为了测量地质时间,也为了指示第四纪之前矿物和岩石的年龄,地质学家目前使用两个时间单位,即“百万年”(106年)和“十亿年”(109年)。这些时间单位的缩写却是多种多样的。对最近出版的一些书籍、专著和研讨会论文集进行检查后,可以发现存在以下表达和缩写:million years,millions of years,106 年,m.y.,m.yr,m.yrs,Myr,106 a,106 y,106 yr,106 years;billion years,b.y.,109 a,109 y,109 yr,109 yrs和109 years。这种缩写在陨石年代学中也很常见。在德国出版物中,“百万年”则用mio Jahre表达;在法国出版物中,“百万年”通常使用MA,M.A.,m.a.和mA。
For measuring geological time and for indicating the age of minerals and rocks before the Quaternary, geologists are at present using two time units, namely, one million year (106 years) and one “billion” years (109 years). The abbreviations of these units are indeed variable. A check of a number of recently published books, monographs, and symposium volumes produced the following expressions and abbreviations: million years, millions of years, years of 106, m.y., m.yr., m.yrs., Myr, 106 a, 106 y, 106 yr, 106 years; and billion years, b.y., 109 a, 109 y, 109 yr, 109 yrs, and 109 years. Such abbreviations are also current in meteorite chronology. In German publications, mio Jahre and in French works, MA, M.A., m.a., and mA for a million years are customarily used.
Instead of a “billion” years, the name, aeon (or eon), is sometimes used, particularly in meteorite chronology. In normal parlance, however, an aeon refers to an immeasurably long or an indefinite period of time. In addition, it has been proposed that Eon be used as a unit of time stratigraphy. Thus, the Cenozoic Era, the Mesozoic Era, and the Palaeozoic Era are combined into a geological time unit called the Phanerozoic Eon.
The purpose of this note is to call the attention of geologists to two eminently suitable units of geological time, based on the recommendations of the Commission for Symbols, Units and Nomenclature (SUN Commission) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). These units are the megayear (Myr=106 years) and the gigayear (Gyr=109 years). Their names and abbreviations follow the style of such well established units as the nanosecond, the nanogram, the megaelectron volt, and the gigawatt, which are commonly used in physics and in chemistry. The introduction of such unit names has probably passed unnoticed by most geologists. The names megayear and gigayear are convenient in use, and their abbreviations are easy to write and to set in type. They are strongly recommended for use in chronostratigraphy and in geochronometry. Perhaps, in radiocarbon dating, it would not be impossible speak of kiloyears (kyr=103 years) instead of thousands of years, when Quaternary geologists get used to modern physical nomenclature.
To conclude: “Nothing is so plentiful as Time”. The age of the Earth is about 4.8 Gyr and length of Pre-Cambrian time is about 3,400 Myr.
1971年卡勒沃·兰卡玛获德国地质学会Gustav Steinmann奖的介绍照片
作者:刘强/中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会科普工作委员会
李文范,宋正海主编. 地球科学年表. 北京:石油工业出版社. 1998年,第258页
美编 | 陈永焱
校对 | 刘 强