【SCI征稿|电力系统 】12月31!Energy reports杂志专刊“含高比例分布式电源的电网运行与控制”征稿中+专刊群聊

2024-09-18 08:11   挪威  

Energy ReportSCI, 影响因子为5.2)期刊上最近举办的电力系统方向的专刊“Operation and Control of Power Grids with High Penetration of Distributed Generations 目前开始火热征稿啦!

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This special issue explores the forefront of energy innovation in a smart grid. The purpose of this special issue is to illuminate the path towards a greener and more resilient power systems with renewables and energy storage systems in the future. We invite researchers, experts, and visionaries to contribute to this discourse. Insights into the evolving world of power systems, where distributed energy sources are reshaping the grid, are welcome. All works on cutting-edge control strategies, renewable energy integration, microgrids, and the future of sustainable energy operation, are invited. Join us in shaping the smart grid landscape and addressing the challenges of a high-penetration distributed generation era.

Topics of interest for publication include, but are not limited to:

  • FACTS Applied to Power Systems

  • Power System Optimization

  • Intelligent Methods Applied to Power System Studies

  • Control, Operation and Planning of Distributed Generation Resources

  • Smart Community with Energy Management Systems

  • Renewable Energy Forecasting

  • Microgrid and Virtual Power Plant

  • Operation of Active Distribution Network

  • Power System Resiliency/Stability/Reliability

  • Demand Response with Renewables

Original papers on these topics and review articles are welcome for submission.

Manuscript submission information:

We sincerely welcome manuscripts containing novel, high quality, and unpublished research results. The invited submissions will be processed and reviewed in the same way as open submissions. Original papers on these topics and short reviews are welcome for submission. All submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

Manuscript should be submitted via journal online submission system at: Editorial Manager by selecting the Article Type of " VSI: Operation/Control of DG(Yang)". A detailed submission guideline is available as “Guide for Authors”.

Once your manuscript is accepted, it will go into production and will be simultaneously published in the current regular issue and pulled into the online Special Issue. Articles from this Special Issue will appear in different regular issues of the journal, though they will be clearly marked and branded as Special Issue articles.

Important Dates:

Submission Open Date: 01 January 2024

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024


  • Battery Energy Storage System

  • Control and Operation

  • Distributed Generation

  • Renewable Energy

  • Smart Grid

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