
文摘   2024-11-26 22:51   重庆  

1. 你熬夜加班,累得像条狗,以为努力就能升职加薪。可老板眼中,你不过是个廉价的苦力,随时能被替代。那些承诺的大饼,只是为了让你再多卖会儿命,而你还傻乎乎地感恩戴德。

You stay up late for overtime work, exhausted like a dog, thinking that with hard work you can get a promotion and a raise. But in the eyes of your boss, you're just a cheap laborer who can be replaced at any time. Those promised big dreams are just to make you work harder for a while longer, and you're still stupidly grateful.

2. 朋友聚会,你兴奋地分享生活趣事,却发现大家都在低头玩手机。你努力找话题,想融入他们,可他们的敷衍就像冰冷的雨水,浇灭你的热情。原来,在他们心里,你只是个可有可无的陪衬。

At a friends' gathering, you excitedly share interesting things about your life, only to find that everyone is looking down at their mobile phones. You try hard to find topics to fit in with them, but their perfunctory attitudes are like cold rain, extinguishing your enthusiasm. It turns out that in their hearts, you're just an dispensable foil.

3. 你精心打扮去约会,幻想着甜蜜的爱情。可对方却在不停地看表,眼神里满是不耐烦。你的真心在他看来一文不值,他只是在打发无聊的时间,而你却还在期待下一次见面。

You dress up carefully for a date, fantasizing about a sweet love. But the other person keeps looking at their watch, with impatience in their eyes. Your sincerity is worthless in their eyes. They're just killing time, and you're still looking forward to the next meeting.

4. 你看着房价飞涨,省吃俭用想凑个首付。可工资的增长永远赶不上物价,银行的存款也在通货膨胀中不断缩水。你在这座城市拼命挣扎,却依旧感觉自己无家可归,像个漂泊的孤魂。

You watch the housing prices soar and save every penny to scrape together a down payment. But the growth of your salary can never catch up with the prices. The savings in the bank are constantly shrinking due to inflation. You struggle desperately in this city, but still feel homeless, like a wandering lonely soul.

5. 你努力学习各种技能,想提升自己。可在面试时,面试官却只在意你的年龄和学历。你的才华和努力被轻易忽视,只因为你不符合他们心中那刻板的标准,所有的付出仿佛成了一场空。

You study various skills hard to improve yourself. But during the interview, the interviewer only cares about your age and educational background. Your talents and efforts are easily overlooked just because you don't meet the rigid standards in their minds. All your efforts seem to have been in vain.

6. 你对家人关怀备至,可他们却总是挑剔你的不足。你以为血浓于水就该相互理解,却忘了亲情也会伤人。他们的指责像刺一样扎在心里,你只能默默忍受,因为他们是你无法割舍的亲人。

You show great care for your family, but they are always picky about your shortcomings. You think that since blood is thicker than water, you should understand each other, but you forget that family affection can also hurt. Their accusations are like thorns stabbing into your heart. You can only endure it silently because they are your beloved relatives that you can't part with.

