时间:18:00,15. 06. 2024 (周六)
着装要求 Dress Code:
中国古典服装 Classical Chinese Costume
附加活动 Additional activities:
Lucky Draw| Best Costume Award
门票信息 Tickets Information:
会员免费 Free for members
成人Adults: 10€
18岁以下 Under 18:5€
两位家长 + 三位未成年人2 parents + 3 minors:30€
购买方式 Purchase Methods:
转账至协会账户 Transfer to the Association's account:
1.账户名称 Account Name: BVEK e.V.
IBAN: DE97 7001 0080 0689 1138 00
Credit Institute 信用机构: Postbank
至协会理事 Payment in cash to the Association's Director
3.联系协会理事 (微信号 Wechat Name: yu_munich)
Note: Due to the design of the lottery, tickets will only be available in paper form and will cost 2€ to
send by post.
There will also be surprising pieces drops and huge giveaways at the concert!! Stay tuned!
Programme Introduction
春江花月夜 Spring River and Moonlit Night (12')
This antique tune depicts a moonlit scene of the XunyangRiver in Southern China. At dusk in spring time.a small boat leisurely sails along the river. The bell tolls from the village tower as the moon is pecking out from the cast. The breezes stir the waters which. in turn.gently lap the riversides and the sparkling ripples send off the reflection of flowering plants on the banks. the people on the board faintly hear a fisherman singing in the distance. It is late at night. The small boat vanishes from sight on its way home.
2. 歌舞引 Song and Dance Introduction (5')
《歌舞引》 是刘天华1927年创作的琵琶作品。该曲无论从题材还是风格上,都与以往的琵琶曲截然同。此曲在突出中国传统音乐的线性旋律特征的同时,又将西方音乐节奏变化鲜明的特点相结合。乐曲既有如歌的吟诵,又有似舞的情韵。一、二、三、五段描述舞姿的动态变化,第四段慢板歌唱性强,音乐抒情婉转。由于刘天华对琵琶的熟知,所以他在创作中,运用了琵琶丰富的演奏技法,将这首标题性很强的乐曲,表现得淋漓尽致。
"The Song and Dance Introduction" is a pipa piece createdby Liu Tianhua in 1927. Both in terms of theme and style, this piece is completely different from previous pipa works. While highlighting the linear melodic characteristics of traditional Chinese music, this piece also combines the distinct rhythmic changes of Western music. The music is both like singing and dancing. The first, second, third, and fifth sections describe the dynamic changes of the dance, while the fourth section is slow and highly lyrical. Liu Tianhua's deep understanding of the pipa allowed him to incorporate the instrument's rich playing techniques into hiscomposition, presenting this highly characteristic piece with great skill.
3. 倒垂帘 The Inverted Curtain (3')
《倒垂帘》 是一首早期的广东音乐作品,由刘德海改编成琵琶独奏曲。全曲音乐风格热情明朗,旋律欢快流畅,表达了一种喜悦、向上的精神风貌。高低音错落有致地响起,给人以“大珠小珠落玉盘”之感。
"The Inverted Curtain" is an early Guangdong music piece, adapted by Liu Dehai into a pipa solo. The
music style of the whole song is warm and bright, and the melody is cheerful and smooth, expressing a joyful and upward spiritual outlook. The high and low tones sound in an orderly manner, giving people the feeling of "big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate".
4. 陈隋(汉宫) Chen Sui (a.k.a. Han Palace Autumn Moon) (9')
《陈隋》又名《陈隋古音》 、乐曲以歌舞形象写后宫寂寥,更显清怨抑郁。全曲旋律抒情委婉,细腻有
The piece "Chen Sui," also known as "Chen Sui Ancient Melody," depicts the loneliness of the harem,
highlighting a sense of clear grievance and melancholy. The melody of the entire piece is lyrical and
delicate, expressing the melancholy and grievances of ancient palace women. The early version of "ChenSui" had a complex transmission score, with a relatively loose melodic structure. Liu Dehai's adaptation of "Chen Sui" has a more concise and fluent melody, making it a classic lyrical solo piece for the pipa that is different from general literary and musical works.
5.彝族舞曲 Dance of the Yi people (7')
A representative Pipa solo composed by Wang in 1960, It describes the life of the Yi minority in Southwest China. The composition is based on two Yi minority folk tunes ‘Seaweed Melody’ and‘Tobacco box dance’. This dance of youths in a festival displays the elegance and tenderness of the ladies and strong andpowerful rhythm of the men. This piece has become a landmark in the development of modern Pipa composition.