寻根之旅- 新西兰华裔作家访问侨乡台山 (视频)Bilingual: Back to their roots (Taishan)

教育   2024-02-29 16:50   新西兰  

Back to their roots- New Zealand Chinese authors visit Taishan, the home of overseas Chinese


Guangdong plays a special role in the New Zealand-China relationship, as the earliest Chinese migrants to New Zealand came from this province.

去年下半年,我们非常高兴邀请到新西兰作家Lily Lee女士和Ruth Lam女士作为特别嘉宾远道前来广州,参加在广州图书馆举行的新西兰主题图书展和图片展的开幕式以及随后举行的嘉宾对谈活动。活动回顾:穿越时光的连接:新西兰主题系列展览在广州图书馆举办

Late last year, we were thrilled to welcome New Zealand authors Ms Lily Lee and Ms Ruth Lam to Guangzhou, as special guests for the opening of a New Zealand book section, photo exhibition, and panel discussion at Guangzhou Library. (Event recap: 活动回顾:穿越时光的连接:新西兰主题系列展览在广州图书馆举办)

Lily Lee女士和Ruth Lam女士都是最早期移居到新西兰的华人移民后代。Lily和Ruth在过去的几十年中致力于记录早期华人移民到新西兰的历史和故事,包括她们自己的家族的故事。她们的两本著作-- 《黄土子嗣》和《告别广东》是关于早期移居到新西兰的华人移民从事果蔬农场的运作的故事,以及在淘金时代从广东移民到新西兰的华人女眷们和她们的丈夫团聚以及她们家族的故事。

Ms Lily Lee, and Ms Ruth Lam are both descendants of some of the earliest Chinese migrants to New Zealand. Both Lily and Ruth have spent decades documenting the history and stories of early Chinese migrants to New Zealand, including their own families. Two of their books, “Sons of the Soil” and “Farewell Guangdong” capture the stories of early Chinese migrants to New Zealand who then became market gardeners, as well as the women and families from Guangdong who migrated to New Zealand to join their husbands during the gold rush.


While in Guangdong, we travelled with Lily and Ruth to notable villages that are the ancestral homes to many overseas Chinese, including those in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


Watch the below video as we travel with Lily and Ruth back to Taishan, in Jiangmen Prefecture. Taishan is often referred to as the “first home of overseas Chinese.”

如果您错过了我们上期关于两位作家访问新会的推送 寻根之旅- 新西兰华裔作家访问侨乡新会 (视频)Bilingual: Back to their roots (Xinhui),欢迎观看下列视频:

If you missed the previous videos, click below to see Lily and Ruth’s visit to Xinhui. 寻根之旅- 新西兰华裔作家访问侨乡新会 (视频)Bilingual: Back to their roots (Xinhui)


Stay tune for more videos as the authors head to Zhongshan next, a place both Lily and Ruth whakapapa back to.

We welcome you to follow us!
