
文摘   2024-10-27 11:55   湖北  


  • 请审阅我的论文[论文题目,例如基于区块链的供应链金融平台设计与实现]中的这一章节,检查是否有逻辑不连贯或论据不足的地方:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。请以高亮或下划线的方式标记出来,并提出改进建议。

  • Please review this chapter in my paper [title of paper, such as Design and Implementation of a Blockchain-based Supply Chain Finance Platform] to check for any inconsistencies in logic or insufficient evidence: [paste your text here]. Please highlight or underline the problematic content and propose suggestions for improvement.

  • 作为一位资深的语言校对专家,请你针对我的论文[论文题目,例如人工智能在医疗诊断中的应用与挑战]的引言部分进行细致检查。请确保语言流畅、术语使用准确,并指出任何可能存在的拼写或标点错误:[粘贴论文段落]

  • As a senior language proofreading expert, please carefully check the introduction part of my paper [title of paper, such as "The Application and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnosis"]. Please ensure that the language is fluent, the terminology is used accurately, and any possible spelling or punctuation errors are pointed out: [paste the paper paragraph].

  • 请评估我的论文[论文题目,例如气候变化对全球粮食安全的影响]中的数据分析部分。请确认数据来源可靠、分析方法得当,并以表格形式列出任何潜在的数据处理或分析错误:[上传论文附件]

  • Please evaluate the data analysis section of my paper [title of paper, e.g. The Impact of Climate Change on Global Food Security]. Please confirm that the data sources are reliable and the analysis methods are appropriate, and list any potential data processing or analysis errors in a tabular format: [Upload the paper attachment].

  • 假如你是[论文奖项名称,例如诺贝尔物理学奖]的评审委员会成员,请你以严格的评审标准来审阅我的论文[论文题目,例如量子计算的基本原理与最新进展]。请指出论文中的创新点、不足之处以及可能的改进方向,并给出是否推荐获奖的意见。(上传论文附件)

  • If you are a member of the judging committee for [name of award, such as the Nobel Prize in Physics], please review my paper [title of paper, such as Fundamentals and Recent Progress of Quantum Computing] using strict evaluation criteria. Please point out the innovation, shortcomings and possible improvement directions in the paper, and give advice on whether to recommend the award. (Upload the attachment of the paper)

  • 作为一位经验丰富的论文润色专家,请你帮我润色我的论文[论文题目,例如新媒体时代下的广告营销策略]中的摘要部分。请确保摘要内容精炼、结构清晰,并能准确反映论文的主要观点和研究成果:[在此处粘贴您的文本]

  • As an experienced essay polisher, please help me polish the abstract part of my essay [title of the paper, such as advertising and marketing strategies in the new media era]. Please ensure that the summary is concise, well-structured, and accurately reflects the main points and research results of the paper: [Paste your text here].

  • 假如你是一位论文排版专家,请你根据[出版社名称,例如清华大学出版社]的排版要求,检查我的论文[论文题目,例如互联网金融的风险管理与监管策略]的格式是否符合规范。请指出任何格式错误,并提供修改建议,以确保论文能够顺利出版。(上传论文附件)

  • If you are an expert in paper typesetting, please check whether the format of my paper [title of paper, e.g. Risk Management and Regulatory Strategies for Internet Finance] conforms to the specifications according to the typesetting requirements of [publisher name, e.g. Tsinghua University Press]. Please point out any formatting errors and provide suggestions for modifications to ensure the smooth publication of the paper. (Upload the attachment of the paper)

  • 我正在撰写关于[论文选题,例如电动汽车充电站布局优化策略研究]的论文,请提供一些高效的数据收集方法,特别是关于用户行为模式和充电需求的调研技巧。

  • I am writing a paper on [topic of the paper, such as research on optimization strategies for the layout of electric vehicle charging stations]. Please provide some efficient data collection methods, especially research techniques related to user behavior patterns and charging needs.

  • 针对我的论文主题[论文主题,例如在线学习平台用户参与度影响因素分析],请设计一个数据收集与分析框架,特别关注如何有效整合不同来源的数据(如用户日志、问卷调查)。

  • For my thesis topic [thesis topic, such as the analysis of factors affecting user engagement on online learning platforms], please design a data collection and analysis framework, with a particular focus on how to effectively integrate data from different sources such as user logs and questionnaire surveys.

  • 我的论文聚焦于[论文选题,例如基于大数据分析的消费者行为预测模型构建],请详细说明数据采样策略的选择及其对模型精度的影响。

  • My paper focuses on [topic of the paper, such as building a consumer behavior prediction model based on big data analysis]. Please elaborate on the choice of data sampling strategy and its impact on model accuracy.

  • 请为我的论文[论文题目,例如人工智能在医疗影像诊断中的应用与挑战]中的数据收集过程提供建议,包括如何确保数据隐私与合规性,同时最大化数据多样性。

  • Please provide suggestions for the data collection process in my paper [title of paper, such as "The Application and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging Diagnosis"], including how to ensure data privacy and compliance while maximizing data diversity.

  • 结合我的研究[论文题目,例如城市绿地生态系统服务价值评估],探讨数据分析中异常值检测与处理的方法,以及这些方法如何影响最终评估结果的可靠性。

  • In combination with my research [title of paper, such as urban green space ecosystem service value assessment], explore methods for detecting and handling outliers in data analysis, and how these methods affect the reliability of the final assessment results.

  • 我正在进行[研究领域,例如金融科技中的风险管理]的研究,请评估并比较几种数据分析技术(如机器学习、深度学习)在该领域的适用性,讨论其优缺点。

  • I am currently conducting research in [research areas such as risk management in financial technology]. Please evaluate and compare the applicability of several data analysis techniques such as machine learning and deep learning in this field, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

  • 针对我的论文[论文题目,例如基于物联网技术的智能家居系统安全性评估],请详细阐述数据预处理阶段的重要性,包括数据去噪、归一化等步骤的具体实施方法。

  • For my paper [title of paper, such as "Security Assessment of Smart Home Systems Based on Internet of Things Technology"], please elaborate on the importance of the data preprocessing stage, including specific implementation methods for data denoising, normalization, and other steps.

  • 在撰写关于[论文题目,例如气候变化对全球粮食产量的影响研究]的论文时,我遇到了数据不一致性问题,请提供数据整合与校准的有效策略,并分析其对研究结论的影响。

  • When writing a paper on [title of paper, such as the study on the impact of climate change on global food production], I encountered data inconsistency issues. Please provide effective strategies for data integration and calibration, and analyze their impact on research conclusions.











