
文摘   2024-11-20 22:53   湖北  


  • 假如你是一名[专业领域,例如经济学]的资深教授,这是我撰写的硕士毕业论文终稿,请着重审阅论文中的理论模型构建部分,特别是假设条件的合理性及模型推导过程,并用表格形式指出可能存在的逻辑漏洞或改进建议。

  • If you are a senior professor in [professional field, such as economics], this is the final draft of my master's thesis. Please focus on reviewing the theoretical model construction section of the paper, especially the rationality of the assumptions and the model derivation process, and use a table to point out possible logical loopholes or suggestions for improvement.

  • 假如你是一名专注于[研究领域,例如神经科学]的学术期刊[期刊名称,例如Nature]的编辑,我非常重视论文中的实验设计细节,这是我提交的论文草稿,请帮我详细检查实验方法部分的描述是否符合本期刊的要求,并以表格形式列出不符合项及修正方案。

  • If you are an editor of an academic journal [journal name, such as Nature] focused on [research field, such as neuroscience], I attach great importance to the details of experimental design in papers. This is a draft of my submitted paper. Please help me check whether the description of the experimental method section meets the requirements of this journal in detail, and list the non-compliances and correction plans in a table format.

  • (上传论文附件)请针对我论文[论文题目,例如跨文化视角下的企业营销策略研究]中涉及的文化差异分析部分,用表格列出所有文化术语的使用情况,指出哪些术语使用不当或可能引起误解,并提供更准确的替代词汇。

  • (Upload the attachment of the paper) Please analyze the cultural differences involved in my paper [title of the paper, such as Research on Corporate Marketing Strategies from a Cross-Cultural Perspective], list all the cultural terms used in the table, point out which terms are used incorrectly or may cause misunderstandings, and provide more accurate alternative terms.

  • 我正在撰写论文[论文题目,例如基于深度学习的自然图像超分辨率重建]的结论部分,请你协助我提炼核心观点,确保语言精炼且有力,同时保持学术严谨性:[粘贴论文段落]

  • I am writing the conclusion part of my thesis [title of the thesis, such as Natural Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Deep Learning], and I would like your help in refining the core ideas and ensuring that the language is concise and powerful, while maintaining academic rigor: [paste the thesis paragraphs]

  • 请优化我的论文[论文题目,例如城市智能交通系统的设计与实现]中这一段落,通过增加转折词和因果关系词来提升段落的逻辑流畅性:[粘贴论文段落]

  • Please optimize this paragraph in my paper [title of paper, such as Design and Implementation of Urban Intelligent Transportation System] by adding transition words and causal relationship words to improve the logical fluency of the paragraph: [paste the paragraph of the paper]

  • (上传论文附件)请以表格形式列出论文[论文题目,例如绿色建筑材料的环境影响评价]中所有使用绝对化表述的地方,并提供更为客观、中性的表述建议。

  • (Upload the attachment of the paper) Please list all the absolute expressions used in the paper [title of the paper, such as environmental impact assessment of green building materials] in a table format, and provide suggestions for more objective and neutral expressions.

  • (上传论文附件)请检查论文[论文题目,例如大数据驱动下的消费者行为预测模型构建]中是否存在模糊不清或含糊其辞的表述,用表格形式列出这些表述并提供清晰化、具体化的改写建议。

  • (Upload the attachment of the paper) Please check whether there are any ambiguous or vague expressions in the paper [title of the paper, such as "Building a Prediction Model for Consumer Behavior Driven by Big Data"], list these expressions in a table format, and provide clear and specific rewriting suggestions.

  • 请审阅以下论文[论文题目,例如古代文学中的女性形象演变研究]段落,检查是否存在过度引用或引用不当的情况,确保引用内容直接相关且恰当,去除不必要的引用,使论述更加紧凑:[粘贴论文段落]

  • Please review the following paragraphs of the paper [title of the paper, such as the study on the evolution of female images in ancient literature] to check for excessive or inappropriate citations, ensure that the cited content is directly relevant and appropriate, remove unnecessary citations, and make the argument more compact: [paste the paragraphs of the paper]

  • 我正在撰写一篇关于[论文题目,例如人工智能在医疗诊断中的伦理挑战与应对策略]的论文,请结合最新的理论,深入探讨可能存在的问题及其解决方案。

  • I am writing a paper on [title of paper, such as ethical challenges and coping strategies of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis]. Please combine the latest theories and explore the possible problems and solutions in depth.

  • 作为研究生,我正在准备一篇关于[论文选题,例如城市智能交通系统的发展与优化策略研究]的论文,请你分析国内外的成功案例,提出适用于我国国情的优化建议。

  • As a graduate student, I am preparing a paper on [topic of the paper, such as the development and optimization strategy research of urban intelligent transportation systems]. Please analyze successful cases from both domestic and international sources and propose optimization suggestions that are suitable for China's national conditions.

  • 假设你是一位在[研究领域,例如量子计算]领域具有深厚造诣的学者,请从跨学科的角度出发,探讨量子计算与经典计算理论的融合与冲突。

  • Assuming that you are a scholar with profound knowledge in the field of [research area, such as quantum computing], please explore the integration and conflict between quantum computing and classical computing theory from an interdisciplinary perspective.

  • 我正在撰写一篇论文,主题是[论文题目,例如跨文化营销策略在全球市场中的应用与效果分析],请你深入分析不同文化背景下消费者行为差异,以及这些差异如何影响营销策略的制定与实施。

  • I am writing a paper on the topic of [paper title, such as the application and effectiveness analysis of cross-cultural marketing strategies in the global market]. Please conduct an in-depth analysis of consumer behavior differences under different cultural backgrounds, and how these differences affect the formulation and implementation of marketing strategies.

  • 我正在撰写一篇旨在投稿至核心期刊的论文[论文题目,例如新型绿色建筑材料在可持续建筑中的应用与前景],请你结合当前环保趋势,评估该材料的环保性能及市场潜力。

  • I am writing a paper aimed at submission to a core journal [title of paper, such as the application and prospects of new green building materials in sustainable construction]. Please evaluate the environmental performance and market potential of this material in light of current environmental trends.

  • 针对我的硕士论文[论文标题,例如基于深度学习的图像识别技术在自动驾驶中的应用],请你对深度学习算法进行深度剖析,探讨其在自动驾驶领域的适用性和局限性。

  • For my master's thesis [title of thesis, such as "Application of Deep Learning-based Image Recognition Technology in Autonomous Driving"], please conduct a deep analysis of deep learning algorithms and explore their applicability and limitations in the field of autonomous driving.

  • 我的论文关注的是[研究对象,例如电动汽车充电站的布局优化与运营策略研究],请你通过实证研究方法,分析充电站布局对电动汽车用户行为的影响。

  • My paper focuses on [research object, such as the layout optimization and operation strategy research of electric vehicle charging stations]. Please analyze the impact of charging station layout on the behavior of electric vehicle users through empirical research methods.

  • 我正在为我的博士论文[论文题目,例如气候变化对全球农业生产的影响及适应策略]构建理论框架,请你综合多学科知识,提出一个全面且具有前瞻性的理论模型。

  • I am constructing a theoretical framework for my doctoral dissertation [title of the dissertation, such as the impact of climate change on global agricultural production and adaptation strategies]. Please integrate multidisciplinary knowledge and propose a comprehensive and forward-looking theoretical model.











