诺贝研究所-拜尔作物科学 | 高相对含水量和低渗透势抗旱高羊茅基因型筛选

文摘   科学   2024-07-23 08:00   甘肃  

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 高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) 又名苇状羊茅,隶属禾本科,是主要的冷季型牧草和草坪草,作为一种重要的冷季型草坪草和牧草,已经被广泛应用于生产和生活中。高羊茅在美国的种植面积超过1400万hm2,然而,夏季的极端高温天气导致干旱胁迫,极大地影响了高羊茅的草坪质量和应用价值。

 植物功能性状主要包括生理和表型性状,在适应逆境胁迫中呈现出较高遗传多样性。植物丰富的功能性状多样性为培育极端抗逆新品系提供了材料基础。美国诺贝研究所Malay C. Saha课题组在温室通过检测相对含水量(RWC)和细胞渗透势(OP)两个性状,用30% PEG8000对50个基因型的1000株高羊茅进行温室抗干旱筛选。结果表明,不同基因材料间RWC变异度为33.7% ~ 97.3%,OP为−0.5 ~−2.4 MPa。除温室试验外,RWC和OP之间不存在相关性,表明RWC的差异可能是渗透调节以外的其他因素造成的。对根冠比进行检测发现高根冠比的基因型表现为高RWC和低OP。NFTD348和NFTD400两个基因型根冠比高,可以作为高抗干旱的高羊茅种质材料。与之对应,NFTD279 和NFTD947为干旱敏感型材料。


Figure 1: The screening scheme for selecting tall fescue genotypes with contrasting characteristics for relative water content and cell sap osmotic potential and use those for the development of linkage mapping populations.

Figure 2: (a) Screening of tall fescue genotypes under well‐watered and drought conditions in the greenhouse environment. (b) Studying root and shoot characteristics of tall fescue genotypes in 91 cm long PVC columns. (c) Tolerant genotype NFTD348 has the highest root biomass but the other tolerant genotype NFTD400 has the longest roots. PVC, polyvinyl chloride.

Table 1: Genotypes with their dispersion from the mean in LSD units (0.05) grown under greenhouse conditions.

Table 2: Pearson correlation coefficients for RWC and cell sap OP of 50 tall fescue genotypes.

Table 3: Spearman rank correlations of RWC and OP from GH and field experiments.

Table 4: RWC and cell sap OP of selected 10 genotypes grown in the field (Iowa Park, TX), greenhouse, and after treatment with PEG8000.

Table 5: Root length, root and shoot dry weight, and root/shoot ratio of a subset of genotypes grown under water stress conditions in the greenhouse.

Table 6: Nonparametric ranking of five out of the “Best 25” genotypes and five out of the “Worst 25” genotypes based on RWC and cell sap OP, and percent of time genotype was above the LS mean for both traits.


胡涛    兰州大学草地农业科技学院    教授






内容来源:Grassland Research(草地研究)第1卷第2期(投稿:2022-06-03;接收:2022-06-06;刊发:2022-07-01)

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1002/glr2.12021

引用格式:Kirigwi, F. M., & Saha, M. C. (2022). Screening of tall fescue genotypes for relative water content and osmotic potential under drought stress. Grassland Research, 1(2), 84-93. https://doi.org/10.1002/glr2.12021



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