
文摘   2024-11-16 20:59   重庆  

1. 不要轻易把弱点示人,这可能会成为别人攻击你的把柄。

Don't easily show your weaknesses to others, as it may become a handle for others to attack you.

2. 话别说太满,给自己留有余地。

Don't be too absolute in what you say. Leave some leeway for yourself.

3. 不在背后议论他人是非,保不准就会传到对方耳朵里。

Don't gossip about others behind their backs. You never know when it might reach their ears.

4. 别人自嘲时,不要附和,那可能只是人家的谦虚。

When others make self-deprecating remarks, don't echo them. It may just be their modesty.

5. 不要在生气的时候做决定,容易后悔。

Don't make decisions when you are angry. It's easy to regret them later.

6. 帮人忙不要总挂在嘴边,施恩图报会让人心生厌烦。

Don't always talk about the favors you've done for others. Expecting something in return for your kindness will make people dislike you.

7. 和人交往,多听少说,言多必失。

When interacting with people, listen more and talk less. The more you talk, the more mistakes you may make.

8. 不要打断别人说话,这是基本礼貌。

Don't interrupt others when they are speaking. It's basic courtesy.

9. 初次见面,不要表现得过于热情,可能会吓到对方。

When meeting someone for the first time, don't be overly enthusiastic. It might scare the other person.

10. 不要无条件地答应别人的要求,要有自己的原则。

Don't unconditionally agree to others' requests. You should have your own principles.

11. 不要在公共场合揭人短处,要给人留面子。

Don't expose others' shortcomings in public. Give them some face.

12. 对于别人的秘密,要守口如瓶。

Keep others' secrets and don't let them out.

13. 不要嫉妒别人的成就,应大方祝福。

Don't be jealous of others' achievements. Instead, give them your generous blessings.

14. 尽量不要向别人借钱,也不要轻易借钱给别人。

Try not to borrow money from others, and don't lend money to others casually either.

15. 不要总是抱怨,会让周围人远离你。

Don't always complain. It will drive the people around you away.

16. 和上级相处,尊重但不谄媚。

When dealing with superiors, respect them but don't flatter them.

17. 和朋友相处,也要保持适当距离,距离产生美。

When getting along with friends, also keep an appropriate distance. Distance creates beauty.

18. 别人请客,不要带未被邀请的人。

When someone else is treating you to a meal, don't bring someone who wasn't invited.

19. 不要在社交场合频繁看手机,这会显得你对别人不尊重。

Don't look at your mobile phone frequently in social situations. It will make you seem disrespectful to others.

20. 不要对新认识的人过度倾诉自己的苦难,会给人负面印象。

Don't pour out your hardships to new acquaintances too much. It will give them a negative impression.
