【会议征稿|持续征稿】9月30!IEEE ICEI 2024 第8届IEEE国际能源互联网会议火热征稿中!+专刊群聊邀请

2024-08-28 08:00   芬兰  




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The 8th IEEE International Conference on 

Energy Internet

2024年11月1日-3日 | 珠海


由IEEE、北京交通大学和暨南大学共同主办的第8届IEEE国际能源互联网大会(ICEI 2024)将于2024年11月1日至3日在中国珠海举行。 






NO.3 会议主题


Architecture and Design of Energy Internet

• Modeling, Simulation and Analysis

• Cyber-Physical System Security

• Demonstration Engineering and Applications

• Complex Network Theory based Energy Internet

Energy Switching and Routing for Energy Internet

• Renewable Energy Generation

• Large Scale Energy Storage

• Flexible AC/DC Distribution

• Energy "Routers", "Computers" and "Protocols"

• Electrical Vehicles

Information and Communication for Energy Internet

• Monitoring and Measurement

• Energy Internet Enabled Data Centers

• Software Defined Energy Internet

• Big Data Analysis

• Mobile Edge Computing for Energy Internet

Smart Devices in Energy Internet

• Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) in Energy Internet

• Internet of Electric Vehicles for Energy Internet

• Power Scheduling for Charging Electric Vehicles

• Modeling and Simulation for the Interaction of Grids and Automatic Driving

Energy Management Systems for Energy Internet

• Complementary Scheduling and Optimization of Multiple Energy Flows

• Coordination of Energy Sources, Networks, Storage, and Loads

• Power Quality and Power Experience

• Artificial Intelligence for Energy Internet

• Demand Side Management and Response

Energy Market and Trading for Energy Internet

• Block Chains

• User Centric Energy Services

• Cost-effectiveness Analysis for Energy Internet Engineering

• Value Driven Energy Management

• Decarbonisation, Carbon Trade

NO.4 特别分会

Special Session on

Artificial Intelligence Empowered Energy Internet




    With the increasing penetrations of renewable energy generations, the sustainable development of power systems around the global are facing new challenges in term of planning and operations. Wind and solar energy are the major driving force for the development, but also introduced uncertainties, changed the system dynamics, and revised the operation principles. These impacts are on all voltage levels in power systems and at multiple side, including the large-scale renewable generations in bulk grid and distributed generations in distribution system before and behind the meters. In the foreseeable future, the sustainable development of power system will fundamentally change how the power engineering approach the system and how the people use the electricity.

    In recent years, the fascinating progress in artificial intelligence research has attracted wide attentions. This also provides a potential solution direction for the power systems development. Numerous studies have been published in scientific journals in terms of the applications of artificial intelligence in power systems planning and operations considering renewable energy penetrations. However, there is still a gap between the theoretical research in academia and the challenges faced by engineers in power industry. The majority of current machine learning algorithms are originally designed for the tasks in computer science and engineering field. As a result, the performance, efficiency, reliability, interpretability of the machine learning algorithms is not optimized for power system applications. In this special session, we are aiming to bridge this gap with new advances in the applications of artificial intelligence in power systems planning and operations.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Knowledge-Data complementary framework in power system planning and operations

2. Model-Data combined driven technology in power system planning and operations

3. Physical informed Neural networks in power system planning and operations

4. Human-in-the-loop artificial intelligence framework for power system planning and operations

5. Deep learning-based renewable energy generation estimations and available power analysis

6. Deep reinforcement learning-based power system operations

7. Meta learning in power system planning and operations

8. Artificial intelligence-based power system market and multi-agent games

9. Artificial intelligence-based power system stability analysis and control

10. Explainable machine learning in power systems planning and operations

11. Other advances in sustainable development of power systems with artificial intelligence


Zhao Liu, Beijing Jiaotong University 

(Email: liu.zh@bjtu.edu.cn)

Special Session on

Stability Analysis and Control of Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Energy


The transformation of the energy supply and demand pattern profoundly changes the form and structure of the power system, and the characteristics of ‘high proportion of renewable energy’ and ‘high proportion of power electronic equipment’ in the power system are becoming increasingly prominent, bringing new challenges to the security and stable operation. The operating characteristics of the system are mainly influenced by the control of power electronic equipment, significant changes have occurred in the stability mechanism, operating characteristics, and control methods. Renewable power sources, high-voltage direct-current transmission stations, and other power electronics equipment make it more difficult to acquire proper modelling and efficient methods for stability analysis. Power systems worldwide frequently encountered stability problems introduced by renewable power generators that have not encountered nor noticed before. Quantitatively estimating and enlarging the stability region of the power system is becoming a key challenge in the planning, operation, and control, which is of great significance for accelerating the low-carbon and clean transformation of the national energy system. Therefore, it is timely demanded for stability analysis and control of hybrid AC/DC power systems with high penetration of renewable energy. In this special session, the major objective is to share novel research results and interesting ideas in fields of security and stability analysis, active support control, and fault ride-through strategy for hybrid AC/DC power systems with high penetration of renewable energy.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Modeling and Simulation of hybrid AC/DC power systems with high penetration of renewable energy;

2. Analysis method for security and stability of hybrid AC/DC power systems with high penetration of renewable energy

3. Active support control method for renewable energy power generation and HVDC transmission;

4. Fault characteristic analysis and ride through control of hybrid AC/DC power systems with high penetration of renewable energy;

5. Interaction between converter control modes and power system transient stability.


Shouqi Jiang,
Northeast Electric Power University

(Email: jsq@neepu.edu.cn)

Le Zheng, 
North China Electric Power University (Email: zhengl20@ncepu.edu.cn)

Special Session on

Key Technologies for Frequency Security and Stability in New Power Systems



With the continuous increase of the proportion of new energy connected to the grid, the frequency response ability of power systems is seriously lacking, and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics are significant, which make the frequency security situation increasingly severe. The traditional single-unit power system frequency response analysis model is no longer able to satisfy the frequency analysis requirements of new power system development trend due to numerous limiting factors. Therefore, it is necessary to explore more accurate and efficient frequency response analysis models in frequency response analysis methods, as well as to explore resources that can improve the frequency response ability of power systems in regulation methods.

This Special Session is based on this to conduct extensive studies, aiming to gather experts and scholars in related fields to exchange ideas and jointly improve the frequency security and stability levels of new power systems.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Modeling, evaluation, mechanism analysis, and optimization control of frequency security in new power systems;

2. Optimization control and configuration strategies of new power systems considering frequency dynamic characteristics;

3. Optimization configuration, dispatch, and control strategies for flexible resources such as energy storage and virtual power plants to participate in frequency response;

4. Coordination control of multi-type resources for providing frequency regulation in new power systems;

5. Multi-temporal and -spatial couplings and wide-area control technology for inertia-power-frequency in new power systems;

6. Power-electricity balancing and inter provincial mutual aid coordination dispatch for multi-level power grids;

7. Market mechanism for frequency security in new power systems.


Mingze Zhang,
Harbin University of Science and Technology

(Email: mzzhang1997@163.com)

Yan Xie,
China Electric Power Research Institute

(Email: xieyan@epri.sgcc.com.cn)

Jiakai Shen, 
China Electric Power Research Institute (Email: shenjiakai@epri.sgcc.com.cn)

Xiangxu Wang, 
Dalian University of Technology  (Email: wangxiangxu@mail.dlut.edu.cn)

Special Session on

Energy Management and Trading of
Energy-Intensive Industries



With the continuous growth in energy demand and the rapid development of renewable energy, load regulation has become a crucial means of balancing supply and demand and enhancing power grid reliability. Energy-intensive industries, due to their large power consumption and flexible production processes, have significant advantages in load regulation. Through intelligent control methods, these industrial loads can dynamically adjust according to the needs of the power system, thereby reducing peak loads and increasing the utilization of off-peak loads. This not only helps improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs but also facilitates the integration of renewable energy, contributing to global energy transition and low-carbon development goals.

In recent years, achieving energy conservation, carbon reduction, and coordinated supply-demand interaction in energy-intensive industries is important. During process design and energy-saving retrofits, insufficient consideration is given to variable operating conditions triggered by supply-demand interactions, which can lead to issues such as safety risks and reduced energy efficiency. Furthermore, the lack of fully coordinated grid-load interaction technology limits the full release of their significant regulation potential. Additionally, the absence of effective market mechanisms and incentive measures results in low participation willingness from enterprises in supply-demand interactions. To effectively resolve these conflicts, breakthroughs are urgently needed in four areas: modeling and adjustable capacity prediction for energy-intensive industries, energy-carbon efficiency co-optimization, multi-timescale supply-demand interaction, and electricity-carbon collaborative incentive mechanisms. In this special session, our main objective is to share the latest research findings and innovative ideas in areas such as grid-load interaction technology and market transaction strategies for energy-intensive industrial loads.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Modeling of electricity-carbon characteristics for energy-intensive industrial loads

2. Multi-energy load modeling for energy-intensive industries considering production processes

3. Assessment and prediction of reliable regulation capacity for energy-intensive industrial loads

4. Multi-energy coordinated optimization of energy-intensive industrial load operations

5. Multi-timescale interaction technologies for energy-intensive industrial loads participating in grid operations

6. Electricity-carbon collaborative market trading decision-making technology for energy-intensive industrial users

7. Incentive mechanisms for energy-intensive industrial users participating in grid interactions


Rufeng Zhang, Northeast Electric Power University

(Email: zhangrufeng@neepu.edu.cn)

Ershun Du, Tsinghua University

(Email: duershun@tsinghua.edu.cn)

由会议录用并且按要求汇报的文章将收录至会议论文集由IEEE出版,并送检IEEE Xplore和EI compendex,优秀论文可推荐至相关SCI期刊。


论文必须用英文撰写,并以 PDF 格式的电子文档提交。




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