
科技   2024-10-02 14:30   中国香港  


校董会 Council

香港科技大学的管制组织有三个,即校董会 Council、教务委员会 Senate 和顾问委员会 Court,分别是大学的最高管治机构、最高教务机构和最高谘询机构。











投票链接 https://hkust.simplyvoting.com/

Candidate 1

QU, Yao

Personal Statement:

This is Yao QU, a first-year Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering, and an alumnus of the Master's program in IBTM. With a heart full of passion and a resolute determination, I am running for a position on the Council.

Election Slogan: "Building Bridges for a Brighter HKUST Future!"

My Background and Advantages:

  • I used to be the Vice President of the Graduate Student and Alumni Association (GSAA) at HKUST. I have organized and participated in events across various domains including research, job seeking, daily life, and entertainment, serving thousands of HKUST students. This experience has given me a deep understanding of HKUST students and their needs, along with valuable organizational and coordination skills.

  • With a dual background in IBTM (MSc) and Civil Engineering (Ph.D.) from HKUST, I am well-equipped to understand the diverse needs of students from different majors and educational levels, enabling me to provide targeted assistance.

  • As a first-year Ph.D. student, I have ample time to dedicate to serving my fellow students more effectively.

My Election Platform and Action Plan:

  • Student-Centric Approach: I will always prioritize student interests, advocating that all decisions are made with the best interests of students in mind.

  • Enhancing Student Welfare: I aim to increase scholarships, financial aid, improve campus facilities, and pay attention to students' mental health and living pressures, while promoting the establishment of more support services.

  • Increasing Student Engagement: I will look for more effective communication channels in order to increase student participation in university decision-making.

  • Supporting Diverse Student Development: I will support students' development in employment, research, and entrepreneurship by promoting more accessible policies and reducing the difficulty in obtaining relevant information.

  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: I will foster communication and understanding among students from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, advocating for inclusive policies to make all students feel a sense of belonging and respect at HKUST.

  • Enhancing Connections Between Students and Alumni: I will focus on increasing connections between students and alumni, aiming to provide more opportunities for students and to enrich the student experience.

  • Collaboration: I believe in the power of teamwork and will work closely with other council members and student organizations to advance the development of HKUST.

I am eager to bring my experience and enthusiasm to the Council, working together with everyone to build a better HKUST. I look forward to your support and promise to serve every student to the best of my ability. Join my campaign team, and let's contribute to the future of HKUST together. Your vote is the beginning of our collective progress. Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Candidate 2

TAN, Hayes

Personal Statement:

Dear Fellow Students,

I'm thrilled to announce my candidacy for Student Representative on the University Council.

HKUST is a place brimming with opportunities for us all. From research opportunities to vibrant student-led initiatives, our university offers a wealth of experiences. Whether it's joining the robotics team, participating in hackathons, attending cultural festivals, or engaging in community outreach programs, there's something for everyone here. Now more than ever, our voices need to be heard at the highest level to ensure these opportunities continue to grow and evolve.

As I enter my final year, I feel both a sense of duty and gratitude towards HKUST. This university has not only shaped my personal growth but has also been the backdrop for countless memorable moments shared with friends, inspiring interactions with professors, and experiences that have enriched my life in numerous ways.

This marks my second run for this position. While I wasn't successful in my first attempt, the experience only strengthened my resolve to serve our student body.

Let's take a moment to celebrate our collective achievements. HKUST is our shared home, and its success is a testament to the dedication of our council members, professors, and staff. Our university has consistently ranked among the top universities globally, which is particularly impressive considering our young age. But let's not forget the true heart of our university - us, the students. We are the lifeblood that keeps HKUST vibrant and ever-evolving. Your experiences, your challenges, your triumphs - they all matter immensely in shaping the future of our institution.

If elected, I want to focus on two crucial areas: student well-being and university cohesion. The alarming rise in student stress levels and mental health concerns cannot be ignored. Whether it's academic pressure, interpersonal challenges, or psychological strain, I aim to bring these issues to the forefront of council discussions.

Moreover, HKUST is a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds. I want to work towards strengthening the bonds between all members of our diverse community, fostering an environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and heard.

I humbly ask for your vote, not just for me, but for the vision of a more inclusive, supportive, and vibrant HKUST. I'm eager to roll up my sleeves and work collaboratively with the council to create positive change.

Together, let's shape the HKUST we all dream of. I sincerely ask for your vote.

TAN Hayes

Candidate 3

WANG, Yifan

Personal Statement:

I am WANG Yifan, a year 3 student in the RMBI program. I’m excited to run for the position of student member of the University Council. With 2 years of college experience, developing critical thinking, and an appreciation for Hong Kong's local culture, I would like to be the student member of the Council to represent the interests of our student body.

During my two years of studying and living at HKUST, I have learned a lot and hope to fulfill my responsibilities for our school and society. I often talk to my schoolmates about the opportunities and challenges students are facing now. We are more concerned about Course evaluation and Course selection (quality of courses, freedom of course selection), the school’s resources (quota of library seats and computer barns, purchased library database, High-performance computing), Accommodation (accommodation allocation, contribution method of Hall-points). These are all issues that students are very concerned about, but it seems that our opinions have not received enough feedback caused by various reasons. That’s one of the reasons why I want to run for the position of student representative of the University Council.

As an active member of the Mainland Students and Scholars Society, I participated and assisted in organizing freshman meetings (which helped freshmen better integrate into Hong Kong), the Chinese New Year Carnival (which provided open cultural exchange), and other activities (which exercised my organizational skills). Also, I facilitated some mainland enterprises to hold recruitment talks at HKUST, which provided employment resources for HKUST students.

In the current disputes among economic giants, Hong Kong plays a pivotal role. HKUST is a top university in Hong Kong. The plan proposed by HKUST for 2028 has inspired me and made me willing to contribute to it. I want our school to become a diverse (open, inclusive, and international), innovative (supportive, freedom), and sustainable (green, quality practice) institution. In this process, HKUST has the advantage of absorbing some international resources, as well as having the collaboration between the Greater Bay Area and HKUST(GZ), which will Inject more resources and information exchange.

If elected, I will be dedicated to championing the rights and well-being of students and striving to enhance the academic and residential conditions at our university. I hope to provide concentrated feedback on the needs and opinions of our students to the School Council and strive to achieve it. On the other hand, I will try my best to coordinate with mainland enterprises to expand recruitment and provide students with more employment opportunities.

From my perspective, my personality, and commitment to the HKUST’s mission and values make me an eligible candidate to represent the interests of students. Thank you for your vote. I look forward to serving you on the University Council.

Candidate 4

Richard WU Kwan Yiu

Personal Statement:

Greetings, fellow schoolmates!

I am Richard Wu Kwan Yiu, a third-year student majoring in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. I have had the privilege of serving as an executive committee member or other positions of six Students' Societies. Now I currently hold the position of ex-officio member of the HKUST Students' Union Council, where I represent the SU Editorial Board as a financial controller.

Here I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of student representative on the HKUST Council with a clear and fundamental tenet:


This philosophy not only positions students at the heart of university affairs but also ensures that students consistently have a significant say in the university's decision-making processes.

Within the fabric of Hong Kong's civil society today, it is still gratified to highlight that the HKUST distinguishes itself among a few local universities by maintaining an active and enduring Students' Union, underscoring our commitment to student involvement and empowerment.

Yet in recent years, we have seen a diminishing involvement of students in public affairs influenced by the erosion of civic management. This phenomenon is fueled by a myriad of factors such as waning community participation, lack of accessible educational resources on governance, and a growing sense of detachment from the political arena. It is undeniable that the gap between our university and the community is widening, but at the same time our policies often serve as a reference for other institutions, as the HKUST is publicly known as one of the three largest universities in Hong Kong.

Henceforth, we bear a responsibility to nurture students who actively engage in societal issues. I firmly believe that cultivating a culture of awareness and participation in campus governance at our university will significantly benefit both our institution and society at large.

If elected, I will implement the following initiatives:

  1. Gather and Integrate Student Feedback

    Actively seek input from students of diverse backgrounds to ensure that each voice is heard in the university’s decision-making processes.

  2. Revitalize the President’s Forum

    Propose the re-establishment of the President’s Forum to facilitate direct communication between the University and students.

  3. Enhance Support for Student Organizations

    Advocate for increased support from the university for the Student Union and Student organizations, including the reinstatement of membership options in the Student Information System (SIS).

  4. Raise Mental Health Support

    Urge the university to strengthen mental health resources for students, including proactive support and training for faculty and students to identify signs of mental health issues.

My experience has equipped me with a thorough grasp of the University's policies and advancements, and I am committed to guaranteeing that student perspectives are not only recognized but also given precedence during policy-making processes. I believe that united in purpose, We Can Shape a meaningful future aligned with ongoing developments and plans of our academic institution. As the adage continues to hold true:

“Students are the most important stakeholders in an education.”

Vote for me, let’s Step Towards a Brighter Future!

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MSSS近期活动 ●

活动回顾 | 2024年港科大MSSS迎新晚会



活动回顾 | 港科大2024深圳新生见面会

活动回顾 | 港科大2024上海新生见面会

活动回顾 | 港科大2024北京新生见面会

文案 | MSSS

编排 | MSSS


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