【SCI征稿】2025年3月20日!Energies专刊“需求侧低碳能源系统优化运行与控制” 征稿进行中!+专刊群聊邀请

2024-09-04 08:00   芬兰  

→MDPI 杂志社Energies期刊专题 “Optimal Operation and Control of Low-Carbon Energy Systems on the Demand Side”+全新征稿!课题广泛+文章处理效率高,欢迎各位投稿!


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The transition towards sustainable energy systems on the demand side is critical for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing grid efficiency. This Special Issue, titled "Optimal Operation and Control of Low-Carbon Energy Systems on the Demand Side", explores innovative approaches and technologies used to meet these challenges. Key areas of focus include advanced demand response techniques, smart grid technologies, IoT integration, and energy storage systems. Real-time data and advanced analytics enable dynamic energy management, optimizing consumption patterns and reducing reliance on high-carbon sources. Electric vehicles (EVs) and peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading further contribute to effective demand-side energy management. Supportive regulatory and policy frameworks are essential for the widespread adoption and optimization of these systems, fostering a more efficient and sustainable energy market.


This Special Issue will present the latest research and developments in the optimal operation and control of low-carbon energy systems focusing on the demand side. We aim to provide a platform for sharing innovative strategies, technologies, and methodologies that enhance the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of energy systems while minimizing carbon footprints. We request contributions that address theoretical, computational, and experimental advancements in the following areas:

1.Demand Response and Load Management: Advanced demand response techniques, load shifting strategies, and peak load management to optimize energy usage and reduce carbon emissions;

2.Smart Grids and IoT Integration: Integration of smart grid technologies and IoT devices for the intelligent monitoring, control, and optimization of energy systems on the demand side;

3.Energy Storage Systems: Innovations in battery technologies and virtual energy storage and their roles in stabilizing low-carbon energy systems;

4.Renewable Energy Utilization: Effective methods for integrating solar, wind, and other renewable sources into demand-side energy networks to enhance sustainability;

5.Energy Efficiency Measures: Development of energy-efficient appliances, smart building energy management systems, and optimization algorithms to reduce overall energy consumption;

6.Electric Vehicles (EVs): Impacts of EVs on demand-side energy systems, including smart charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies and their potential for carbon reduction.

7.Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading: Implementation of P2P energy trading platforms, leveraging of blockchain technology, and development of market mechanisms to promote decentralized low-carbon energy exchanges;

8.Microgrids and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs): Design, control, and operation of microgrids incorporating DERs to enhance local energy resilience and reduce carbon footprints;

9.Regulatory and Policy Frameworks: Analysis of policies, regulations, and incentives that support the deployment and optimization of low-carbon energy systems on the demand side;

10.Data Analytics and Machine Learning: Application of big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence for optimizing the operation and control of low-carbon energy systems.


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