论文速递 | ​考虑个体差异与测量误差的两类加速试验可靠性评估

文摘   2024-07-26 19:00   德国  
Reliability estimation from two types of accelerated testing considering individual difference and measurement error


引用格式 | Cited by
Yang CQ, Gu XH, Xiao ZM, 2024. Reliability estimation from two types of accelerated testing considering individual difference and measurement errorProbabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 75: 103584.
DOI: 10.1016/j.probengmech.2024.103584

摘要 | Abstract

加速试验是一种提高试验效率和减少时间成本的有效方法,在可靠性试验中发挥着重要作用。本文介绍了一种可靠性评估的新方法,该方法同时有效利用加速退化试验 (accelerated degradation testing, ADT) 和加速寿命试验 (accelerated life testing, ALT) 数据,旨在全面利用产品的可靠性信息。为解决受污染退化数据和单元异质性带来的挑战,采用 Wiener 过程模型对产品退化过程进行建模,考虑个体差异和测量误差。该方法利用 Bayes 框架和 Markov 链蒙特卡罗算法,根据两种类型的加速试验数据进行参数估计。此外,模拟研究表明,与其它方法相比,该方法能够有效提高产品可靠性评估的准确性。对鱼雷引信橡胶 O 形圈的实际研究表明,该方法在解决实际问题方面具有很高的有效性。
关键词可靠性评估, 加速试验, 个体差异, 测量误差, 橡胶 O 形圈
Accelerated testing is a valuable approach for enhancing testing efficiency and reducing time costs, thus playing a crucial role in reliability testing. This paper introduces a novel reliability evaluation method that effectively utilizes both accelerated degradation testing (ADT) and accelerated life testing (ALT) data simultaneously, aiming to comprehensively leverage the reliability information of products. To address the challenges posed by contaminated degradation data and unit heterogeneity, the Wiener process is used to model the product degradation process, considering individual difference and measurement error. The proposed method utilizes a Bayesian framework with a MCMC algorithm for parameter estimation based on the two types of accelerated testing data. Furthermore, a simulation study shows that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of product reliability estimation compared with other methods. A practical study for rubber O-rings of the torpedo fuse shows that the proposed method is highly effective in solving practical problems.
KeywordsReliability estimation; Accelerated testing; Individual difference; Measurement error; Rubber O-ring
图 1: 所提方法流程图

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed method

图 2: 具有测量误差的退化路径模拟

Fig. 2. Simulated degradation paths with measurement error

图 3: 加速退化试验数据的测量误差模拟

Fig. 3. Simulated measurement errors in ADT data

图 4: 本文所提方法、仅采用退化数据方法与忽略个体差异和观测误差方法的可靠性函数对比

Fig. 4. Comparison of reliability functions with M0, M1, M2

图 5: 本文所提方法忽略个体差异方法与忽略观测误差方法的可靠函数对比

Fig. 5. Comparison of reliability functions with M0, M3, M4

图 6: 试验夹具与样本

Fig. 6. Test fixture and sample

图 7: 50 °C, 60 °C, 70 °C, 80 °C 条件下的退化数据

Fig. 7. Degradation data under conditions 50 °C, 60 °C, 70 °C, and 80 °C

图 8: 四种温度下的可靠性曲线

Fig. 8. Reliability curves under four temperatures

图 9: 25 °C 下的可靠曲线

Fig. 9. Reliability curve under 25 °C

图 10: 25°C 下的寿命分布

Fig. 10. Lifetime distribution under 25 °C

作者信息 | Authors

杨承强 Cheng-Qiang Yang通讯作者 (Corresp.) 
南京理工大学 (Nanjing University of Science & Technology机械工程学院

Email: cq.yang1997@foxmail.com

顾晓辉 Xiao-Hui Gu 

南京理工大学 (Nanjing University of Science & Technology机械工程学院

Zhong-Min Xiao 

新加坡南洋理工大学 (Nanyang Technological University机械与航空航天工程学院

律梦泽 M.Z. Lyu | 编辑 (Ed) 

P.D. Spanos | 审校 (Rev)

陈建兵 J.B. Chen | 审校 (Rev)

彭勇波 Y.B. Peng | 审校 (Rev)

Probab Eng Mech
国际学术期刊 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 创立于 1985 年,SCI 收录,JCR Q1,现任主编是美国工程院院士、中国科学院外籍院士、莱斯大学 Pol D. Spanos 教授。