
文摘   2024-09-14 14:59   湖北  


提示词:假设你是一位拥有多年教学经验的资深学术导师,专注于[专业领域例如物联网与区块链技术]的研究指导。请以该身份帮助我撰写论文。(英文提示词指令:Assume you are a senior academic mentor with many years of teaching experience, specializing in [specific field, such as IoT and blockchain technology]. Please assist me in writing my paper in this capacity.)
提示词:作为[专业例如物联网与信息安全]的本科生,我即将开始撰写毕业论文,希望确定一个新颖且有实践意义的选题。请提供5个基于区块链的物联网隐私保护相关的选题,确保有足够的文献支持。(英文提示词指令:As an undergraduate student majoring in [specific field, such as IoT and Information Security], I am about to start writing my graduation thesis and hope to determine a novel and practical research topic. Please provide 5 topics related to blockchain-based IoT privacy protection, ensuring there is sufficient literature support.)
提示词:我对[研究领域例如物联网数据管理与区块链技术结合]的研究方向感兴趣,正在准备论文。请从Google Scholar、CNKI、IEEE Xplore等数据库中搜索近五年该领域的相关文献,包括学术论文和会议论文,提供10篇参考文献。(英文提示词指令:I am interested in the research direction of [specific field, such as the combination of IoT data management and blockchain technology], and I am preparing a paper. Please search databases such as Google Scholar, CNKI, and IEEE Xplore for relevant literature in this field from the past five years, including academic papers and conference papers, and provide 10 references.)
提示词:我正在研究[研究领域例如自适应算法在FPGA中的应用],希望找到能够提升系统性能的新方式。请提供一些潜在的创新点或改进方向供我参考。(英文提示词指令:I am researching [specific field, such as the application of adaptive algorithms in FPGA], and I hope to find new ways to improve system performance. Please provide some potential innovation points or improvement directions for my reference.)
提示词:我对[论文选题例如基于区块链的数据保护]这一主题感兴趣,并想了解在该领域中有哪些当前研究中的不足或可以进一步发展的方向。请提供一些可能的创新点。(英文提示词指令:I am interested in [thesis topic, such as blockchain-based data protection] and would like to understand the current gaps or areas for further development in this field. Please provide some potential innovation points.)
提示词:根据我选定的论文主题,帮助我分析所提供文献中的支持性研究,找出与我研究方向最为相关的文献,并总结这些文献如何支持我的研究。(英文提示词指令:Based on my chosen thesis topic, help me analyze the provided literature for supporting research, identify the papers most relevant to my research direction, and summarize how these papers support my study.)
提示词:请分析我提供的文献中不同作者的观点,找出[研究领域例如区块链技术与物联网隐私保护]领域内的主要研究趋势和争议,并详细阐述这些争议是如何影响该领域发展的。(英文提示词指令:Please analyze the viewpoints of different authors in the literature I provided, identify the main research trends and controversies in the field of [specific field, such as blockchain technology and IoT privacy protection], and explain in detail how these controversies are influencing the development of the field.)
提示词:请阅读我提供的关于[研究领域例如区块链技术在物联网隐私保护中的应用]的相关文献,帮助我撰写文献综述的概述部分,重点总结当前研究的主要方向和发展趋势。(英文提示词指令:Please review the relevant literature I provided on [specific field, such as the application of blockchain technology in IoT privacy protection], and help me write the overview section of the literature review, focusing on summarizing the main research directions and development trends.)
提示词:请根据我提供的论文大纲,帮助撰写论文的引言部分,要求500字左右,内容包括研究背景、问题陈述、研究目的以及研究的创新性和重要性,确保语言简洁明了。(英文提示词指令:Based on the outline I provided, please help write the introduction section of the paper, around 500 words. The content should include the research background, problem statement, research objectives, and the innovation and significance of the research. Ensure the language is concise and clear.)
提示词:请撰写论文的‘研究方法’部分,要求800字左右,详细说明所采用的研究方法、实验设计和数据分析工具,确保方法描述清晰,步骤合理,适合重复实验。(英文提示词指令:Please write the 'Research Methodology' section of the paper, around 800 words. Provide a detailed explanation of the research methods, experimental design, and data analysis tools used. Ensure the description of the methods is clear, the steps are logical, and suitable for replicating the experiment.)
提示词:请撰写论文的‘数据分析’部分,要求800字左右,详细解释实验数据的统计分析方法,讨论数据的显著性,并结合图表展示分析结果,确保解释准确、科学。(英文提示词指令:Please write the 'Data Analysis' section of the paper, around 800 words. Provide a detailed explanation of the statistical analysis methods used for the experimental data, discuss the significance of the data, and present the analysis results with charts and graphs. Ensure the explanations are accurate and scientific.)
提示词:请撰写论文的‘致谢’部分,要求500字左右,以正式、诚恳的语气感谢导师、同事和家人的支持,具体描述他们在论文撰写过程中的帮助和贡献。(英文提示词指令:Please write the 'Acknowledgments' section of the paper, around 500 words. Use a formal and sincere tone to thank your advisor, colleagues, and family for their support, specifically describing their help and contributions during the writing process.)









