1. 说点好听的,能搞定一半的人;给点东西,能搞定七成的人;又说好话又给东西,能搞定九成的人;投其所好说好话再给好处,能搞定九十九的人,剩下那一个不用管。Saying some nice words can handle half of the people. Giving something can handle seventy percent of the people. Saying nice words and giving something can handle ninety percent of the people. Saying nice words according to their preferences and giving benefits can handle ninety-nine percent of the people. The remaining one doesn't need to be cared about.
2. 在职场上,那只有利益关系,根本没朋友。
In the workplace, there are only interest relationships. There are no friends at all.
3. 记住了,跟人说话留三分,别啥都往外掏。在单位里没绝对的朋友,也没完全能信得过的人。
Remember, keep three points when talking to people. Don't pour out everything. In the unit, there is no absolute friend and no one who can be completely trusted.
4. 你要是有关系,赶紧用,关系有时限,领导不会一直当领导,早晚得退休,到那时候再找人帮忙可就难了。
If you have connections, use them quickly. Connections have a time limit. Leaders won't be leaders forever. Sooner or later, they will retire. At that time, it will be difficult to ask for help.
5. 有钱的时候别回老家瞎显摆,穷的时候也别到处串门让人嫌弃。
When you are rich, don't show off in your hometown. When you are poor, don't visit others everywhere and be disliked.
6. 人性最丑的就是用得着你的时候,可劲儿讨好你;用不着你的时候,说翻脸就翻脸。
The ugliest thing of human nature is that when they need you, they will flatter you vigorously. When they don't need you, they will turn against you immediately.
7. 事儿得悄悄干才能成,要是到处乱说就容易黄。啥事儿没做成之前,谁也别告诉。
Things can be accomplished only if done quietly. If you talk about it everywhere, it is easy to fail. Don't tell anyone before anything is accomplished.
8. 你要是去洗脚、按摩啥的,可别跟技师太亲近,你越亲近,人家服务可能越差劲。
If you go for foot massage or body massage or something like that, don't get too close to the technician. The closer you are, the worse their service may be.
9. 没硬关系,那就忍一忍,退一步,别瞎折腾。
If you don't have strong connections, then endure and take a step back. Don't make trouble without reason.
10. 就算你有后台也别太得瑟,不然倒霉的是你自己和后台。
Even if you have a backer, don't be too arrogant. Otherwise, it will be you and your backer who will be in trouble.
11. 跟你翻过脸的人,不管是亲戚还是朋友,都回不到从前了。
People who have turned against you, whether relatives or friends, can never go back to the past.
12. 人性丑就丑在专在没权没势又善良的人身上挑毛病,在有权有势还缺德的人身上找优点。The ugliness of human nature lies in that it only finds faults in kind people who have no power and influence, and finds advantages in immoral people who have power and influence.
13. 人际关系靠吸引,不是讨好,你要是没啥用,认识再多的人也白搭。
Interpersonal relationships depend on attraction, not flattery. If you are useless, it is in vain to know more people.
14. 办事儿干脆利落的,肯定有人欣赏。
People who do things neatly and quickly will definitely be appreciated.