身为青岛市民,我们觉得好难过。It’s really heartbreaking to see these stories. 感觉青岛在叹息(the city is sighing). 青岛是一个非常美好的城市,而且,青岛还是一个非常值得的城市。Please don’t let this create any prejudice against Qingdao.
01 青岛的三件“人间值得”
There are three main things to visit in Qingdao:
在青岛,其实不用去网红点看人从众,如果是为了美景的话,随便一条街走走就很漂亮。And as you walk around, you'll eventually come across the sea. 在青岛走着走着,就会碰到大海了。
我们还有一些青岛的朋友go hiking in Mount Laoshan or Mount Fushan every weekend(每个周末去爬崂山、浮山),到山顶看山海一色———这是在青岛应该体验的。
*the great food (especially seafood and beer) 海鲜和啤酒
其实青岛本地人有一种吃法,就是从市场买海鲜,去啤酒屋买点扎啤,顺便让店家把海鲜给加工了。在家吃就比较简单了:市场上买回来,回家自己一蒸,很简单就可以上桌了。It's straightforward, but fresh and delicious.
*the opportunities it offers 机会
我当时在青岛读大学,because my major was English, and back then, there were a lot of native English speakers in Qingdao. 所以我当时真的觉得如鱼得水,英文很快练好了。
我一直觉得,青岛是一个允许年轻人有梦想的城市。It’s a city of dreams.
大家还关注的一个问题:Do you think people in Qingdao are hostile towards outsiders?(你觉得青岛排外吗?)
总之,没有感受到丝毫的hostile, 就像Selah说的:Qingdao is home.
02 每一位市民,都代表着你的城市
作为青岛市民,有责任维护城市形象,it’s our responsibility to maintain and share Qingdao's positive image。
每一位市民都应当记得:you represent the city—you are Qingdao. 你,就是青岛。
This is the impression Qingdao should leave on the world. 这才是青岛应该留给世界的印象。
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