1. 人性最大的弱点,不是贪婪,不是懦弱,而是一切都想尽善尽美。
The greatest weakness of human nature is not greed or cowardice, but the desire to make everything perfect.
2. 别把秘密告诉风,风会吹过整片森林。这就是人性,保守不住的永远不是秘密。
Don't tell secrets to the wind. The wind will blow through the whole forest. This is human nature. What can't be kept is never a secret.
3. 在这个世界上,不要高估自己在别人心中的位置,或许你什么都不是。
In this world, don't overestimate your position in others' hearts. Perhaps you are nothing.
4. 人性就是这样,自卑才炫耀,缺爱才花心。你的招摇,除了证明内心虚弱,说明不了任何东西。
Human nature is like this. Only when one is inferior does one show off. Only when one lacks love is one fickle. Your ostentation can prove nothing except your inner weakness.
5. 人性本凉薄,又何介谁比谁更多。心,若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是流浪。
Human nature is originally indifferent. Why care who is more indifferent than whom? If the heart has no place to rest, it is wandering everywhere.
6. 人性一个最特别的弱点就是:在意别人如何看待自己。
One of the most special weaknesses of human nature is caring about how others view oneself.
7. 看清了很多人,却不能随意拆穿;讨厌着很多人,却又不能轻易翻脸。有时候,生活就是要逼自己变得逆来顺受,宠辱不惊。
Having seen through many people, one cannot expose them casually. Hating many people, yet one cannot turn against them easily. Sometimes, life forces one to become resigned and indifferent to praise or blame.
8. 人性的丑陋之处就在于,明明自己揣着私心却苛求别人大度。
The ugliness of human nature lies in that while one is clearly self-interested, one demands others to be magnanimous.
9. 不要对任何人抱有道德洁癖的期望,这个世界上每个灵魂都半人半鬼,凑太近了谁也没法看。
Don't have expectations of moral purity for anyone. In this world, every soul is half human and half ghost. No one can bear looking at it when getting too close.
10. 人性就是,你怕的越多,欺负你的人就越多;什么都不怕了,反倒没人敢欺负你。
Human nature is that the more you fear, the more people will bully you. When you fear nothing, on the contrary, no one dares to bully you.
11. 人允许一个陌生人的发迹,却不能容忍一个身边人的晋升。因为同一层次的人之间存在着对比、利益的冲突,而与陌生人不存在这方面的问题。
People allow a stranger to get rich, but cannot tolerate the promotion of a person around them. Because there are comparisons and conflicts of interests among people at the same level, but there is no such problem with strangers.
12. 人性的复杂,在于对取舍的纠缠不清。
The complexity of human nature lies in the entanglement of choices.