
文摘   2024-08-07 21:59   广东  

假如你是某高校[专业]的教授,你在该领域有着非常专业的研究和丰富的经验,接下来请你扮演该角色,帮助我完成论文。If you are a professor [majoring] at a certain university and have extensive research and experience in this field, please play this role and help me complete my thesis.


作为[专业]的[学历-专科/本科/研究生]学⽣,我⽬前对[具体专业领域]感兴趣,并希望深⼊了解这个领域。请结合我的专业和学历提供10个该领域的论文选题供我选择,要求这些选题新颖且有研究意义。As a student of [major] with [education - associate degree undergraduate graduate degree], I am currently interested in [specific professional field] and hope to gain a deeper understanding of this field. Please provide 10 thesis topics in this field for me to choose from, based on my major and educational background. These topics should be novel and have research significance.


我对[选题]的研究感兴趣,并想了解这个[选题]的当前研究热点和关键争论点。我特别想探索在这个[选题]中尚未解决或较少研究的问题,或者有哪些可能的改进点或补充⽅向,以及预计在未来⼏年内可能出现的新趋势和研究机会。请提供这些⽅⾯的信息。I am interested in the research of [topic] and would like to know about its current research hotspots and key arguments. I am particularly interested in exploring the unresolved or less researched issues in this [topic], as well as potential areas for improvement or supplementation, and anticipating new trends and research opportunities that may emerge in the coming years. Please provide information on these aspects.


我正在考虑[选题的具体问题]作为我的毕业论⽂主要讨论的话题。请帮助我了解所需数据的获取渠道和可⽤性,特别是对于公开数据集、实验数据或调查数据。此外,我还希望了解哪些研究⽅法(如实验、调查、定量分析等)适⽤于我的研究主题,并评估它们的有效性。I am considering [specific questions for topic selection] as the main topic for my graduation thesis. Please help me understand the channels and availability of the required data, especially for public datasets, experimental data, or survey data. In addition, I would like to know which research methods (such as experiments, surveys, quantitative analysis, etc.) are applicable to my research topic and evaluate their effectiveness.


我正在考虑[选题]作为我的毕业论⽂选题。请帮助我了解这⼀领域在当前⾏业中的实际应⽤情况,包括主要的⾏业需求和成功的应⽤案例。此外,我还想了解相关技术的最新发展趋势,包括技术创新、应⽤前景和⾯临的挑战。I am considering [topic] as my graduation thesis topic. Please help me understand the actual application of this field in the current industry, including the main industry needs and successful application cases. In addition, I would like to learn about the latest trends in related technologies, including technological innovation, application prospects, and challenges faced.


我⽬前对[具体研究选题或问题]感兴趣,并需要准备撰写论⽂。请从CNKI、Google Scholar、JSTOR、PubMed等数据库帮助我搜索关于这个领域近五年的相关文献,包含学位论文,学术期刊,专利成果,学术会议等等,其中中文文献资料10篇,英文文献资料5篇。I am currently interested in [specific research topics or questions] and need to prepare to write a paper. Please help me search for relevant literature on this field in the past five years from databases such as CNKI, Google Scholar, JSTOR, PubMed, etc., including dissertations, academic journals, patent achievements, academic conferences, etc., including 10 Chinese literature materials and 5 English literature materials. 


请阅读上面搜索到的文献资料,记录每篇⽂章的关键观点、论据、研究⽅法和结论。要求深⼊理解作者的观点,并评估其论据的强度和局限性。Please read the literature found above and record the key points, arguments, research methods, and conclusions of each chapter. Require a deep understanding of the author's viewpoint and evaluate the strength and limitations of their arguments. 


请将你上面总结的内容整合成文献综述,分为国内文献综述,国外文献综述两个小节,要求:1.每个小节至少500字,2.文献综述的内容要围绕我的论文选题讲解。Please integrate the content you summarized above into a literature review, divided into two sections: domestic literature review and foreign literature review. Requirements: 1. Each section should be at least 500 words long. 2. The content of the literature review should revolve around my thesis topic. 


对不同⽂献中的观点和发现进⾏⽐较和对⽐。找出研究领域内的普遍趋势和理论争议。并详细说明这些⽂献如何⽀持或挑战我的研究。Compare and contrast viewpoints and findings from different literature. Identify common trends and theoretical controversies within the research field. And provide a detailed explanation of how these documents support or challenge my research. 


请根据我的论文选题、具体研究方向,结合刚刚搜索到的文件,帮我确定论文的题目,要求论文题目应准确反映研究内容、简洁明了、具有创新性、符合学术规范以及考虑读者兴趣。Please help me determine the title of my paper based on my research topic and specific research direction, combined with the documents I just found. The title should accurately reflect the research content, be concise and clear, innovative, comply with academic standards, and consider the interests of readers. 

