詹姆斯库克大学Adrian Kuah教授受邀出席青岛国际论坛,引领循环经济新标准!

文摘   2025-01-09 17:31   新加坡  

Please scroll down to the bottom for the English transcript of James Cook University Professor spoke on International Standards Development and Communications at Qingdao, China

近日,国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization, ISO)在中国青岛举办了“循环经济:行动呼吁,传播、推广与实施ISO 59000标准”为主题的论坛,吸引了来自斐济、菲律宾、越南、老挝、缅甸、尼泊尔及中国的40多位国家标准机构代表、贸易官员和商业协会成员参加,同探讨如何通过国际标准促进循环经济的发展与合作。

詹姆斯库克大学(新加坡校区)战略与可持续发展Adrian Kuah教授作为国际标准制定领域的专家受邀出席,并发表重要演讲。



本次活动由ISO、中国国家标准化管理委员会(SAC)和青岛市政府联合主办,旨在通过ISO 59000系列标准的推广,为全球循环经济的发展提供指引,并搭建国际化合作平台。此次论坛是ISO在亚太地区推动循环经济标准化的标志性活动之一,聚焦新兴经济体如何通过国际标准提升产业能力。

Adrian Kuah教授分享了他受邀出席此次国际论坛,并参与ISO 59000系列标准制定的深刻感受:






Adrian Kuah教授在论坛现场发言

Adrian Kuah教授在论坛上详细介绍了ISO和联合国开发计划署(UNDP)联合开发的可持续发展目标(SDGs)管理系统指南。他作为ISO项目委员会成员,参与开发了ISO/UNDP 53001可持续发展目标管理系统,提供系统优化的解决方案。此外,他还向与会者解读了ISO 59000系列循环经济标准的内容:

  • ISO 59004:定义循环经济的术语、原则和实施方法,为企业转型提供理论和实践指导;

  • ISO 59010:帮助企业和组织转型为循环经济模式,重新设计其业务模式和价值网络;

  • ISO 59014:为次级材料的回收提供可持续性和可追溯性的保障,推动循环经济的落地;

  • ISO 59020:提供一套标准化框架,帮助企业衡量和评估自身在循环经济中的表现。





Adrian Kuah教授在分享中指出:“ISO 59000和53000系列标准为循环经济和可持续发展提供了清晰的路线图。通过这些标准,企业和组织不仅能够实现长期发展,还能在全球竞争中获得显著优势。”

詹姆斯库克大学常务副校长Carole-Anne Upton教授也谈到:“《2030年可持续发展议程》表明,国际贸易在推动经济增长和减贫方面具有重要作用。国际标准的制定不仅消除了贸易壁垒,还为全球商业和经济发展注入了强劲动力。”



James Cook University Professor spoke on International Standards Development and Communications at Qingdao, China

The ‘Circular Economy: Call for action to communicate, market and implement ISO 59000 standards’ forum gathered representatives from national standards bodies, trade officials and business associations from across the region.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recently invited Professor Adrian Kuah, Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at James Cook University (JCU) in Singapore to participate in a forum titled ‘Circular Economy: Call for action to communicate, market and implement ISO 59000 standards’ in Qingdao, China. The forum brought together more than 40 representatives from national standards bodies (NSB), trade officials and business associations coming from Fiji, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and China.

Organised by ISO, the Standardization Administration of the P.R.C. (SAC), and the Qingdao Municipal Government, the event aimed to enhance collaboration on the ISO 59000 series of standards for the circular economy and to establish an international standardisation exchange and cooperation platform. This initiative is part of the ISO Action Plan for Developing Countries, which aims to enhance the capacity of developing nations, promote economic growth and improve access to world markets while advancing sustainable development.

Professor Kuah led the discussion of the ISO-United Nations Development Programme (ISO/UNDP) guidelines for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where he was recently appointed by Singapore Standards Council, Singapore’s NSB, in ISO Project Committee in creating ISO/UNDP 53001 Management Systems for UN SDGs, a new management system for SDGs.

This standard, being developed in collaboration with international experts, builds upon ISO/UNDP PAS 53002, which provides organisations with a unified approach to systematically manage and optimise their impact on sustainable development. Contributing to sustainable development through the ISO Action Plan for Developing Countries, Professor Kuah also informed representatives about the launch of the recent ISO 59000 Series on the circular economy which consists of four new standards:

  • ISO 59004 Circular economy: Vocabulary, principles and guidance for implementation defines what the circular economy is, including its vision and principles, and offers general guidance on how it can be implemented and contribute to sustainability.

  • ISO 59010 Circular economy: Guidance on the transition of business models and value networks provides guidance for organizations wishing to transition their value creation models and networks from a linear to a circular framework. It focuses on strategies to implement circular economy practices at both organisational and inter-organisational levels.

  • ISO 59014 Environmental management andcircular economy: Sustainability and traceability of the recovery of secondary materials – Principles, requirements and guidance provides principles, requirements and guidance for organisations in fostering the sustainability and traceability of activities and processes for the recovery of secondary materials to support the circular economy.

  • ISO 59020 Circular economy: Measuring and assessing circularity performance provides a structured framework for organisations to measure and assess their circularity performance and sustainability impacts. It standardises the process by which organisations collect data using circularity indicators, ensuring consistent and verifiable results.

“The ISO 59000 series is a roadmap to the future of sustainable development while the ISO 53000 series provides a unified approach to optimise the impact on sustainable development. Organisations can position themselves for long-term success, aligning with global sustainability goals to drive significant competitive advantages. It is a delight to share my research and expertise with the ISO in developing these standards,” says Professor Kuah.

‘The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is important. It defines international trade as an engine for inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction that contributes directly to sustainable development. Standards development provides a common language and measurement with the capacity to remove barriers to trade across countries, thereby fuelling business and economic growth,” says Professor Carole-Anne Upton, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of James Cook University’s Singapore campus.

“James Cook University’s expertise in the management systems of SDGs and circular economy is part of our impactful research in sustainable development,” she adds.

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Professor Adrian Kuah: adrian.kuah@jcu.edu.au

Media: Ms Pinky Sibal pinky.sibal@jcu.edu.au / Ms Hoe Shu Rin shurin.hoe@jcu.edu.au




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