IMF,ORT,NB_ITERATIONS] = emd(X);n = size(IMF,1);figure(2)for i = 1:n    subplot(5,2,i)    plot(t,IMF(i,:))    xlabel("时间t/s")    str1 = string(i);    str2 = "IMF";    ylabel([str2,str1])end%%EEMDNstd = 0.01;NR = 10;MaxIter = 1000;[modes1 its1] = eemd(X,Nstd,NR,MaxIter);n = size(modes1,1);figure(3)for i = 1:n    subplot(10,2,i)    plot(t,modes1(i,:))    xlabel("时间t/s")    str1 = string(i);    str2 = "IMF";    ylabel([str2,str1])end%%CEEMDANNstd = 0.2;NR = 10;MaxIter = 1000;%Nstd/NR/MaxIter;可根据你的输入数据类型,查找相关文献参考[modes2 its]=ceemdan(X,Nstd,NR,MaxIter);n = size(modes2,1);figure(4)for i = 1:n    subplot(7,2,i)    plot(t,modes2(i,:))    xlabel("时间t/s")    str1 = string(i);    str2 = "IMF";    ylabel([str2,str1])end










%EMD  computes Empirical Mode Decomposition
function [imf,ort,nbits] = emd(varargin)
[x,t,sd,sd2,tol,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs,display_sifting,sdt,sd2t,r,imf,k,nbit,NbIt,MAXITERATIONS,FIXE,FIXE_H,MAXMODES,INTERP,mask] = init(varargin{:});
if display_sifting fig_h = figure;end

%main loop : requires at least 3 extrema to proceedwhile (~stop_EMD(r,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs) && (k < MAXMODES+1 || MAXMODES == 0) && ~any(mask))
% current mode m = r;
% mode at previous iteration mp = m;
%computation of mean and stopping criterion if FIXE [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting_fixe(t,m,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); elseif FIXE_H stop_count = 0; [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting_fixe_h(t,m,INTERP,stop_count,FIXE_H,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); else [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting(m,t,sd,sd2,tol,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); end
% in case the current mode is so small that machine precision can cause % spurious extrema to appear if (max(abs(m))) < (1e-10)*(max(abs(x))) if ~stop_sift warning('emd:warning','forced stop of EMD : too small amplitude') else disp('forced stop of EMD : too small amplitude') end break end

% sifting loop while ~stop_sift && nbit<MAXITERATIONS if(~MODE_COMPLEX && nbit>MAXITERATIONS/5 && mod(nbit,floor(MAXITERATIONS/10))==0 && ~FIXE && nbit > 100) disp(['mode ',int2str(k),', iteration ',int2str(nbit)]) if exist('s','var') disp(['stop parameter mean value : ',num2str(s)]) end [im,iM] = extr(m); disp([int2str(sum(m(im) > 0)),' minima > 0; ',int2str(sum(m(iM) < 0)),' maxima < 0.']) end
%sifting m = m - moyenne;
%computation of mean and stopping criterion if FIXE [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting_fixe(t,m,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); elseif FIXE_H [stop_sift,moyenne,stop_count] = stop_sifting_fixe_h(t,m,INTERP,stop_count,FIXE_H,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); else [stop_sift,moyenne,s] = stop_sifting(m,t,sd,sd2,tol,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); end
% display if display_sifting && ~MODE_COMPLEX NBSYM = 2; [indmin,indmax] = extr(mp); [tmin,tmax,mmin,mmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,mp,mp,NBSYM); envminp = interp1(tmin,mmin,t,INTERP); envmaxp = interp1(tmax,mmax,t,INTERP); envmoyp = (envminp+envmaxp)/2; if FIXE || FIXE_H display_emd_fixe(t,m,mp,r,envminp,envmaxp,envmoyp,nbit,k,display_sifting) else sxp=2*(abs(envmoyp))./(abs(envmaxp-envminp)); sp = mean(sxp); display_emd(t,m,mp,r,envminp,envmaxp,envmoyp,s,sp,sxp,sdt,sd2t,nbit,k,display_sifting,stop_sift) end end
mp = m; nbit=nbit+1; NbIt=NbIt+1;
if(nbit==(MAXITERATIONS-1) && ~FIXE && nbit > 100) if exist('s','var') warning('emd:warning',['forced stop of sifting : too many iterations... mode ',int2str(k),'. stop parameter mean value : ',num2str(s)]) else warning('emd:warning',['forced stop of sifting : too many iterations... mode ',int2str(k),'.']) end end
end % sifting loop imf(k,:) = m; if display_sifting disp(['mode ',int2str(k),' stored']) end nbits(k) = nbit; k = k+1;

r = r - m; nbit=0;

end %main loop
if any(r) && ~any(mask) imf(k,:) = r;end
ort = io(x,imf);
if display_sifting closeendend
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% tests if there are enough (3) extrema to continue the decompositionfunction stop = stop_EMD(r,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs)if MODE_COMPLEX for k = 1:ndirs phi = (k-1)*pi/ndirs; [indmin,indmax] = extr(real(exp(i*phi)*r)); ner(k) = length(indmin) + length(indmax); end stop = any(ner < 3);else [indmin,indmax] = extr(r); ner = length(indmin) + length(indmax); stop = ner < 3;endend
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% computes the mean of the envelopes and the mode amplitude estimatefunction [envmoy,nem,nzm,amp] = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs)NBSYM = 2;if MODE_COMPLEX switch MODE_COMPLEX case 1 for k = 1:ndirs phi = (k-1)*pi/ndirs; y = real(exp(-i*phi)*m); [indmin,indmax,indzer] = extr(y); nem(k) = length(indmin)+length(indmax); nzm(k) = length(indzer); [tmin,tmax,zmin,zmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,y,m,NBSYM); envmin(k,:) = interp1(tmin,zmin,t,INTERP); envmax(k,:) = interp1(tmax,zmax,t,INTERP); end envmoy = mean((envmin+envmax)/2,1); if nargout > 3 amp = mean(abs(envmax-envmin),1)/2; end case 2 for k = 1:ndirs phi = (k-1)*pi/ndirs; y = real(exp(-i*phi)*m); [indmin,indmax,indzer] = extr(y); nem(k) = length(indmin)+length(indmax); nzm(k) = length(indzer); [tmin,tmax,zmin,zmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,y,y,NBSYM); envmin(k,:) = exp(i*phi)*interp1(tmin,zmin,t,INTERP); envmax(k,:) = exp(i*phi)*interp1(tmax,zmax,t,INTERP); end envmoy = mean((envmin+envmax),1); if nargout > 3 amp = mean(abs(envmax-envmin),1)/2; end endelse [indmin,indmax,indzer] = extr(m); nem = length(indmin)+length(indmax); nzm = length(indzer); [tmin,tmax,mmin,mmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,m,m,NBSYM); envmin = interp1(tmin,mmin,t,INTERP); envmax = interp1(tmax,mmax,t,INTERP); envmoy = (envmin+envmax)/2; if nargout > 3 amp = mean(abs(envmax-envmin),1)/2; endendend
%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------% default stopping criterionfunction [stop,envmoy,s] = stop_sifting(m,t,sd,sd2,tol,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs)try [envmoy,nem,nzm,amp] = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); sx = abs(envmoy)./amp; s = mean(sx); stop = ~((mean(sx > sd) > tol | any(sx > sd2)) & (all(nem > 2))); if ~MODE_COMPLEX stop = stop && ~(abs(nzm-nem)>1); endcatch stop = 1; envmoy = zeros(1,length(m)); s = NaN;endend
%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------% stopping criterion corresponding to option FIXfunction [stop,moyenne]= stop_sifting_fixe(t,m,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs)try moyenne = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); stop = 0;catch moyenne = zeros(1,length(m)); stop = 1;endend
%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------% stopping criterion corresponding to option FIX_Hfunction [stop,moyenne,stop_count]= stop_sifting_fixe_h(t,m,INTERP,stop_count,FIXE_H,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs)try [moyenne,nem,nzm] = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); if (all(abs(nzm-nem)>1)) stop = 0; stop_count = 0; else stop_count = stop_count+1; stop = (stop_count == FIXE_H); endcatch moyenne = zeros(1,length(m)); stop = 1;endend
%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------% displays the progression of the decomposition with the default stopping criterionfunction display_emd(t,m,mp,r,envmin,envmax,envmoy,s,sb,sx,sdt,sd2t,nbit,k,display_sifting,stop_sift)subplot(4,1,1)plot(t,mp);hold on;plot(t,envmax,'--k');plot(t,envmin,'--k');plot(t,envmoy,'r');title(['IMF ',int2str(k),'; iteration ',int2str(nbit),' before sifting']);set(gca,'XTick',[])hold offsubplot(4,1,2)plot(t,sx)hold onplot(t,sdt,'--r')plot(t,sd2t,':k')title('stop parameter')set(gca,'XTick',[])hold offsubplot(4,1,3)plot(t,m)title(['IMF ',int2str(k),'; iteration ',int2str(nbit),' after sifting']);set(gca,'XTick',[])subplot(4,1,4);plot(t,r-m)title('residue');disp(['stop parameter mean value : ',num2str(sb),' before sifting and ',num2str(s),' after'])if stop_sift disp('last iteration for this mode')endif display_sifting == 2 pause(0.01)else pauseendend
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% displays the progression of the decomposition with the FIX and FIX_H stopping criteriafunction display_emd_fixe(t,m,mp,r,envmin,envmax,envmoy,nbit,k,display_sifting)subplot(3,1,1)plot(t,mp);hold on;plot(t,envmax,'--k');plot(t,envmin,'--k');plot(t,envmoy,'r');title(['IMF ',int2str(k),'; iteration ',int2str(nbit),' before sifting']);set(gca,'XTick',[])hold offsubplot(3,1,2)plot(t,m)title(['IMF ',int2str(k),'; iteration ',int2str(nbit),' after sifting']);set(gca,'XTick',[])subplot(3,1,3);plot(t,r-m)title('residue');if display_sifting == 2 pause(0.01)else pauseendend
%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% defines new extrema points to extend the interpolations at the edges of the% signal (mainly mirror symmetry)function [tmin,tmax,zmin,zmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,x,z,nbsym) lx = length(x); if (length(indmin) + length(indmax) < 3) error('not enough extrema') end
% boundary conditions for interpolations :
if indmax(1) < indmin(1) if x(1) > x(indmin(1)) lmax = fliplr(indmax(2:min(end,nbsym+1))); lmin = fliplr(indmin(1:min(end,nbsym))); lsym = indmax(1); else lmax = fliplr(indmax(1:min(end,nbsym))); lmin = [fliplr(indmin(1:min(end,nbsym-1))),1]; lsym = 1; end else
if x(1) < x(indmax(1)) lmax = fliplr(indmax(1:min(end,nbsym))); lmin = fliplr(indmin(2:min(end,nbsym+1))); lsym = indmin(1); else lmax = [fliplr(indmax(1:min(end,nbsym-1))),1]; lmin = fliplr(indmin(1:min(end,nbsym))); lsym = 1; end end if indmax(end) < indmin(end) if x(end) < x(indmax(end)) rmax = fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end)); rmin = fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym,1):end-1)); rsym = indmin(end); else rmax = [lx,fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym+2,1):end))]; rmin = fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end)); rsym = lx; end else if x(end) > x(indmin(end)) rmax = fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym,1):end-1)); rmin = fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end)); rsym = indmax(end); else rmax = fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end)); rmin = [lx,fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym+2,1):end))]; rsym = lx; end end tlmin = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmin); tlmax = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmax); trmin = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmin); trmax = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmax); % in case symmetrized parts do not extend enough if tlmin(1) > t(1) || tlmax(1) > t(1) if lsym == indmax(1) lmax = fliplr(indmax(1:min(end,nbsym))); else lmin = fliplr(indmin(1:min(end,nbsym))); end if lsym == 1 error('bug') end lsym = 1; tlmin = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmin); tlmax = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmax); end if trmin(end) < t(lx) || trmax(end) < t(lx) if rsym == indmax(end) rmax = fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end)); else rmin = fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end)); end if rsym == lx error('bug') end rsym = lx; trmin = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmin); trmax = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmax); end zlmax =z(lmax); zlmin =z(lmin); zrmax =z(rmax); zrmin =z(rmin); tmin = [tlmin t(indmin) trmin]; tmax = [tlmax t(indmax) trmax]; zmin = [zlmin z(indmin) zrmin]; zmax = [zlmax z(indmax) zrmax];end %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%extracts the indices of extremafunction [indmin, indmax, indzer] = extr(x,t)
if(nargin==1) t=1:length(x);end
m = length(x);
if nargout > 2 x1=x(1:m-1); x2=x(2:m); indzer = find(x1.*x2<0);
if any(x == 0) iz = find( x==0 ); indz = []; if any(diff(iz)==1) zer = x == 0; dz = diff([0 zer 0]); debz = find(dz == 1); finz = find(dz == -1)-1; indz = round((debz+finz)/2); else indz = iz; end indzer = sort([indzer indz]); endend
d = diff(x);
n = length(d);d1 = d(1:n-1);d2 = d(2:n);indmin = find(d1.*d2<0 & d1<0)+1;indmax = find(d1.*d2<0 & d1>0)+1;

% when two or more successive points have the same value we consider only one extremum in the middle of the constant area% (only works if the signal is uniformly sampled)
if any(d==0)
imax = []; imin = [];
bad = (d==0); dd = diff([0 bad 0]); debs = find(dd == 1); fins = find(dd == -1); if debs(1) == 1 if length(debs) > 1 debs = debs(2:end); fins = fins(2:end); else debs = []; fins = []; end end if length(debs) > 0 if fins(end) == m if length(debs) > 1 debs = debs(1:(end-1)); fins = fins(1:(end-1));
else debs = []; fins = []; end end end lc = length(debs); if lc > 0 for k = 1:lc if d(debs(k)-1) > 0 if d(fins(k)) < 0 imax = [imax round((fins(k)+debs(k))/2)]; end else if d(fins(k)) > 0 imin = [imin round((fins(k)+debs(k))/2)]; end end end end
if length(imax) > 0 indmax = sort([indmax imax]); end
if length(imin) > 0 indmin = sort([indmin imin]); end
function ort = io(x,imf)% ort = IO(x,imf) computes the index of orthogonality%% inputs : - x : analyzed signal% - imf : empirical mode decomposition
n = size(imf,1);
s = 0;
for i = 1:n for j =1:n if i~=j s = s + abs(sum(imf(i,:).*conj(imf(j,:)))/sum(x.^2)); end endend
ort = 0.5*s;end%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [x,t,sd,sd2,tol,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs,display_sifting,sdt,sd2t,r,imf,k,nbit,NbIt,MAXITERATIONS,FIXE,FIXE_H,MAXMODES,INTERP,mask] = init(varargin)
x = varargin{1};if nargin == 2 if isstruct(varargin{2}) inopts = varargin{2}; else error('when using 2 arguments the first one is the analyzed signal X and the second one is a struct object describing the options') endelseif nargin > 2 try inopts = struct(varargin{2:end}); catch error('bad argument syntax') endend
% default for stoppingdefstop = [0.05,0.5,0.05];
opt_fields = {'t','stop','display','maxiterations','fix','maxmodes','interp','fix_h','mask','ndirs','complex_version'};
defopts.stop = defstop;defopts.display = 0;defopts.t = 1:max(size(x));defopts.maxiterations = 2000;defopts.fix = 0;defopts.maxmodes = 0;defopts.interp = 'spline';defopts.fix_h = 0;defopts.mask = 0;defopts.ndirs = 4;defopts.complex_version = 2;
opts = defopts;

if(nargin==1) inopts = defopts;elseif nargin == 0 error('not enough arguments')end

names = fieldnames(inopts);for nom = names' if ~any(strcmpi(char(nom), opt_fields)) error(['bad option field name: ',char(nom)]) end if ~isempty(eval(['inopts.',char(nom)])) % empty values are discarded eval(['opts.',lower(char(nom)),' = inopts.',char(nom),';']) endend
t = opts.t;stop = opts.stop;display_sifting = opts.display;MAXITERATIONS = opts.maxiterations;FIXE = opts.fix;MAXMODES = opts.maxmodes;INTERP = opts.interp;FIXE_H = opts.fix_h;mask = opts.mask;ndirs = opts.ndirs;complex_version = opts.complex_version;
if ~isvector(x) error('X must have only one row or one column')end
if size(x,1) > 1 x = x.';end
if ~isvector(t) error('option field T must have only one row or one column')end
if ~isreal(t) error('time instants T must be a real vector')end
if size(t,1) > 1 t = t';end
if (length(t)~=length(x)) error('X and option field T must have the same length')end
if ~isvector(stop) || length(stop) > 3 error('option field STOP must have only one row or one column of max three elements')end
if ~all(isfinite(x)) error('data elements must be finite')end
if size(stop,1) > 1 stop = stop';end
L = length(stop);if L < 3 stop(3)=defstop(3);end
if L < 2 stop(2)=defstop(2);end

if ~ischar(INTERP) || ~any(strcmpi(INTERP,{'linear','cubic','spline'})) error('INTERP field must be ''linear'', ''cubic'', ''pchip'' or ''spline''')end
%special procedure when a masking signal is specifiedif any(mask) if ~isvector(mask) || length(mask) ~= length(x) error('masking signal must have the same dimension as the analyzed signal X') end
if size(mask,1) > 1 mask = mask.'; end opts.mask = 0; imf1 = emd(x+mask,opts); imf2 = emd(x-mask,opts); if size(imf1,1) ~= size(imf2,1) warning('emd:warning',['the two sets of IMFs have different sizes: ',int2str(size(imf1,1)),' and ',int2str(size(imf2,1)),' IMFs.']) end S1 = size(imf1,1); S2 = size(imf2,1); if S1 ~= S2 if S1 < S2 tmp = imf1; imf1 = imf2; imf2 = tmp; end imf2(max(S1,S2),1) = 0; end imf = (imf1+imf2)/2;

sd = stop(1);sd2 = stop(2);tol = stop(3);
lx = length(x);
sdt = sd*ones(1,lx);sd2t = sd2*ones(1,lx);
if FIXE MAXITERATIONS = FIXE; if FIXE_H error('cannot use both ''FIX'' and ''FIX_H'' modes') endend
MODE_COMPLEX = ~isreal(x)*complex_version;if MODE_COMPLEX && complex_version ~= 1 && complex_version ~= 2 error('COMPLEX_VERSION parameter must equal 1 or 2')end

% number of extrema and zero-crossings in residualner = lx;nzr = lx;
r = x;
if ~any(mask) % if a masking signal is specified "imf" already exists at this stage imf = [];endk = 1;
% iterations counter for extraction of 1 modenbit=0;
% total iterations counterNbIt=0;end%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [modos its]=eemd(x,Nstd,NR,MaxIter)%--------------------------------------------------------------------------%WARNING: this code needs to include in the same%directoy the file emd.m developed by Rilling and Flandrin.%This file is available at %http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/patrick.flandrin/emd.html%We use the default stopping criterion.%We use the last modification: 3.2007% -------------------------------------------------------------------------%  OUTPUT%   modos: contain the obtained modes in a matrix with the rows being the modes%   its: contain the iterations needed for each mode for each realization%%  INPUT%  x: signal to decompose%  Nstd: noise standard deviation%  NR: number of realizations%  MaxIter: maximum number of sifting iterations allowed.% -------------------------------------------------------------------------%   Syntax%%   modos=eemd(x,Nstd,NR,MaxIter)%  [modos its]=eemd(x,Nstd,NR,MaxIter)% -------------------------------------------------------------------------%  NOTE:   if Nstd=0 and NR=1, the EMD decomposition is obtained.% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% EEMD was introduced in % Wu Z. and Huang N.% "Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition: A noise-assisted data analysis method". % Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis. vol 1. pp 1-41, 2009.%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% The present EEMD implementation was used in% M.E.TORRES, M.A. COLOMINAS, G. SCHLOTTHAUER, P. FLANDRIN,%  "A complete Ensemble Empirical Mode decomposition with adaptive noise," %  IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc. ICASSP-11, pp. 4144-4147, Prague (CZ)%% in order to compare the performance of the new method CEEMDAN with the performance of the EEMD.%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% Date: June 06,2011% Authors:  Torres ME, Colominas MA, Schlotthauer G, Flandrin P.% For problems with the code, please contact the authors:   % To:  macolominas(AT)bioingenieria.edu.ar % CC:  metorres(AT)santafe-conicet.gov.ar% -------------------------------------------------------------------------%  This version was run on Matlab 7.10.0 (R2010a)%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
desvio_estandar=std(x);x=x/desvio_estandar;xconruido=x+Nstd*randn(size(x));[modos, o, it]=emd(xconruido,'MAXITERATIONS',MaxIter);modos=modos/NR;iter=it;if NR>=2 for i=2:NR xconruido=x+Nstd*randn(size(x)); [temp, ort, it]=emd(xconruido,'MAXITERATIONS',MaxIter); temp=temp/NR; lit=length(it); [p liter]=size(iter); if lit<liter it=[it zeros(1,liter-lit)]; end; if liter<lit iter=[iter zeros(p,lit-liter)]; end; iter=[iter;it]; [filas columnas]=size(temp); [alto ancho]=size(modos); diferencia=alto-filas; if filas>alto modos=[modos; zeros(abs(diferencia),ancho)]; end; if alto>filas temp=[temp;zeros(abs(diferencia),ancho)]; end; modos=modos+temp; end;end;its=iter;modos=modos*desvio_estandar;
function [modes its]=ceemdan(x,Nstd,NR,MaxIter)
% WARNING: for this code works it is necessary to include in the same%directoy the file emd.m developed by Rilling and Flandrin.%This file is available at %http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/patrick.flandrin/emd.html%We use the default stopping criterion.%We use the last modification: 3.2007% % This version was run on Matlab 7.10.0 (R2010a)%----------------------------------------------------------------------% INPUTs% x: signal to decompose% Nstd: noise standard deviation% NR: number of realizations% MaxIter: maximum number of sifting iterations allowed.%% OUTPUTs% modes: contain the obtained modes in a matrix with the rows being the modes % its: contain the sifting iterations needed for each mode for each realization (one row for each realization)% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% Syntax%% modes=ceemdan(x,Nstd,NR,MaxIter)% [modes its]=ceemdan(x,Nstd,NR,MaxIter)%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% This algorithm was presented at ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic% Plese, if you use this code in your work, please cite the paper where the% algorithm was first presented. % If you use this code, please cite:%% M.E.TORRES, M.A. COLOMINAS, G. SCHLOTTHAUER, P. FLANDRIN,% "A complete Ensemble Empirical Mode decomposition with adaptive noise," % IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc. ICASSP-11, pp. 4144-4147, Prague (CZ)%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------% Date: June 06,2011% Authors: Torres ME, Colominas MA, Schlotthauer G, Flandrin P.% For problems with the code, please contact the authors: % To: macolominas(AT)bioingenieria.edu.ar % CC: metorres(AT)santafe-conicet.gov.ar% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
for i=1:NR white_noise{i}=randn(size(x));%creates the noise realizationsend;
for i=1:NR modes_white_noise{i}=emd(white_noise{i});%calculates the modes of white gaussian noiseend;
for i=1:NR %calculates the first mode temp=x+Nstd*white_noise{i}; [temp, o, it]=emd(temp,'MAXMODES',1,'MAXITERATIONS',MaxIter); temp=temp(1,:); aux=aux+temp/NR; iter(i,1)=it;end;
modes=aux; %saves the first modek=1;aux=zeros(size(x));acum=sum(modes,1);
while nnz(diff(sign(diff(x-acum))))>2 %calculates the rest of the modes for i=1:NR tamanio=size(modes_white_noise{i}); if tamanio(1)>=k+1 noise=modes_white_noise{i}(k,:); noise=noise/std(noise); noise=Nstd*noise; try [temp, o, it]=emd(x-acum+std(x-acum)*noise,'MAXMODES',1,'MAXITERATIONS',MaxIter); temp=temp(1,:); catch it=0; temp=x-acum; end; else [temp, o, it]=emd(x-acum,'MAXMODES',1,'MAXITERATIONS',MaxIter); temp=temp(1,:); end; aux=aux+temp/NR; iter(i,k+1)=it; end; modes=[modes;aux]; aux=zeros(size(x)); acum=zeros(size(x)); acum=sum(modes,1); k=k+1;end;modes=[modes;(x-acum)];[a b]=size(modes);iter=iter(:,1:a);modes=modes*desvio_x;its=iter;



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